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With the new :chad: jawline Lara Croft incoming, and current year Western animation/vidya women becoming either masculine :gigachad2: jawline gxrlbosses or sexless androgynous genderblobs, /tv/irgins nootice the constant use of the same fricking pseudo-anime androgynous Netflixcore artstyle that has dominated "adult" animation in the recent years :marseynooticeglow:


why does all netflix animation look like this

record of ragnarok/castlevania/heman reboot

what is the name of the studio responsible for this generic, cheap-looking androgynous art?


there has to be a name for this art style

it's like androgynous tumblr art without the bulbous red noses

It's like between anime and cartoons but the worst of both of them. It has to just be super cheap.

I fricking hate this western "not anime" artstyle. I've hated it since teen titans in like 2003




honestly the manjaw somehow bothers me more than the (lack of) tits


Don't they understand that most women won't watch this shit? It's like when leftist c*nts shit their pants over Rey not being in Star wars monopoly, so they recalled it all, put her in it, and then lost a ton of money because no one bought it. Leftists don't give a frick off things make sense or work. So long as it "looks good" and makes them feel good on the inside then who gives about if everything you touch slowly turns to slop.

:#marseytruthnuke: !foidmoment


!g*mers !kino what does "Fink" means in this context? :marseyconfused2:

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"Male jawline"


!nonchuds I know chudoids need to perpetually make up shit to be mad up but this is just hilarious. I guess this is what happens when the only women you ever see are anime libertarianbait?

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Neighbor how is this https://i.rdrama.net/images/17286796792202554.webp

Comparable to THIS https://i.rdrama.net/images/17286801573258588.webp :#chad: !chuds !chads

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>This low quality screenshot of the character from afar and in motion proves my point


This is reaching neighbor and to an extreme. She looked normal throughout 90% of the trailer and the uncannines mostly came from the artstyle and not them giving her :marseytransrentfree: :marseytrain: jawline :marseytransrentfree: because of woke agenda or whatever the chuds are saying

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The chin is a bit more masculine than I would expect. I think that's what chuds mean by "jawline" because they are media illiterate.

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Δͺ like Tessa Fowler and Sophie Mudd. They're all-natural. Either could be Lara Croft.

Trans lives matter

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Edit: I googled her and half of the pics were ai generated coombait. WTf?

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17287004821461556.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1728700482201354.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17287004824156675.webp


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