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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Defense of Clarence Thomas in Roe v Wade


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What the frick is this argumentMinority communities are specifically targeted by pro-choice campaigns because fetal tissue + organs are ridiculously valuable to pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. It's no exaggeration to say that the minority underclass of the United States is being liquidated to prop up US oligarchs. Did you forget that fetuses have rights too?1) Men can't become pregnant, so they can't decide to have an elective abortion. Whatever right to abortion that purportedly exists doesn't apply to them for that reason. Full stop.2) Negative rights are actions that demand non-interference from others in order to function. Abortion, as an action, requires at least two participants. That's why it categorically cannot be classified as a negative right. (1)

An accurate one. Slavery is clearly a violation of bodily autonomy, and we fought a civil war over states who wished to violate that right for a portion of their citizens. I then followed up with an example of a state that is CURRENTLY violating the rights of its citizens by punishing them for actions taken outside of the state. Actions that they are forced to take because of the state's violation of their bodily autonomy.You're missing the forest for the trees here, and it has a whiff a racism as well, but I'm just going to assume that you either haven't fully examined root causes on this topic, or that are just blindly repeating a talking point that you heard but haven't fully thought out.First, the prevalence of clinics in minority communities is primarily due to demand. Minority communities tend to have lower incomes and lower levels of education, both of which are indicators of an increase in unprotected sexual activity. More pregnancies in an area inherently mean more unwanted... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

To answer your questions: YESConservatives would simply never even think to regulate the freedom of men to be sovereign over their own bodies like this. Their base wouldn't have it.Their resistance to gun control is a good parallel. Guns are the number one cause of death of minors, yet Conservatives refuse to act. Curious how that concern with the life of children ends the moment protecting them no longer involves controlling women.There is zero room to call such hypocrisy "pro life" IMO. (1)

See this is the cartoonish vision of those that dont vote like you do that leads to issues. If someone could own a license to kill a child with a gun do you really think "conservative" voters would ignore that because it involves guns and not women?ย That's the equivalent here, the issue isn't on banning incisors or bio vacuums which are cowtools with more uses thank abortions, but on the license to kill that those with facilities for abortion have.ย So this is not a parallel, there still seems far more complicated factors than a arbitrary targeting of women.ย Killing kids with guns is already illegal.ย Again this seems so obvious to me that this is a whataboutism. There are big differences in the subjects even if on some very surface level you see "dead child" as a connection point.ย I mean I don't doubt that people truly are exist in this world and have a thrill of enacting power on those not like them. But your imagining of this nuanced and deep argument as a 95% malice is just going to ... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Roe was problematic for several reasons.The first was that it prohibited states from deciding the issue of abortion. Anti-abortion states were forced to accept abortion regardless of the will of the electorate. The second was that it invented a negative right out of whole cloth by asserting that women (and only specifically women) have an inalienable right to abortion based on medical privacy.Ignoring for the moment that all rights are universal and inalienable, SCOTUS asserted that a positive right was essentially a negative right, and that no state could interfere for that reason. (1)

History has shown that there are certain topics to which states can not be trusted to decide for themselves. Slavery, for instance, is an apt comparison because slavery is another violation of bodily autonomy. States are already overreaching in the wake of the Dobbs decision. Texas is trying to violate interstate travel laws by prohibiting people from seeking abortions in other states, all in the name "protecting the sanctity of life." Heck, they even offered bounties for turning in people who even ASSIST in getting someone to another state for an abortion.A couple of points here. First, women wouldn't be the only ones to have a right to an abortion. They would simply be the only ones to exercise that particular right. Second, abortion access isn't exactly one-sided when trying to determine the type of right it is (positive vs. negative). It is a negative right in the sense that the government wouldn't be able to pass laws prohibiting access, and it is a positive right in the sense ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/OfTheAtom

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  • HailVictory1776 : It is a child not a choice therefore murdering the child violates their 1st and 4

The right to abortion should be decided on the 4th Ammendment, not the 14th.

The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. Abortion bans violate a woman's right to be secure in her person, or body, against government control. This is because the government's control of a woman's uterus is a form of seizure

Lmao that entire thread is r-slurred

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The only way the government can tell if a doctor has performed an abortion is by randomly sticking a scope up her patient's vagina

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Such barbaric practices are beneath us as a country. Instead we should train sniffer dogs to recognise a haunted kitty and direct officers to arrest offenders

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roe v wade was based on the 4th amendment and that peoples medical decisions with their doctor should be private. This actually applied to a number of things not jist abortion. For instance states like california and ny were unable to force their residents to get vaccinated as much as they would have liked to even tho that is something states have been able to do in the past before roe v wade.


In fact i believe that ca and ny didnt even try bc they knew that such a decision could lead to a legal battle that could have overturned roe v wade like the dobbs dwcision eventually did. The 14th amendments application just has to do with the observance of certain constitutional rights alsp applying to the states as it does the federal gov. Its dumb that anyone would think that only one law would apply to a legal analysis of a circumstance lile this.


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Biden attempted to force every amerikkkan to get vaccinated setting up the legal basis to remove the roe vs wade decision. There is no medical privacy in this country

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Biden attempted to force every amerikkkan to get vaccinated

notice tho when he did that he was very careful to make it arguable thatbit was a "choice" by having the DOL issue a rule for emplpyers of 100 or more employees to fire antivaxxers rather than jist forcing everyone unilaterally to get the vax. Funny enough, "antivax" right wingers like Desantis were just biding their time for this. He signed a bill in 2018 making it so that the FL government can force vaccinate everyone and go house to house searching for and vaccinating non-compliers/place people into quarantine camps.


That law would have villated roe v wade if actually enforced, butt now since thats been overturned the real authoritariansim can begin.


!kowalski is this a :marseywingcuck: or a :marseyhorseshoe: situation?


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Florida can forcibly vaccinate everyone

!Nooticers Is this disinformation?

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from the link above to the FL senates website

If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual....The department has the duty and the authority to declare, enforce, modify, and abolish the isolation and quarantine of persons, animals, and premises as the circumstances indicate for controlling communicable diseases or providing protection from unsafe conditions that pose a threat to public health, except as provided in ss. 384.28 and 392.545-392.60. Any order of the department issued pursuant to this subsection shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under s. 381.0012.

(5)โ€ƒThe department shall adopt rules to specify the conditions and procedures for imposing and releasing an isolation or a quarantine. The rules must include provisions related to:

(a)โ€ƒThe closure of premises.

(b)โ€ƒThe movement of persons or animals exposed to or infected with a communicable disease.

(c)โ€ƒThe tests or treatment, including vaccination, for communicable disease required before employment or admission to the premises or to comply with an isolation or a quarantine.

(d)โ€ƒTesting or destruction of animals with or suspected of having a disease transmissible to humans.

(e)โ€ƒAccess by the department to isolated or quarantined premises.

(f)โ€ƒThe disinfection of isolated or quarantined animals, persons, or premises.

(g)โ€ƒMethods of isolation or quarantine.

(6)โ€ƒThe rules adopted under this section and actions taken by the department pursuant to a declared public health emergency, isolation, or quarantine shall supersede all rules enacted by other state departments, boards or commissions, and ordinances and regulations enacted by political subdivisions of the state.

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Ty bb but that's too long to read

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I mean that effectively forces everyone to get the vax though like imagine being "oops we cant hire you if you dont provide vax status" to your prospective employer of all people completely ruining any medical privacy anyone had

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