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Zionazis and mudslimes fighting over whos the more subhuman terrorist:


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mudslime not even close.

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Jews have more per capita intellectual achievements than any group on the planet

On the other hand the Muslims had a single "golden age" of discovery which was mostly based on plagiarizing from more intelligent groups (not a small list and kinda embarrassing).

It's not a surprise that zios are brutally cucking Arabs in the most humiliating ways possible. I don't like Jews but I'm not going to use the word "subhuman" to describe them and I certainly wouldn't compare them to Muslims who's main goal in life is to move to Europe as a "refugee" on welfare so that they can r*pe kids

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If Jews are so smart, why do they keep advocating for the people who hate them to move into the countries they live in?

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Because of the misguided an enemy of my enemy is my friend approach. The guy who is, like, "let's deport all Muslims", very likely will go "... and Jews too while we are at it" if given an opportunity. And defeating that guy means hitching your cart to the muslim-loving progressive train.

Ctrl-f "coffee" here https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/magazine/george-soros-democrat-open-society.html

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Cheap labor.

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You have to understand that "Israeli" and "Jew" are broad terms which cover a lot of different subgroups. Most of Israeli's military are Mizrahim, aka the Arab Jews, and they're the ones committing most of the war crimes and anal r*pes of prisoners. Mizrahi Jews have basically the same average IQ as the rest of their Muslim Arab neighbors, and don't have anywhere near the same kind of intellectual contributions to the world as Ashkenazim.

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mayos avoiding all blame even tho they caused this

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Literally this meme but with religious tolerance.

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Notice how Allah makes all his peeps play life on hard mode

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Everything is done to Allah's Will.

Thus Allah hates Arabs.


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guy talks about other races when his women consistently drive like this


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i mean, who else is giving out 72* virgins on death? high risk, high reward

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The virgins in question:

:#dramatard: :#marseydramautist: :#marseyrdramauser:

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you get your own harem of non passable femboy redditords

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he seems like a swell dude. Imagine being surrounded for the rest of eternity by nothing but foids

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Those might be raisins not virgins, who would make that bet

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You mean that God wouldn't "give" you 72 human beings who were also pious to service you for eternity?

Idk you might be on to something

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It's actually 72 grapes, but a homie really like a fruit salad, nawmean?

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Don't let potential suicide bombers have a hint that they might actually be r-slurred and God hates them.

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They unironically beleve it's a test from god. To be fair I've seen Christians do the same thing, but at a certan point it just becomes masochism.

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I mean, it's in the Bible (the bit that they all read): Job.

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Right. I guess my point was Arabs being Arabs take it to the most illogical extreme.

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!Islam TRVKE :#marseymindblown:

(Can just go to Europe tho)

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I would hope at some point you dorks would have an introspection moment and question if you're actually the baddies. I think not so deep down you believe that what Israel and the US has done to the people of the Levant and the Muslim world at large over the past century is genuinely evil and indefensible but you don't care because you're on the "winning team". At least I hope so, unless you're just sociopaths which would also track with being an unironic Zionist. But hey, in the end you will reap what sow, and you have sown oh so much.

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!jidf good commie / Islamist / chud / cute twink seethe right here. Don't engage. Just laugh :#marseylaugh: :#marseyxd:

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R-slurred sociopath it is :marseygiggle:

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I always side with civilization over barbarism. If you can't act like people then there's no reason to treat you like one

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Civilization is when you bomb and starve tens of thousands of children. I don't know but Israeli "civilization" is pretty much indistinguishable from barbarism. One just need a cursory look at history to see the numerous crimes and massacres they've committed against the Palestinians for the latter's only crime of being born on land that was supposedly promised in a religious text to the Jews. That's some civilization alright.

I'm sure you'd be very civilized too if for nearly a century your people were routinely massacred for defending their land. All the while the colonial and imperial powers of the world arm and finance the occupying power and portray your absolutely justified and natural resistance as terrorism and barbarism. What a sick joke this colonial mindset is.

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Maybe they could contribute to science, the world economy, and human progress like God's Chosen People do. If they did then I might spare the smallest bit of sympathy for them.

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Kinda hard to contribute to the sciences and world economy when you're getting ethnically cleansed and your people and infrastructure are getting bombed out of existence.

That NPC flair is very fitting of a shitty Zionist troll.

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Be like the samurai instead.



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Unironically this. I've been saying for years that if the Palestinians could've buried that hatchet after '48, said "frick it, if you can't beat em...", cooperated with Israel, they'd literally be the greatest Muslim state the world has seen since, what, the 17th century? They'd have been the Canada to Israel's USA - the dopey, slightly r-slurred sidekick who gets carried to second place all day every day. But no, they had the revert to type and go all 12th century on 'em. And now they're getting bomber again.

BTW, same with all the America-hate you see - all America wants as far as geopolitics is to trade without being fricked with. That's it. You, formerly worthless shitstain, get a job at some gigacorp's factory, your make money, you buy a TV, a pickup truck, a shotgun, eat a burger for dinner, and everybody wins. Heck, we don't even give a shit if you're not allowed to vote and hate the homogays, as long as you play nice with business. Think about who would hate this distopian outcome and why.

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!anticommunists A positive ping for once

:#marseyhappytears: :#marseyclapping:

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Their religion and culture won't let them. Arabs have been dysfunctional for eternity, moreso the Muslim r*pe babies and Saudi region bloodlines. The British couldn't even get them to fight the ottomans properly.

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This wasn't even something to think about. Israel was agrresively against the nation of Palestine ever existing. Rabin interacted with this concept and he was immediately killed and the guys who killed him took power were praised and everyone in Israel thought that was good thing.

BIPOC what fricking planet are you living on? Because it ain't Earth, Mars, or Venus.


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Isrral was and is against Palestine existing precisely because of the things they did, the things I'm saying they ought not have done. The fact that there even was a Rabin and no equivalent on the other side (Sadat, but he was of course Egyptian, and they killed him too. Tried to kill Nasser before as well) proves that point.

Heck, I'll do you one better, the Palestinians wouldn't even have to knuckle under to the Jews, just Jordan, like they did from 48 to 67. Jordan and Israel get along fine, the problem is the Palestinians went and started a civil war in Jordan, too, so they don't want them anymore either.

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Child r-sluration. You are choosing war for your entire life like I choose tacos for my dinner.

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It's like how when The fricking Protocols of the fricking Elders of Zion was fricking translated into Japanese, it just made the fricking Japanese respect Jews even more, Godbless

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Fujita was a gift. He believed Japanese people were small and yellow because they didn't eat beef.

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It may not be true that inside every gook there's an American, trying to get out, but inside him, there definitely was.

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The strength of the :marseychingchong: is their ability to copy shit


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Bunker busters made it too expensive for tin pot r-slurs to hide.

Very good invention.

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I was genuinely shocked by the figure that such a bomb could penetrate 30 meters into the ground.

30 meters is 100 feet. That's 10 stories. How could a gravity bomb dig that far down before exploding? I mean there's, like, soil, rocks, and bedrock in the way.

You can't convince me that a gravity-dropped bomb could dig through 100 feet of earth. It has no engine or anything.

What am I missing here?

Edit: I'm not disputing that these IDF strikes happened; I just don't understand how they did it.

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Northrop Grumman is working on the Hard Target Void Sensing Fuze (HTVSF), an electronic, cockpit programmable, fuze capable of destroying deeply buried and targets. It provides multiple delay arming and detonation times, as well as a void-sensing capability, which allows for precision activation of the fuze for 2,000-and-5,000-pound (910 and 2,270 kg) weapons to explode when they reach an open space in a deeply buried bunker.

The extra speed provided by a rocket motor enables greater penetration of a missile-mounted bunker buster warhead. To reach maximum penetration (impact depth), the warhead may consist of a high-density projectile only.

A bunch of kinetic energy and multiple controlled explosions to make sure the boom goes in the right place


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>What am I missing here?

Jewish physics :marseymerchant:

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You don't get these results with Deutschephysik. !jidf !jews

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they drop them from the moon so they are going really fast.

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It's attached to the space lasers.


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A 7th grade education

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So okay a large mass dropped from a F-16 or whatever penetrates ten stories into dirt & solid rock?

Am I really being stupid here?

Again, I am not being a moon lander denier here. I believe that an IDF F-16 dropped a bomb and it somehow plowed through 100 feet of earth.

What. am. I. Missing. Please tell me.

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Nothing. Big heavy steel cylinder dropped from 30k feet in the air moves really fast and smashes through everything in it's path. There's a couple tricky parts but they're mostly solved.

  • Optimal geometry for pentration. Long, skinny, heavier, and denser objects penetrate further. Pretty intuitive. Think stabbing something with a needles vs a pen vs a dowel. This used to be harder but modern computers make it simple to model.

  • Having a suffciently strong case that it doesn't crumple on impact.

  • Having a nonsensative explosive. Try this with TNT and the shock of the impact could set off the bomb.

  • TIme delay fuze. This is the trickiest part. Modern fuzes make it relatively easy though since they are electronic and set off after a time delay from a shock sensor.

Also they dropped dozens of these on this one spot.

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The experience of digging 10 feet into sand, it's sand

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It wasn't one bomb, it was repeatedly bombed

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I posted this before but maybe you find interesting.

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Really cool videos :marseythanks:

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@vegan_doggy_bottom yeh its huge lol


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Well the proof is in the pudding. It happened. I'm just too stupid to comprehend the destructive power of modern munitions.

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Nah i meant how crazy strong those bombs are. Ripped thru the ground lol.

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Look, I know he was fat, but...

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This kills the roach :marseyturkroach:

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Theyre bombs made in solid steel tubes.

They converted artillery barrels into bombs.

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I think the key thing you're missing is just how big these things are, and how fast they are going. They're not chair legs, they're huge, and fast. The famous GBU-28 was made from 8-inch M110 howitzer barrels, 5.8m x 0.4m weighing just over 2 metric tons, and it hit the ground going supersonic. That's almost precisely a F-150 Regular Cab (with the 8 foot bed) compressed into a tube the diameter of a standard pizza - mass and length identical.

It can go through 50 meters of earth or 5 meters of reinforced concrete.

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Didn't they rig together some worn out artillery barrels the first time they needed them?

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That's what I just said, yes.

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Here's a funny story: underneath this lil grove in North Carolina https://maps.app.goo.gl/7bFHnmnZfmSf9p8m9 is buried the second stage of a thermonuclear bomb that the USAF accidentally dropped from a plane ("1961 Goldsboro B-52 crash"). The estimated depth it's at is ~180ft, so rather than trying to dig it up the government just bought that parcel of land and fenced it off. It was not designed to be a bunker buster or anything like that, it just was a very dense, heavy, and fast chunk of uranium, turns out such things can penetrate deep.

@RedAero @xa15428

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You have no idea who the frick you're dealing with. They will be back.

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The precision is incredible. Compare this to some Vietnam footage. The people who call this carpet bombing are imbeciles.

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2nd vid

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R-slurs will see this and think it's carpet bombing. I am in awe at the size of that crater.

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Well if they consider a home sized carpet they'd be right

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!jews !kino

Jew kino


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Goddarn that is so fricking cool. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of @sandkwinns vaporized.

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These clips are from Gaza, not Lebanon.

The rubble is typical to Gazan districts rather than Lebanese architecture. Viewers cameras had been readied due to IDF warnings. In addition, "Al-Buriej" written on one of the frames

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wtf happened at ~1:10 in the vid?

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I wish this was the pizza we always got :marseytabletired2:

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He's already on his way to Lebanon to collect the bodies to use as meat. This is the freshest he's had in years. !enemiesofpizzashill

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Shout out to my reformed orthodox rabbi

Beel cleentun

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reformed orthodox


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He's orthodox in his... reformation?

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pizza r u a jew?

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Nope just hate muslims.

Well, most of them.

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Hate all religion

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except "chad jew" apparently. stupid goyem

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I hope one day you'll stop pretending that you're not a rightoid

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In a dark fiber cable, cool memes :marseycdm2: in the air

Warm smell :marseybrap: of mtn dew , rising :marseyjapanese: up from my hair

Up ahead :marseyviewerstare: in the distance, I saw a couple :marseycupid: chuds

My eyes grew heavy :marseysac: and my DC grew light :marseyyinandyang:

I had to stop for the night

There krayon (sister toucher) :marseyautistattentionseeker: stood in my DMs

I saw the little :marseyunicorn: red bell

And I was thinking :marseywrongthonk: to myself

"This could be marsey :marseyunithecat: or this could be heck"

Then they lit up that soyboy :marseysoyhype: and they showed me the gays

They were flaming up and down the board

I thought :marseymindblown: I heard :marseyjacksparrow: them say

Welcome to the homosexual :marseysalutenavy: :marseytrain: :marseybardfinn: cat site

Such a lovely place :marseymap2: (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the gay :marseytrain: :marseybardfinn: dating :marseyitsrigged: cat site

Any time of year (Any time of year)

You'll find festive :marseyrabbitnewyear2: our cheer

Her mind is stuck on the dogpill, she got the marsey41 :marseysupersorensoarin: loaded up

She got a lot of big butt neckbeards she calls simps

How they screech in her comments, begging :marseyinshallah: for a tap

Some beg for attention, some beg to forget

So I called up Aevann :marseythreecodecelscucking:

"Please bring me my awards."

He said, "We haven't had that discount here since October 24th"

And still those chuds are flaming from far away

Wake you up in the middle :marseyllama2: of the day

Just to hear them say

Welcome to the homosexual :marseyrdramauser: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: cat site

Such a lovely place :marseyminipixel: (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the gay :marseytrain: :marseysignaling: dating :marseyitsrigged: cat site

What a nice surprise :marseyspitmoji:

I only saw goatse twice

UwUs on my haters :marseymemories:

The Olde english :marseybong: on ice

And he said "We are all just visitors here, on your own device"

And in the Jannie :marseyban: groomercord

They gathered for the beast

They stab it with their ban awards

But they just can't kill the OGs

Last thing I remember

I was doxxing :marseydoxingtruck: chtorr

I had to find the passage back to the clique I was in before

"based," as the moon man says

"We are programmed to hate,

You can log out any time you like

But you can never :marseyitsover: delete!"



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