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OFFICIAL RDRAMA :marseydramawar: ANNOUNCEMENT :marseymegaphone: FROM THE RDRAMA :marseyhammerpizza: MODERATION :marseyhercban: TEAM! FROM NOW ON, THERE :marseycheerup: WILL BE NO INDIA :marseyturban: HATE WHATSOEVER, AND ANY INDIA :marseyshiva: HATERS :marseydab: SHALL BE CHUDDED FOR THEIR BLASPHEMY AGAINST BHARATIYA!

BHARAT :marseypajeetitsover: WON, H1BS WON, ELON WON


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I don't think I've had as much fun ripping on any race as much as I have Indians in the last two days. It actually been an incredible experience scrolling through Twitter.


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Indians are extremely proud of their street pooping and scamming culture while simultaneously being highly sensitive to being mocked. The choice is obvious.

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The shittiest ( !carlos ) cultures are the ones most fiercly proud of their shit.

That's probably why they're so shit, their arrogance holds them back from self-reflecting and improving the bad parts.


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