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Solving Zodiac Cypher


Basically, I am really good at doing puzzles and decryption of ciphers and things of that nature. Won a few competitions in HS and got offered a job straight out of HS at *** with a starting wage at *7 (censoring first letter so this won't show up in *** scrapes). Can't say specifics obviously. Took it and was there for a few years.

You have to pass and have TS to have job, but there arw additonao specific classifications (actual term is different, unfortunately again, I can't include this information or I will be doxxed or hounded by people who keep track of ex*** members) needed that are only obtainable after 2 years to up to 5 years depending on path and promotion cycle. Basically, those classifications derive huge value on civilian (non gov, this career field is also available for certain officers in military, so its typical to say "civilian" when referring to it) world, so they make you wait to get classification so they can retain people and so people don't just jump ship after TS & classifications clear for contractor work.

So I left after getting classifications around 2 year mark (promoted moderately quickly from within), left to work at a few different places. Was able to solve a lot of cool cypher/puzzle/codes, (not exactly what was being done, but closely related).

After which I took hiatus, because i was burned out and honestly the job is nasty work. I was offered a scholarship previously to an unnamed university in HS, but turned it down, so I applied there. Surprisingly I got a full ride which was better than whatever like 30% at most I was offered in HS. Found out work I did while working for gov was acceptable for credit hours, so I was able to finish my bachelors pretty quick within 6 months, since I also gamed the online courses for prereqs. Not gonna say my major, but it was not what you think, weirdly enough, which is why I was surprised my gov work qualified as credit hours for some of the classes.

Anyway, got my masters and trasnferres out to different schoolf or doctoral program since tenured professor I was studying with was pushed into retirement. Got my dcotorate. So curently I was around age 28 with doctorate had a decent nest egg, old friend bet me 100k I couldn't solve Zodiac cyphers. Took the bet obviously, he was serious, but only because he knows me and because I was sort of known a a prodigy at this type of thing. Had published already multiple papers with 50+ citations while still in grad school, (luckily was able to avoid having the cute twink associate professor list his name first, douchebag did that to all his students published studies but I went to faculty head (guy who got pushed out) and told him if I don't get my name first I was transferring). Lol I ended up transferring anyway, as I mentioned earlier, which caused the dean to call me... I wish I was joking, very embrassing.

idk, why I wrote all this, but I just want to make sure you guys understand my creds. I am not a genius or anything, more like just really, really good at solving puzzles and creating heuristics. Being good at heuristics is probably more important than anything, because they usually can be used through various transformations (if they are precise while maintaining reasonable accuracy) to form the actual algorithmic solution.

Actual Solution

So when I solved the first cipher, my friend didn't believe me. Obviously, the most progress towards the real answer anyone had made in 51 years. And was conflicting with previous "answers" from blowhard cute twinks.

I mean it wasn't all the way completed so let's just say we all were half correct. Anyways I kept at it, and eventually hit a jackpot on a few hidden clues, then not only solved the last unsolvable cipher, but went back and resolved the cipher claimed to be solved in 2020, that was solved incorrectly! That dude was on TV and got a job with the FBI and leases out his software and he's riding a complete lie!!

I swear dude blocked me the other day on the cicada 3301 post , when I tried giving him a pointer, and I hadn't realized it was him until he blocked me!!

So I solved all 3 of thier ciphers , actually figured out the zodiac killers as they made title, the fardowsi connection, the ciphers solutions and letter games and tons of hidden content from the group that was "the zodiac" 3 hidden treasure locations, and tried giving them this information absolutely free, minus the "key" that deciphers the ciphers (because there's some treasures booby trapped and ppl could get hurt or worse)

But they banned me because they'd rather sell books guessing at thier new suspect of the year , every year for the rest of eternity. They'd rather make Netflix series where they interview a bunch of crusty burnouts and speculate on yesterday's news.

I guess i sound like I've got salt in areas men usually don't possess and get salt into.

Yeah , I guess.

So I'm just gonna give you the quick answers, because frick those guys. Z13 in a scytale zig zag placement turn to Alexander the great. You can run a ceaser cipher with the transposition alphabet and end up with a saying from fardowsi,(in persian english) that says he spits on you from the heavens.

The z340 is a board game, it's the death machine list inside a play area that's much like a 5 point star. The word search of the list will designate the area. Then you play the game and the key is made. You can decrypt the 340 ,the 13,and the 32 with the key. You can even flip some ciphers upside down and use a mirror filter on the text and it will decrypt with the 340 key and make sense.

The z32 bomb is 4in and 4in and 2 radiens (it triangulates) and is at Oakland even though it should have blown by now. You can hold the map with a lot of other letters and discover spots this group hid treasure at 50 years ago (lol) like 9k in a rusty spitoon on the side of the road. (Dust by now).

Mr seawater the seawaters libertarian dad was the 1st zodiac.

Allen was the 2nd.

And nate and TC were both going for the title.

There were like 11 - 13 people involved in the zodiac crimes. Tom C was a killer. Mrs Seawater was involved. They killed people who had names that matched names in fardowsis' "shanameh" and some locations matched locations in the poem. The similarity to the poem to the murders is wild. The ciphers are a masterpiece in my opinion and I did have a great time solving them. There's something else, and it's borderline paranormal I want to say... metaphysical perhaps?

Whatever. I wrote enough. Will add more later. Just typing this up quick.


Friend is currently also consulting a few professors at my alma mater, but he says he is leaning towards paying me even though he has some issues understanding some specifics with my solution.

Being a little vagur, but just want to flex a bit, because this will be news soon, but you won't hear my name.... Certain reasons I can't explain. I just want some type of documentation and proof it was me, when this gets released. Probably be a few years (?) not sure how long they will wait. A lot of moving pieces.

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Refer to major 7 and and three.

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7 = T

3 = E



We've solved it! :marseynerd2:

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!friendsofbussy-boy he did it!

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I've been studying the clues for weeks you guys. Hes going to be so impressed

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Who is "he"?

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My wife's boyfriend


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I'm sure he will be impressed bussy-boy, I'm sure he will.


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I don't really know who hes is.


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Okay seriously though, there is way more to this than just that (no idea what your even talking aout tbh). I wish I could explain it better, need time to think, would usually just write proof, and check with program, but its obviously not viable (i don't think, at least within a finite character scape) for this.

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:#marseyzodiac: Hahahahahahahaha what :#marseyemojirofl:

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:#marseydeterminedgun: :#marseybackingintobush:

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