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Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

You're free to leave the United States. Staying implies consent. (-5)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Listen here, bud! If you don't like giving half of your income to Israel, then you can get out of America any time. (20)

Listen here, bud! If you don't like giving up your daughter for s*x work, then you can get out of my street any time. (-6)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

If you want to earn your money in American dollars, then you are consenting to taxation.You can choose to leave and earn money in another country's currency, in which case you will consent to pay them taxes.Or you can choose to not earn any money, in which case you are opting out of taxation.Or you can choose to live your life through a barter system, only engaging in exchange through Craig's List swap ads, in which case you are also opting out of taxation. Taxes are simply the cost of using a stable form of currency for exchange. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Question. If Peasants were allowed to live and were provided shelter during the Middle Ages in exchange for labor. How much different is that from today when Homelessness is criminalized, and people are mostly only making enough to meet rent/bank payments and other bills that go with living as a human? Is Peasants refused work. They were kicked out of the shelter they had and were imprisoned or branded. The same thing happens today. The shape changed but the end result is the same. If you refuse work, you lose shelter. You then get "branded" with a bad credit score, and are sent to Prison "which is slavery". "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ((except as a punishment for a crime)), where the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"Things considered a crime......Sleeping or camping in public spacesEating in public spacesSitting in public spacesAsking for money or resources in public spacesLoiterin... (0)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Governments mandate comes from the electorate. Therefore consent has infact been given unless you dont agree with democracy (1)

I don't agree with democracy. Other people don't get to make decisions for me, and I don't get to make decisions for other people.Even if somehow people did have the authority to make decisions for me, the majority have certainly not given consent for the government to do what it has done. If for example you can vote for a politician who will kill a million people in a war, or a different politician who will only kill 100,000, and you vote for the guy who will kill 100,000, that does not mean you consent to what that politician is going to do. It just means you have chosen the lessor of two evils upon being forced into a bad situation (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Not to be a peepee but having s*x with a consenting drunk person can be r*pe, people willingly sold themselves into slavery, and price gouging in emergency situations is robbery. If you don't want to pay taxes don't perform activities or own property that are taxed. If you decide to do those things then you are consenting to being taxed. (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/RandJitsu

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 15

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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I like how you support the system that China said that Russia did wrong and that Albania said that China did wrong, and even though that the system you promote has "never been done correctly" in over 100 years, only a Nazi would say it was a bad idea.

!r-slurs !chuds !anticommunists !burgers


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keep your dunks to under 40 words in a sentence. Or at least make those sentences make sense

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You want me to summarize asians and communism since 1917 and have it make sense?

!anticommunists !burgers

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Let me try again: make your dunks make sense. Or at least keep them in short, easily digestible sentences.

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I forgot that rural farmers and inner city industrial workers hated their educated elite vanguard this much.

!anticommunists Marx was boojie af, cmv

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@ACA is our most coherent !ifrickinglovescience poster. You'll learn a lot with his posts if you pay attention to them

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wanna touch peepees but not in a gay way? I mean we can do it in a gay way if you wanted to, but like idk I'm shy and I didn't want to say it first


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Just say "no homo" and it's ok

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>bing bong we need give eachother thing

>dingy ding ling i kill bird to boil

>king bing chingy wing we die of hungry lingy ding ching ming

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lmao commies can't read

:#marseycomradecry: :#marseylaughpoundfist:

!anticommunists !burgers

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neighbor not everyone's a wingcuck like you

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(the skeleton is fricking randomly selected but just pretend it's the fricking one where the fricking skeleton is fricking pointing at you because I don't think any of the fricking other options really would make much sense here)

(also, have a fricking good weekend, love you babe)

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I'm going to r*pe you


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Tfw you need to deboonk commies in less characters than failed :marseychonkersuicide: commie :marseystalin: attempts :marseyitsover:

dude bussy lmao

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what lol

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1. be Karl Marx

2. posit a hypothesis

3. a group of heavily armed fanboys attempt to implement and replicate your hypothesis

4. millions die

5. other heavily armed fanboys tell the other heavily armed fanboys that they simply did it wrong

6. millions die

7. repeat

8. !ifrickinglovescience !anticommunists

Imagine saying that someone designed the perfect Ferrari engine yet they keep blowing up, but only because the builders are bad builders and didn't achieve the perfection of the designer.

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The only reason that Fascism failed is that they didn't do Fascism right.

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No no no, all those fricking :marseytom: horrible genocides in the 1970s-1980s had nothing to do with Russian :marseyazov: commies fighting :marseypunching: Chinese :marseysharksoup: commies. It was all Henry Kissinger who did it. This one guy who guy wasn't directly involved :marseynorm: in the decision making of any of this stuff, who never :marseyitsover: had an important job until way after this stuff started, he is personally responsible for all of it.

(I am very much not a fan of him but the way that tankies blame him for everything that the Russians, the Chinese, and their proxies did is quite telling.)

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Funny thing is fricking China are fricking big Kissinger fans.


Kissinger, who died Wednesday, developed a fricking special relationship with China in the fricking second half of his 100-year-long life. It started with a fricking secret trip in 1971, when he feigned illness while at a fricking meeting in Pakistan and flew undercover to Beijing for unprecedented talks that led to U.S. President Richard Nixon's groundbreaking visit the fricking next year.

For that act, he is fricking remembered positively in China as an envoy who was fricking willing to overlook ideological differences at the fricking height of the fricking Cold War and to engineer a fricking rapprochement that over time brought communist-ruled China fully back into the fricking family of nations. Many Chinese people mourned Kissinger's death on social media.

"This is fricking one of the fricking main reasons for him to be revered," Zhao Minghao, an international relations professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, said. "He helped Nixon open China's door and promoted a fricking thaw in China-U.S. relations."


An editorial in the fricking state-run Global Times newspaper called Kissinger's death "a tremendous loss for China-U.S. relations." It criticized the fricking current direction of U.S. policy toward China under the fricking headline: "May there be successors to Henry Kissinger in the fricking U.S."


!historychads 2023 was the fricking year we lost a fricking real one


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B-but he propped up one form of authoritarian government when Stalin was propping up a different type of authoritarian government and America bad!

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It's all Kissinger's fault because he was too soft on commies :marseypinochet: :marseymacarthur: :marseydemonicgrin:

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1. propose a hypothesis

2. test the hypothesis

3. define the parametere to reject or accept the hypothesis

4. reject or accept the hypothesis


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>What? I'm expected to care about anything other than myself and contribute to society with a fraction of my income? THIS IS WORSE THAN R*PE!!!!!


All libertarians are pathetic.

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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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>pay piggy

>doesn't wanna pay taxes


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>yeah i'm cool contributing to genocide because at least we are also funding schools that are completely ineffectual

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>yeah i'm cool funding schools that are completely ineffectual because at least we are also contributing to genocide


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yet others who don't contribute are still entitled to that fraction of my income, and get to vote on how much more they should be given

we are all pathetic on this blessed day :marseyembrace:

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Exactly. Taxation isn't theft, it's recompensation. Surplus Value is theft.

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i'm leaving a lot of surplus value in my pants.

its time to r*pe :marseyevil:

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Tax me harder daddy

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Ancaps when they get to live in their libertarian utopia and cant get to do their 3$/ a day wagie work because all the roads are private and using them would violate NAP

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There are 0 private roads in the US.

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:marseyxd: This isnt a serious comment right?

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Of course it is. Nobody drives on private roads in the US. Ever.

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and there are fricking certainly none in France

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What do you call a paved path for cars that exists entirely on private property with no public access?

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Can you conceive of a scenario where you wouldn't rule out the existence of such a path?

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But I did rule out such scenario yesterday :marseyconfused:

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Slave morality

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Keep licking the boot, maybe even one day they'll let you do it for free!

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What? I'm expected to care about anything other than myself and contribute to society with a fraction of my income? THIS IS WORSE THAN R*PE!!!!!


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i would love to contribute to my community, but not when my "community" is filled with druggies, fatties, degens, and bugmoids (โ‰ง~โ‰ฆ)

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You are BIPOC cattle. Actually, you are in fact worse than BIPOC cattle. BIPOC cattle have no concept of the system nor of what is even occurring while you have knowledge and the ability to state the drivel you believe in. You are rather a vermin that sticks and steal from the shadows who's undeserving of what meager crumbs they receive.

You contribute nothing, you do nothing, you should keep yourself safe NOW.

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As soon as you achieve consciousness in the country where you were born, the method by which the community has agreed to pay for roads, fire protection, and police are completely up to your opinion!


Let's ping people now

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I like the cut of your jib

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Representation effectively is consent. You've voted :marseyridin: for representatives who made tax laws, or been an idiot :marseysmoothbrain: who didn't vote, and thereby consented to said laws.

there should :marseynorm: be an elected council that arranges marriages. the marriages are consensual because everyone :marseynorm: gets to vote for it.

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We should vote on how to distribute this specific redditor's life savings. It's consensual because I voted to give it to me.

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So what if I didnt vote for the current government, am I being politically r*ped?

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Should have voted harder, clearly the metaphorical man wanted your metaphorical butt more than you wanted to metaphorically get away.

Admit that you metaphorically enjoyed it.

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Dumbass redditards keep accepting the premises of the whole lolbert consent argument cause they can't resist le epic logic dunks.

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>Choosing to be unarmed is consenting to be a victim


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If taxation is theft, then isn't rent also theft? Yet libertarians tend to see taxation as theft and rent as not theft. What's the difference though? Assuming that you don't live in an authoritarian shithole, you can avoid paying taxes to the country by giving up citizenship and leaving, just like you can avoid paying rent by moving out.

As far as I can tell, the only difference is that there is basically no place on the planet where the local authorities won't tax you. But if the same was true of rent, and there was literally no place a renter could go and live without paying rent or buying a house, which actually is pretty close to true, then would libertarians change their minds and say that rent is also theft? Like, at what point does "having no options other than to pay money to somebody" go from consensual economic exchange to theft, exactly?

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Like, at what point of "having no options other than to pay money to somebody" goes from consensual economic exchange to theft, exactly?

Technically there is no point where this occurs, this idea relies on the idea one party is entitled to the shelter owned by someone else. "Theft" implies something was taken, this is just not providing something that was never held by the other party in the first place.

I think lolberts are r-slurred but this kind of argument seems to be easy to refute using their logic.

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One could argue that by not giving up citizenship and leaving the country, a person consents to eventually pay a bill in exchange for the services that the government provides him with over the course of a given year. Thus when the government demands tax money, it is simply demanding to be paid for services that it has provided, with both parties' consent to the agreement.

I suppose the difficulty is that there is no explicit contract which spells out the services that the government will provide in exchange for the taxes. There really should be one, as long as there isn't one the libertarians do have a point.

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does this mean lolberts would be fine with taxes if the tax was purely levied on businesses, who then just only pay you half what they would have before? that way you never got the money then had some of it taken back (stolen), so there's no problem right?

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i just think that people who actually pay the taxes are the only ones who should get to vote. then its fair

welfare and property tax would end overnight :marseythinkorino:

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I like your "I don't want my children to die for Israel" attitude. I am a father myself.

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Elections are the consent of the governed.

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And yet, even if I don't participate I am governed. Curious.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Hey there chad, you seem too be against being governed! That's fantastic! Tell you what, go too the local gun store, get an AR and head for the local council!!

Do not forget, you are the main character!

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally But @ObamaBinLaden is totally you're ally.

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Implied consent. You didn't say no :marseyevilgrin:

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Implying whenever more people didn't vote than voted for the winner, we didn't consent and should have no government for the next 5 years.

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Elections are the consent of the winning coalition.

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Wikipedia is proof that even if history is written by the victors the ones putting it on paper are definitely losers.



You're free to leave the United States. Staying implies consent.:

Listen here, bud! If you don't like giving up your daughter for s*x work, then you can get out of my street any time.:

If you want to earn your money in American dollars, then you are consenting to taxation.You can choose to leave and earn money in another country's currency, in which case you will consent to pay them taxes.Or you can choose to not earn any money, in which case you are opting out of taxation.Or you can choose to live your life through a barter system, only engaging in exchange through Craig's List swap ads, in which case you are also opting out of taxation. Taxes are simply the cost of using a stable form of currency for exchange.:

Question. If Peasants were allowed to live and were provided shelter during the Middle Ages in exchange for labor. How much different is that from today when Homelessness is criminalized, and people are mostly only making enough to meet rent/bank payments and other bills that go with living as a human? Is Peasants refused work. They were kicked out of the shelter they had and were imprisoned or branded. The same thing happens today. The shape changed but the end result is the same. If you refuse work, you lose shelter. You then get "branded" with a bad credit score, and are sent to Prison "which is slavery". "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ((except as a punishment for a crime)), where the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"Things considered a crime......Sleeping or camping in public spacesEating in public spacesSitting in public spacesAsking for money or resources in public spacesLoiterin...:

I don't agree with democracy. Other people don't get to make decisions for me, and I don't get to make decisions for other people.Even if somehow people did have the authority to make decisions for me, the majority have certainly not given consent for the government to do what it has done. If for example you can vote for a politician who will kill a million people in a war, or a different politician who will only kill 100,000, and you vote for the guy who will kill 100,000, that does not mean you consent to what that politician is going to do. It just means you have chosen the lessor of two evils upon being forced into a bad situation:

Not to be a peepee but having s*x with a consenting drunk person can be r*pe, people willingly sold themselves into slavery, and price gouging in emergency situations is robbery. If you don't want to pay taxes don't perform activities or own property that are taxed. If you decide to do those things then you are consenting to being taxed.:



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>Okay. If no taxes, who builds roads, or public schools, or public transit.

Then let me itemize where :marseydrama: my tax dollars :marseymoney: go. I'll contribute to the things I use. I worked to pay for college. I didn't buy nice things or do fun stuff so I could pay for college. Not a cent of my tax dollars :marseymoney: should :marseynorm: go to some bum who went to a $60k/year art school :marseycarlos: on student :marseyklennyreading: loans to be a Starbucks :marseygirlboss: batista or some high school :marseydylan: dropout who decided to get nutted-in and sprout 4 spawns they could never :marseyitsover: afford to feed. And don't give me that, "Oh but those kids will contribute to your muh Social :marseyblm: Security" because I'm confident :marseysmug4: Social :marseyphoneglued: Security :marseyblart: will be long bankrupt before :marseyskellington: I get to retire and/or cost of living :marseyzombie2: will be so high the money :marseystocksupdown: won't last a week.

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But how specific do you want to get about choosing where your taxes go? Imagine if we asked every hillbilly and bumfrick whether we should create a space program, or wether we should research transistors. There could be like a 100,000 item list of shit you potentially never even heard of.

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The only way to do that is to abolish taxes and legalize bribery.

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They always say 'but you use road and shit too so taxes are fine!' and conveniently forget how much money the government wastes on useless shit.

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Gas every (p)Redditor. They're just not human

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Lolbertarians are dumb

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