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PART 2: Rightoids are really in a tailspin. Rightoid Callout Post: FINAL!? @C-SPAN

Ordinarily when I pick out a rightoid, they don't try to make a serious argument against me.

But @Governor is easily provoked, much like the boomer he is voting for as he whines about how he doesn't feel like he has a home in politics.

Politics isn't about having a home. Politics is about making decisions about how our government operates, and Trump is inimical to the continued further operation of our government because he's old.

He is old.

And he has to leave the race.

@Governor made a response at length, which you may view here

You may also consider voting in the Reader Poll that @flago is organizing, here;

Now then.


There are many reasons to support Trump. You may support Trump because:

It doesn't matter how reasonable you think your reasons are if they result in an incoherent conclusion. Support for Trump is incoherent. Your reasons are therefore invalid no matter how reasonable they seem to you. Let's examine them.

You don't like the government in power.

Whether or not you like the government having power, the government has power, and it's time for you to man up and accept it and stop whining about it. Our government has power. It has power which extends through its foreign connections, including to Israel and Ukraine.

Trump was dismissive of this power because it requires using the most important part of your brain, and Trump doesn't have a brain in the way most people consider 'a brain' because he's crippled by the flaw which all dictators share. In Trump the effect is especially pronounced because of his advanced age.

You see, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who believe that a strong authoritarian figure is what's needed to bring order in a state.

The truth is that a strong authoritarian figure is disorder in a state.

The Human Race has been working to deal with this problem of authoritarian dictators for thousands and thousands of years. Centering your society on the whim of a single individual is one of the curses out of old Africa.

The best solution to this problem is to rotate them in and out of power every four years. Forcing them to defend their incumbency to a challenger keeps the population focused on them.

If you believe otherwise, you are simply ignorant and I will blast your ignorant butt until you accept it.

The Democrats follow the Enterprise model of executive leadership, which is essentially the strength of Neoliberal Ideology. The Next Generation featured the neoliberal mode of advanced decision-making in real world situations involving having beautiful gunboats and some sense of moral responsibility for your environs.

Picard, the ideal man, sits his executive council down and listens to all of their input, and then makes a decision which is respected. He provides reasoning where expected.

He makes very little of his own decisions: instead of a single point of failure, there are many powers which may be empowered, as it were, by the executive voice.

Trump was not intelligent enough to make use of such a system. Biden is.

Biden has been occupied overseas for the entirety of his presidency. Foreign diplomacy. The moves of our military which are attributable to Biden have been superb. Mostly Biden didn't make those plans. If that makes him a puppet, he is at least a calm one in the face of staggering decisions with unfathomable consequences.

Biden can serve out his term and hand power over to the next committee. And it will be a committee, the question is whether or not that committee is listened to or disregarded and treated with contempt. Biden's power is in his Cabinet. Trump's Cabinet tells us he is unfit for office. Listen to them.

@Governor's reasons continue.

You're not a fan of how the government levers of the economy are being pulled.

It is probably true that Trump is the most responsible for inflation. Whether he had a choice is another matter but I think it was a mistake, because PRINTING MONEY IS A MISTAKE EVERY BAD EMPEROR MAKES AND IS PART OF WHAT MADE THEM BAD EMPERORS.

In any case, we're talking about 2024-2028. Trump is too old to be President. That's the only actual conclusion which matters.

You like Trump's personality over Klammy Kamala.

If you like Trump's personality then you are part of his cult of personality.


And you need to shoot yourself in the head, or at least take three shots of gin. Remember, in my OP I told you: look at @Governor's bio.

I am disparately impacted with brain damage given the current state of politics.

This damage is self-inflicted by the unacknowledged cognitive failure of supporting Trump for president. At least the old boomers who are still in the cult of personality are stuck in a mass hypnosis death spiral.

You don't want war with Russia.

Trump is too old to be involved in international politics.

But: Trump is Neville Chamberlain here. Appeasement is stupid. You can't appease authoritarian dictators.

Russia is our geopolitical adversary. Trump's behavior towards Putin was always incoherent.

  • You favor a less interventionist foreign policy.

You should not believe that Trump will be interventionist. The US does not want war, the US does not want to be involved in wars. We have obligations to our allies which we can and should keep because THEY ARE OUR ALLIES??? THEY ARE WHAT IS KEEPING THE WHOLE PAX AMERICAN TOGETHER???

It's like you don't even understand the plan here. The plan for our foreign policy is HAVE ALL THE ALLIES.

To have them, you have to help them.

Trump is a disgraced former president who is too old to run. But his base isn't less interventionist: his base is religiously pro-Israel. There is no argument against supporting Ukraine that does not also apply to supporting Israel. If you believe that Trump will get us out of WW3 you are deluding yourself. Our foreign policy attachment to Israel may get us into WW3! Trump is an old person who should not be anywhere near the presidency right now.

You wish the government was more responsive with the border crisis.

There is absolutely no reason to deploy the military to enforce border security. The legislation around the border which was cancelled by Trump (which Republicans are now blaming him for) would have been the best responsiveness to the border crisis. Trump did a really terrible thing in causing that legislation to fail in order to run on the border.

For the people who are voting in the debate: I already made this point once. I make it again so you understand that he's not really contesting my argument, he's just repeating his talking points as if they matter in the face of: Trump is too old, get him the frick out of the race.

You want the government to respond to the opioid epidemic.

Recently Trump made it clear he's not entirely clear on what fentanyl is.

You believe taxes are too high.

Trump is too old to be president.

You support Israel over various terrorist movements.

So does the Democratic Machine.

You think that international trade in its present iteration is a bad deal for American workers.

Trump is too old to be president.

You dislike being lied to about the economy.

The Democrats are just that stupid that they believe the economy is doing well. I'm serious.

You dislike the trend of racialization of the economy, schools and government while in an economic downturn, or in general.

This just sounds like you're racist dude!

You felt that the country could use policies found in Agenda 24 or Project 2024 to the nation's benefit.

This is trolling because you haven't read Project 2024. If you want a theocracy and are willing to vote for an old man who is too old to be president to get it then I'm glad theocracies are inherently incompetent structures, which is why they should not be anywhere near our government.

You think abortion is a state issue.

I have no particular objection to the use of the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe V. Wade. I am in favor of abortion legalized at the federal level. My problem with you isn't your position on when life begins, but the fact that Trump is too old to be president.

I actually watched Biden in the first debate, and felt that drop in my stomach when Biden visibly had a stroke or something when responding to Trump.

But Biden executed on his obligation to drop out of the race and hand the presidency over whereas Trump is not capable of understanding that he has that obligation. Trump is obligated to step out, and the fact that he did not follow Biden out is the most darning indictment of how he is unfit for office, except, perhaps, for the indictment of his criminal actions on and around January 6th. Trump is on trial for serious crimes.

People who are voting as to who won the debate, please do take note.

People are alienated, gaslit into believing that Biden is healthy and in control.

Biden makes regular statements and appearances. He is old but he is making public statements and listening to his council and doing what they say and that's good enough for me right now. If that troubles you, allow me to refocus you once again on the real issue: Trump is too old to be President in 2024.

(Also, most progressive presidency in history-- just ask Biden- I mean Kamala!) with open borders,

Our borders are not open.

arbitrary arrests happening for people in attempt to stop criminals,

Sounds stupid. Point me to a news source.

criminal procedure initiated against the leading political opposition

The Republicans attempted to use criminal procedure against the Bidens. It came out that they were reliant on a KGB source which had poisoned the Republican's well. Our geopolitical adversary has successfully fed the Republican party talking points.

These criminal procedures fell apart: Biden was never impeached.

The criminal procedures enacted against Trump for attempting to overthrow the government on January 6th are functioning system attacking an appropriate target. You have to accept this because Jack Smith's briefing on those events is coming out in the next 10 days.

general program mismanagement in FEMA, CDC, HUD, DAG, FTC, FEC, etc.

Trump is too old to be president.

Biden supporters don't bat an eye when the Kamala merch is rolled out, with no voting, the next day.

That transition felt rapid but nimble.

Twitter accounts overnight go from spreading pro-Biden propaganda to pro-Harris sloganeering.

Yeah, because people changed their minds once events had gone down. You can change your mind. You can abandon your boomer for Vance.

Progressives don't bat an eye, they just take the next step.

Because Progress Marches On.

"Trump is a felon!" people will scream,

Trump is a felon, stop whining about it.

demanding justice for George Floyd just four years earlier

Just because Floyd was a criminal doesn't mean he deserved to die.

and trashing the SCOTUS for abortion rulings.

The SCOTUS is a factor in the election of people who we want to rule over us yes, and this is as it should be.

(Remember Biden's court packing plan that actually may have not been his plan after all?)


What the frick does this mean? People have been talking about packing the supreme court for decades brah! This sentence implies like five different stupid things:

  • that Biden came up with a plan to do a legal thing, legally, through existing legal means, and you want to blame Biden for the execution of this 'nefarious' plan to treat the power politics of the supreme court seriously while still acting within the intent and constraint of the law as written;

  • That when you found out Biden hadn't come up with this plan, you thought it was somehow 'nefarious' if some unknown conspiracy put this plan in Biden's hands as if he's just a puppet receiving advice lmao when we talk about it and then Biden decided to try and do it in some legislative act to come.

  • that it matters who came up with the plan, only that you stack as many scare tactics in as possible lmao

This is a train wreck.

Anyhow, I don't think I've demonstrated a serious mental illness for saying that I'm angry I feel politically homeless,

I'm not saying you have a serious mental illness for feeling angry about feeling politically homeless.

I'm saying you have a serious mental illness because you engage in mental gymnastics to support a sad and dying old man who is too old to be president again. This is what online politics did to you.

or that I want my brother to have medicine.

You don't have a brother. And anyway Biden got involved in negotiating drug prices directly. The Democrats passed the ACA which was huge step. The Rs tried to repeal it but couldn't. The Rs don't care about your imaginary brother's medicine.

I think saying you have brain damage from the 24/7 spin cycle in the news when you have to read it is you know, normal?


I think you're problem with me more stems from the fact that I don't fit your demographic you can dismiss offhandedly.

No, my problem with you is that you think you're being reasonable, but you're being delusional.

(Gay, democrat, not-fascist, generally a reasonable person with a family and moral compass...) and you struggle,

I don't think I'm struggling here lmao.

like most progressives, that somewhere, someone doesn't agree with you and is sincere.

Your sincerity is not at issue here. This is a distraction: you are deflecting.

I'm not veiling my statements behind 10 levels of irony.

I think that much is clear in fact.

I'm very transparent about what I want, how I want it to happen, and what my boundaries are.

I'm glad for you.

But maybe you should reflect on why that unsettles you.

It doesn't unsettle me: you are easily baited.

Maybe focus on the why does it make you angry, as opposed to why it is I think this way.

Why doesn't matter, because the only thing which matters is the conclusion: Trump is too old.

You and I are different people. We will think differently, have different priorities, look at paintings on the wall differently even though we see the same image.

I'm trying to tell you that there's an old man in the exhibit, and yes, "is the old man the exhibit? :marseyhmm: :marseythonk::marseyhmm: :marseythonk:" is funny, but this isn't merely a difference in opinion, it's a difference in facts: your facts are badly decayed due to the fascism schism in our politics. Snap out of it.

It's ok to agree to disagree, I'm not going to reply ad nauseum or make you feel like an idiot for asserting I don't have a brother.

But you're not even disagreeing. I don't think you read my position, much less understood it. For the people who are voting in the debate, take note.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but you did say you'd rather be anti-Trump than let my brother have affordable healthcare, and that's pretty stupid. !sophistry rate my response.

This is a weak sophistry, because it does not rest on any manner of correct point, only a fabricated notion. Sophistry is resting my entire point on whether or not your brother is real.

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