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:marseytrumpitsover: Hitnchcliff did something much, much worse than calling Puerto Rico a floating garbage pile...he...he made a joke at TayTay's bf :marseyscaredearthquake:: r/entertainment




In addition to his racist Puerto Rico joke, Hinchcliffe also made a derogatory remark about the 14-time Grammy winner and her NFL star boyfriend. "I don't know about you, but I think that Travis Kelce might be the next OJ Simpson," he said on stage.


edit: apparently this is worthy of a 7k upmarseyd /r/politics thread too https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1gf2kl1/tony_hinchcliffe_incites_fury_from_swifties_after/


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538 shows the odds in his favor

Barely. 538 still says it's a toss up overall and it could go either way. And that's just one polling model. Others will say different things, so who even knows at this point?

Dunno, have you checked to see what they say? :marseyhmm:

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