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Bioware lines up the next video flop

This is Corrine, the games director.



Oh yeah baby. Chuds, we're gonna be eating with this one. Thought we'd have to wait until November for ubisoft's game to see a studio burn to the ground, but bioware has got us covered in the meantime.



Journ*lists fricking love it, baby! Bioware finally hits it out of the park!


We are absolutely NOT getting a thick mommy protagonist this go around. Corrine, did you have anything to do with this? Audience subverted, male gaze averted.


Whoops, that one slipped through the cracks. Corrine will get that tidied up before release though.



They absolutely dogpile this man:


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Honestly impressed :marseymesmerized: with how badly the fricking fricked this up

@kaamrev why can't we have nice things

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I might have expected this a few years ago when we were at peak :marseytrain:. Like when they made the Saint's Row reboot about gay kids who don't transgress any societal norms ever. But to do this in 2024 is insane. The whole ecosystem of leftoid AAA game developers and game journos who fellate them are on the deck of the Titanic trying to figure out the best mechanics for visualizing top surgery before they sink into the Atlantic.

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Be ready for more. The games coming out today have been in the pipeline for awhile.

The game industry got super insane and virtue signally during 2020 thanks to the Trust The Science! Covid Arc, Orange Man Bad Arc, and Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests Arc. Lots of these games were forming at this time and only now are getting released. Game studios bet that they were on the right side of history by adding CURRENT YEAR politics. Because they decided that g*mers were all MODERN AUDIENCES now.

I just hope this shit didn't affect GTA 6, but rockstar started making some insane choices in 2020, like shutting down the GTA Online servers for a bit to memorize Saint Floyd and also completely scrapping their planned update that included a Cops Vs Robbers game mode and the ability ti wear police outfits as well as buy police vehicles. (They've since drip fed some of this content out to players).

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shutting down the GTA Online :marseyidio3: servers for a bit to memorize Saint :marseybetauprising: Floyd

:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

I guess :marseyshrug: it never :marseyitsover: occurred to them that doing this is a game about being a criminal :marseyrobber: might send the wrong :marseyxdoubt: message.

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just hope this shit didn't affect GTA 6, but rockstar started making some insane choices in 2020, like shutting down the GTA Online servers for a bit to memorize Saint Floyd and also completely scrapping their planned update that included a Cops Vs Robbers game mode and the ability ti wear police outfits as well as buy police vehicles.

Hilarious to include that but not the far more politically/social justice pandering removal of "transphobic content" from GTA V remasters following "pressure from LGBTQ+ developers" years after the game had come out. The transphobic content in question? There were drag queen NPCs spawning and saying heinous shit like this:

Trans woman: "I don't think the laser treatment is working!

Trans woman: "They won't let me on the ladies' basketball league at the rec center. This is crazy! I think I'm going to sue or something." :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Trans woman (on the phone): "I Just wish he'd let me untuck more… I dunno if I wanna lose it forever, and he needs to understand that!"

The second I saw the article (https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/04/transphobic-content-and-jokes-removed-from-latest-gta-v-remasters/) two years ago that Rockstar bent over, I knew GTA 6 was completely and utterly cooked. Any jokes in that game that punch down on anyone remotely queer/:marseytrain:-adjacent/not a privileged man will simply not exist. !g*mers lament that you will find more inappropriate content at a HR department's water cooler than in GTA 6

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Ive seen some of the leaks, its satire wont be the edgy punching down shit and instead be punching up… at redneck and other florida poors who believe in wrongthink

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I don't think anything will top fortnight having some african american studies expert lecturing literally the entire world on an in game big screen. That's when you could tell """they""" were fricking with everyone

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I am huffing a ton of :marseyhope: but I feel somewhat good about GTA VI

Don't get me wrong I am sure there will be some shitlibbery scattered throughout the world, some BLM murals, some DeChudtis seethe (tbh criticizing politicians isn't something GTA shied away from so whatever), but the vibes around culture and these creative industries seem to be shifting in the last 12-18 months.

The prog devs have been failing. The cringy, detached, irony drenched millennial shit is also waning, think Saints Row or Forspoken, or just about any Marvelshit really. People seem to have, to a degree, stopped giving a frick after the pandemic, and as we all obviously know all the progressive shit is mostly something regular people put up with, and I think they're at least a little tired of that.

So while I'm not expecting a :chudjakdancing: paradise: The Game, I hope it at least avoids most of the annoying pitfalls of the last decade - no cringy writing, no blatant agenda pushing, characters that feel like real people not irony drenched TV show weirdos, and fun gameplay, not something r-slurred that's trying to "make you feel" like Sony or the fricking latest Hellblade.

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Read it and weep. If they are post-humously removing shit in a game 8 years after it came out, then GTA 6 is dead on arrival. Just remember that the GTA 5 dev were hired before 2013 and the majority of GTA 6 devs won't be veterans but young kids hired in >2017. The cultural gap between the two cohorts is massive.

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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I think enough of the chief architects stuck around long enough in development that we will get a solid game, but I think you'll see the cracks start to form on this one.


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Wasn't Saint's Row just last year?

I think we're going to keep getting these incredibly cringe woke efforts as all the things that went into production from the last few years keep coming out. They went big on idpol because they thought their old audience would buy anything so they might as well appeal to the 'huge, untapped' audience that keeps complaining online that they'd totally play this game, but ...

They're going to keep finding out that their audience will only tolerate DEI if the game is good despite it, and caring more about what a bunch of genderspecials and games journ*lists think is to appeal to a non-paying, non-influential, miniscule number of people. And as consumer faith drops and both wokeness and nickel-and-diming intensifies, it's easier for the customers to just not engage with their bullshit.

Maybe they'll learn to stop hiring people who hate their customers. But we've got a bunch more flops on the way until they course-correct.

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I knew these f-slurs and I can tell you it was never about the customers. It would never occur to them to give a shit about what the customer wants.


These are extremely white humanities graduates who think their job is preaching.

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Exactly! They don't like the stuff their customers like, so they think they can just throw out any old slop and stuff it full of 'right side of history' presentism and their audience will still buy it, love it, and become better people. And if they don't, then it's because they're fascist bigots, not because they made unappealing product after unappealing product.

The Star Wars people are the same, and managed to squander decades of goodwill and an obsessive, lucrative fanbase over less than ten years and a saturated market. That they not only hire for politics over talent, but actively remove people who have the talent because they don't just want to use their platform for propaganda, leads to this current situation.

Any corporation should worry if they're appealing to the ResetEra market.

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It's a really weird mentality they have. They believe everyone is on their side and wants to buy their product but simultaneously everyone is persecuting them.

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Cognitive dissonance, a specialty of the house.

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This is exactly why we need DEI. Companies are stuffed with preachy, incompetent whites

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This but unironically. You got a workforce of 100, you hire 2 of my neighbors and the "watercooler talk" that corporate :marseyglobohomo: execs always talk about will actually :marseynerd3: teach your honkies to make a better :marseysaulgoodman: product. The game devs/journos who fricked everything up are extremely insulated :marseygreytide: from black/latinx/even asians. And even more extremely insulated :marseygreytide: from people who've ever done manual labor.

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Wont work cause they will just hire 'reddit blacks' (basically whites)

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I want more games that :!marseytrain:s will play

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There's already many an neurodivergent pleasuredome for :!marseytrain:s. Give them a Factorio or a spreadsheet simulator and you've got a bunch of them pacified for hours.

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I don't think there's a shortage of speedrunning games

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I still sing Hades praises to this day. That seems to be as :marseytrain: a game as you can get.


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Its bioware, they pioneered this shit. They've made it the company's entire identity.

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