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'You can only imagine the shock and disgust': Grieving mother was given birthing blanket with stillborn child's remains instead of cremated ashes, lawsuit says


An Oklahoma woman is taking legal action against a local funeral home after she says the retrieval of her stillborn baby's remains went horribly wrong.

Aurora Hartley said she was excited to become a mother, but that she was devastated when she went into preterm labor at 27 weeks in November of 2023. Hartley delivered a stillborn child, Hadley, and after the birth, turned Hadley's body over to the Medical Examiner's office in Oklahoma City so that an autopsy could be performed.

According to Hartley's lawyers, Hadley's body was then sent by the Medical Examiner's office to Alpha and Omega Mortuary to be cremated. Hartley then picked up what she thought were Hadley's cremated remains and hospital birthing blanket at Brown's Funeral Service in Coalgate, Oklahoma.

According to John Zelbst, Hartley's attorney, his client opened the birthing blanket and found the remains of the child, Oklahoma City CBS affiliate KWTV reported.

"You can only imagine the shock and disgust," the lawyer told local news.

Zelbst said the family returned to Brown's Funeral Service for more information only to find that they received an urn with an unknown person's ashes — not the remains of their child.

"We have an urn with ashes that no one knows who they belong to," Zelbst said. "It's not our clients' baby. So what family is missing their loved one?"

Zelbst said that the funeral home told Coalgate police that the ashes were not Hadley's remains, but that they were ashes of a cremated placenta.

"They give this excuse that it's the placenta, which is not a placenta. It has no characteristics of a cremation," said Zelbst, according to KWTV. "So that starts the cover-up."

Dan Markoff, another attorney representing Hartley, said he is waiting for the state board to step in and shut down one or both of the funeral service providers.

In April 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) investigated the operator of Alpha & Omega Mortuary Service and Crematory for violations of federal employment laws. The mortuary is operated by Stillwell Limited, Inc. The DOL said in a statement that Stillwell deprived its employees of overtime rate for time over 40 hours worked in a single week. The company also failed to keep proper records, as is required under federal law.

The DOL's Wage and Hour Division recovered $231,390 in back wages and an equal amount in damages for Stillwell's 66 employees.

"By denying their employees all of their hard-earned wages, Alpha and Omega Mortuary Service and Crematory violated the law and harmed the people on whom the company depends to work long hours to provide an important service to the community in return for low wages," said Wage and Hour Division District Director Michael Speer in Oklahoma City in a statement in April. "We are committed to protecting workers and providing clear and confidential compliance assistance to any employee or employer with questions."

Brown's Funeral Service did not respond to request for comment. Stillwell Limited, Inc. could not be reached for comment.

I really would like to know how this could even happen. Whose ashes have they had? :uhoh:

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Last I checked, Stalin actually created the Autonomous Jewish Oblast to serve as a Jewish homeland before Israel existed. The League of Militant Atheists was, like the KGB and Stalin, simply a puppet of the Jews who ran the Soviet Union. In what possible way am I denying genocide?

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Ahh yes, the Jewish oblast that was a frozen wasteland with nothing of worth in it :marseyclueless: So Jewish to remove jews from high level positions and send them to gulag during the anti-cosmopolitan campaign.

You're denying genocide by being unable to accept that atheists committed the worst crimes of the 20th century lol, even outside the abrahamosphere, in China and Cambodia.

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Why would an "anti-Semitic" government give Jews any section of the country? And it isn't any more of a frozen wasteland than the rest of Russia.

The atrocities carried out by the communists in Asia wouldn't have happened if Jews hadn't created communism to begin with.

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Yes? :marseyquestion: The Jewish Question was not pro-jewish, the jews especially orthodox would have preferred to stay as leeches in the western society, the point of the several proposed jewish solutions was to force them out of european society, just happened that Stalin and Hitler were the only to act on it until Britain starting the decolonization process.

>The atrocities carried out by the communists in Asia wouldn't have happened if Jews hadn't created communism to begin with.


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Except that nobody in the USSR was forcing Jews to go there. In fact, very few Jews ever moved to the Autonomous Jewish Oblast and zero were forcibly relocated there. It was created to give Jews a homeland that they could voluntarily move to (but hardly any actually did), and it was created by communist Jews and their puppet Stalin. :commienice:

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Yeah, that's right. Because they went to gulags instead lol, which isn't exactly better is it?

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Who went to gulags just for being Jewish?

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and of course the jews who lived in soviet occupied poland were also forcefully deported

Fundamentally, this all revolves around you saying "It wasn't real atheism :marseysoycrytremble: " Which is commie tier cope. By the same logic, Hitler wasn't christian considering his long fight against the traditions of the church instead seeking to establish a puppet loyal only to the party. I assume you're baiting though, given your history.

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Around 85% of them were either released or returned to duty after a few years in the gulags. This fact actually ruined a lot of American theories that were written before the Soviet Union dissolved. Famous Jewish KGB officers like Yevgeny Primakov went on to continue their rule in the Federation after they rebranded. Cossacks were openly doing pogroms of Jews for most of history until Stalin had the Cossacks all killed. One of the USSR's first laws was to criminalize anti-Semitism with the gulag or the death penalty being the punishment. Stalin was also literally the first leader in the world to recognize the Jewish State of Israel. The real power behind Stalin was Lazar Kaganovich.

As far as Kapler goes:

Kapler is also known as the first love of Joseph Stalin's then teenage daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva, who was more than 20 years his junior. According to Stalin's daughter, that was the reason for Kapler to be sentenced in 1943 to five years in exile on charges of anti-Soviet agitation.

And no, I am not baiting.

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Are you anti or pro israel. You never :marseyitsover: said.

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