[LONG TERM DRAMA] [GAY, OVERLY DRAMATIC EFFORTPOST] two white geriatrics with too much time before they die have a years long slapfight a bout which talentless black guy is better at punching people in the face

These old fricks got bants not gonna lie

Ahh, boxing. The primal instinct to punch another in the face harder than he punches you. Eloquent. Ingenious. Simple. Perhaps, dare i say too simple to ruin?

And then....mayo's

Seething and coping about the fact there hasn't been a white champion for a hundred years (marciano was italian, fury is a bong and the klitchkos are slavs), whitoids all around the world, instead of following a sport cumskins are actually good at, like swimming or strongman, have decided to fall to internet forums, to discuss the age old question, which black guy is better at clubbing brain cells out of people with his bare hands?

Enter quora. For the unacquainted, think what would happen if the insufferable smug AKCHULLY of redditors was the primary selling point. It is by a wide margin, the most insufferable group of credential faking smugposters on the internet

Speaking of faking credentials, this is in fact a major source of this here drama

Enter John mcglothlin

He takes a certain... issue, with another man, bob garrett and boy will he let you know. Excessively. With plenty of words.

Here is the full link, but don't you worry, he will be more than happy to repost it every. single. time. bob garrett comments on any thread

Bob garrett, however, is not a defenseless victim, and often emoloys the tried and true drama tactic of spamming alts tactic. Such alts are named bobby garrett, john mcglothin, peter griffin and eric cartman

This does not go over well with john, and they have been sniping at each other ever since, and recently, i discovered this and posted it here

Basically, the feud started because bob garett is a big fan of modern boxers while mcglothin likes the classics. Thats literally why these two old crackers are wasting their lives on quora.

Heres where you come in. 5 second, poorly made sock accounts by a retired boomer cause mcglothin to write humungous walls of text, so what would a bit of organized trolling do?

The possibilities are endless

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So many words, I wouldn't read all that if my life depended on it.

Unless you're a woman, I think you can do better in transmitting info in a way that doesn't include boring your audience to sleep.

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I specifically notified it would be a long effortpost

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Even the title looks like queen peepee wrote it, I didn't bother reading it.

Do better.

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A body that looks like mechanically separated chicken

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I’m not going to pretend I read all of that, but I got the gist. 90% of the humor came from the image :marseyobesescale:

If the obeast had any sense he’d keep the bar on his neck like that :wholesomeseal:

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Why yes, I'm a powerlifter, how could you tell?

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BMI doesn't work for me, I have too much muscle.

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I want to bounce on that.

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Me too

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Okay, I'll jump first, then you jump right after me. See if you can launch me into the ceiling.


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Ok. On 3, 1 2 3-whee!

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I love quora. Did you know that you can apply to a partner program where you get paid the more views your questions get? I just pretend to be an out of touch boomer and get hundreds of replies pooping on me.

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I never borrowed a jock strap. That’s an idiotic lie McGlothlin sends all over Quora. A boxer didn’t show up for an exhibition match. I substituted with a borrowed wrap around protector/cup.

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white champion for a hundred years (marciano was italian, fury is a bong and the klitchkos are slavs)

Huh. I'd normally ascribe this to weird Anglo cope, but since Fury isn't included in white, I'm genuinely confused. Who are mayos? What region of the world do they originate from?

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One small Icelandic village are the only Mayo's in existence

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Imagine being like 500 lbs and benching one plate

I wouldn't even consider myself a man

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Didn't read and candycaned so nobody else can

:#marseylongpost: :#chadno:

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Your loss

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Seething and coping about the fact there hasn't been a white champion for a hundred years (marciano was italian, fury is a bong and the klitchkos are slavs), whitoids all around the world, instead of following a sport cumskins are actually good at, like swimming or strongman, have decided to fall to internet forums, to discuss the age old question, which black guy is better at clubbing brain cells out of people with his bare hands?

Perhaps in the USA Italians are not White, but in their glorious continent of Europe, they are of proud heritage with the rest of us

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So according to you I am a coward because I post stuff on the peepee show subreddit when I dislike Peepee (absolutely nonsensical on every level already, why shouldn't I post, why posting be cowardly, why should any post on the internet require "courage"?). After you pathetically failed trying to zing me, I explained to you why I post in r/freefolk and other subs and you still can't get two neurons to fire in your oversized skull in order to put two and two together and deduce a potential answer for your question (very stable genius).

So I'll be gracious now and tell you exactly why I posted on the sub, if you can point me to any of my posts there Sherlock. You brought it up, so you must have a specific post in mind.

Link me the post and I'll enlighten you! Tick tock.



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