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Critics unimpressed by Wuthering Heights film for casting wrong race



TL:DR it's because Heathcliffe should be darker skinned and is instead being played by a yt Australian. Also Margot is 7 years older than him but that's less dramatic so who cares?

It's nice to finally see the media getting woke to the wrong race topic.

Margot Robbie and Jacob Elordi, known for starring in Barbie and Saltburn, are to join forces in a major new film adaptation of Wuthering Heights.

The Australian actors will play Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff in director Emerald Fennell's adaptation of the classic Emily Bronte novel, set on the tempestuous Yorkshire moors.

They may be two of Hollywood's hottest stars, and it may be one of the most enduring love stories ever written, but their casting has left many film fans unimpressed.

Some pointed out that Catherine is in her teens in the book, while Heathcliff is described in the novel, written in 1847, as "dark-skinned".

"White Heathcliff and 34-year-old Cathy, and they both look like they belong on Instagram. I'm obsessed," wrote TV and film critic Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, external.

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A fricking short history of Heathcliff actors;


Laurence Olivier portrayed Heathcliff in the fricking 1939 film.


Dilip Kumar played Heathcliff in 3 Indian adaptations of the fricking novel Arzoo (1950), Hulchul (1951) and Dil Diya Dard Liya (1966).


Richard Burton portrayed Heathcliff in a fricking 1958 television episode adaption, part of the fricking DuPont Show of the fricking Month series.


Timothy Dalton portrayed Heathcliff in the fricking 1970 film.


Ralph Fiennes portrayed Heathcliff in the fricking 1992 film.


Cliff Richard portrayed Heathcliff in a fricking 1997 stage musical.


Robert Cavanah portrayed Heathcliff in a fricking 1998 TV drama adaption.


Tom Hardy portrayed Heathcliff in 2009 two part series adaption.


James Howson portrayed Heathcliff in a fricking 2011 film adaption.

!nooticers !chuds

:#marseyxd: :#marseyxd: :#marseyxd:

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>knowing this much about foid romance movies


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I just went to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heathcliff_(Wuthering_Heights)#Depictions.

I didn't even plan or even know of the fricking punchline to the fricking post until I got to the fricking final entry;


For some reason this was the fricking only actor that didn't have a fricking link so I had to Google them, and in doing that all the fricking top results were fricking about his criminality. :marseyxd:

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This comment would be fricking better if the fricking pictures weren't all red.

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Oh frick how long does this award last for @ZionistShill, b-word?

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Yours, b-word? 24 hours.

Mine, b-word? 30 MOTHER FRICKING DAYS. :#marseytrollcrazy:

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OK no need to be so mad about it b-word

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I thought that the common response to this is that it's just fiction, so the race doesn't matter?

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"Dark-skinned" in 1847 meant Italian anyway.

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Wrong, the Yorkshire Moors have been filled with Nigerians and Somalians since Roman times chud

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This is worse, he's A*stralian

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It would only be fair to replace him with an aboriginal actor

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alt right archeologists have systematically destroyed all medieval paintings that show the true vanta black europeans that used to roam britain like giraffes the savannah.

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Yeah we call them BIPOCs these days

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lol. Dark Skinned in 1847 meant Irish with a Scottish cousin. The world has come very far since then.

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Ages since I read the book but I think Heathcliff is supposed to be Gypsy (sorry. Romani, since apparently "gypsy" is a slur) which is why he's dark-skinned and an orphan.

Looked it up online and here's the introduction to him by the narrator:

But Mr. Heathcliff forms a singular contrast to his abode and style of living. He is a dark-skinned gipsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman: that is, as much a gentleman as many a country squire: rather slovenly, perhaps, yet not looking amiss with his negligence, because he has an erect and handsome figure; and rather morose.

A description of when the child was brought home:

We crowded round, and over Miss Cathy's head I had a peep at a dirty, ragged, black-haired child; big enough both to walk and talk: indeed, its face looked older than Catherine's; yet when it was set on its feet, it only stared round, and repeated over and over again some gibberish that nobody could understand. I was frightened, and Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors: she did fly up, asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed and fend for? What he meant to do with it, and whether he were mad? The master tried to explain the matter; but he was really half dead with fatigue, and all that I could make out, amongst her scolding, was a tale of his seeing it starving, and houseless, and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool, where he picked it up and inquired for its owner. Not a soul knew to whom it belonged, he said; and his money and time being both limited, he thought it better to take it home with him at once, than run into vain expenses there: because he was determined he would not leave it as he found it.

Neighbours think he's foreign:

Oho! I declare he is that strange acquisition my late neighbour made, in his journey to Liverpoolβ€”a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway.

So yeah, whoever plays Heathcliff in a modern adaptation should be Latinx at least.

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They stopped saying that. The latest talking point is that race-swapping is neccesary to increase "representation". That's how they can simultaneously celebrate black hobbits and decry this without any cognitive dissonance.

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Thats only if a black person is replacing a white person

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Catherine isn't even alive for most of the book who cares

Also Heathcliff is dark like unwashed dirty hobo dark not BIPOC dark

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If Heathcliffe was actually meant to be black then Laurence Olivier would have worn shoe polish in the 1939 film

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Foids that read those 19th century romance novels want their handsome white princes and wouldn't tolerate a BIPOC. The author of this seething article knows it too.

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Also Margot is 7 years older than him

Darn if only there were a word for someone who pretends to be someone else whose characteristics may be different to how they are IRL

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There is: liar.

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Heathcliffe is that Garfield ripoff


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Heathcliff is that dark skinned cat that fricks white women.

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Heathcliff is a gypsy kid from Liverpool, those still exist and they are white as frick and always have been. He's "dark" because he's low class and dirty, not because he's not a cracker. Walk down any city street in the UK until someone offers to sell you a bit of lucky heather or tries to pick your pocket and you can see the skin colour he's meant to have

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Heathcliff but he's "dark" because of all the fake tan

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Heathcliff :marseybadnews: is a massive chud, a stalker :marseystealthygeek2: and a misogynist.

Wonder how many of these critics have actually :marseyakshually: read the book.

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Crazy casting. Elordi, as only a half Iberian, is only about half Black enough to play Heathcliff. Meanwhile Margot, as an Australian of full Scottish descent, is clearly far TOO non-white to play an upper class Victorian woman.

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Heathcliff was a gyppo, and I know it is hard to actually hire a gyppo actor because they all smell bad and will probably rob the studio

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Male sexuality is the root of all degeneracy and disorder.

Male sexuality is inherently pedophilic and inherently invasive. Wherever it is unwanted, it seems to appear and men seem to feel it is entitled to appear and be forced upon whatever context.

Men are responsible for the vast, vast majority of r*pes, sexual assaults, and child molestation. Women are not nearly as likely to be responsible for these types of crimes - s*x crimes. See, contrary to what most men like to say, they don't just want to have a wholesome relationship with a woman where s*x conservatively interspersed. They want to sleep with everything that moves and they want their peepee any place they can put it. They're obsessed with s*x. Women cheat on and divorce men because they're not being provided for to an extent acceptable to them - because they see an inadequacy. Men cheat on and divorce women over s*x.

They do not have interactions with women or girls where they do not sexualize them in their minds or consider them for s*x. They want s*x everyday or every few days, not something reasonable like once a month or every few months. They consume and seek out sexual content constantly and they worship peepeees. They feel the need to make people pay attention to their sexual organs constantly; women don't draw their vags everywhere from childhood to adulthood, women do not send unsolicited vag pics to as many men as possible, women do not decide to reveal themselves to strangers in public or in chatrooms. No. These are things men do with their peepees.

In fact, when women do behave grossly, it is usually - if not always - because they've had some male's sexuality forced upon them. Often in childhood. And, as male sexuality does, it distorts and perverts them into something disgusting; prostitutes, e-thots, generic sluts, weaklings who will tolerate domestic abuse and the abuse of their own children, drug addicts, sjws, attention whores, etc....

Regarding male sexuality as pedophilic, most men seem unconcerned about the age of their object and more concerned with avoiding social stigma. It doesn't matter to them if their object is a child so long as they're above an arbitrary age threshold. It doesn't matter to them if their object looks like a child as long as they're above that age threshold. You would think that people just wouldn't find children attractive, right? But, the fact is that most men do find children attractive and you will see them meticulously trying to find loops in anti-ped laws. You would think that if you have to ask if someone is an adult, you wouldn't find them attractive in the first place, but unfortunately most men do. And they will do whatever they can to put their peepeees in them, from waiting around and grooming girls until they turn 18, searching for obscure laws, etc... because they feel entitled to s*x. Women don't have this problem en mass.

Most men seem indiscriminate and unconcerned about who sees their debauchery and the repercussions of it. As long as they get their peepee touched or got somebody to look at their peepee, nothing matters to them. As long as it is not their immediate family being victimized, male debachery doesn't matter to them. No matter how serious the penalty, they still persist, in significant numbers, in these kinds of behaviors. They will fund anything that arouses them, they will trick and coerce women into participating in it, they will make sure as many people as possible see it.

Women, generally, do not behave this way at all. Female sexuality does not express like this; it is not invasive. So, it seems obvious to me that this has something to do with male sexual expression, specifically.

Maybe it is a consequence of The Fall; maybe, framing it this way makes it more palatable for you. But, male sexuality is, in fact, the source of societal sickness and many mental illnesses. That's a lot of why society sucks right now; because you have too many messed up sexual assault victims running around being unfixably and obnoxiously mentally ill. The cause of this? A bunch of men molesting them as children.



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