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  • DickButtKiss : You're idiots. LED = point source light. Terrible for eyes - trans lives matter

Senator Mike Lee: Using far less efficient, fragile, dusty butt light bulbs will own the libs :marseydab:

Republicans doing everything in their power to validate the r-slur accusations

The caliber of people defending this

  • Think the poor can't afford a pack of light bulbs and would prefer those with 1/25th the usable life

  • Muh aesthetics... ignoring all the options you have with LEDs + "I'm sure someone will figure out these are actually bad... because I'm just sure they are"

  • Migranecels (read: munchie)

  • Dinesh trying to insight

  • I use some lights less, so they should be shittier because???

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>:marseypearlclutch: Studies show that a slightly different color light is devastating to normal, well adjusted people

All rightoids have going for them is that leftoids insist on being annoying and whiny. What's the point of rightoids if they're just as annoying

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He's right and you don't understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative.

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Qualitatively, rightoids are annoying. Quantitatively, I give 0 fricks about anything they have to say.

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:marseyme: I much prefer incandescent light color and only use those 'vintage' bulbs from the dollar store that need to be replaced constantly

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Studies show that a slightly different color light is devastating to normal, well adjusted people

Ok but this is also a liberal talking point lol. Was watching some yt video by an obviously liberal channel about how different colors of light can affect you.

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New age crystal gobbledygook used to be firmly lib territory. But it seems to have become more bipartisan, maybe because more foids have become rightoids?

Anyways, jupiter is in retrograde mercury's 5th window, that means its time for TND :#marseydarkfoidretard:

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>leftoids insist on being annoying and whiny

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This is just autism

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I got an LED which has the exact same color as incandescent which makes me very happy since white LEDs make me sad

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Neighbors be like

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:#marseysigh: :#marseyautismpat:

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It's not just a matter of color tempature. LED is coherent light, far harsher on the eyes

Trans lives matter

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If LED light is coherent, why are libs so incoherent? :#marseyshapiro:

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It's not a laser, you r-slur.

It's monochromatic, not coherent.

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@PeepeeButtKiss never said it was a laser. LEDs are point-source light

coherence is a spectrum, sweaty

Trans lives matter

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Maybe they're closer to coherence than incandescents but they aren't coherent light sources

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They are point-source light regardless

Trans lives matter

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I currently have all LED in my room. Even then my lights are a nice warm white, because I'm not living in the globohomo sterile world that everyone keeps trying to decorate for. Still why would you switch to incandescent there's literally very little upside. Plus LED bulbs have added a lot of features to emulate the old incandescents if you really miss them.

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its not the sufficiently the same IMO

colors != how the light is made

I've got fancy smart LEDs in my house but in my bedroom I prefer the incandescent glow. The only way LED matches it is if you have a papery lamp shade type thing covering it. Otherwise it's annoying

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Smart Bulbs are where its at as you can change the color to whatever you want with ur phone

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This but voice commands to the Alexa speakers you have everywhere

Love turning different rooms different moods

You can also program them to pulse different colors with playlists

Blue red purple pulsing lights to lofi jams synced across every speaker in the house with a single command you put together is peak chill

Make shit red and scary for horror movie nights or just for a menacing red glow peeking through the curtains for Halloween decor

Chill yellow-gold with nice jazz for proper meals

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you know Carp is gonna be changing the lighting to bisexual when capy flies in :capygay: !meowr

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This is the worst carp-post I've ever read

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Masking intellectual and creative bankruptcy under the guise of pretending shitty interiors are "spartan" as a masculine design choice instead of having a shriveled, small soul is profoundly feminine on more levels than an rDrama comment should get into.

Men of antiquity painted beauty, sculpted beauty, glorified both God and human potential with beautiful architecture, you admire beautiful cinema and photography and music, human achievement is predicated largely on the creation of aesthetic beauty. You will never be a Michelangelo or a Monet or Bosch or a Frank Lloyd Wright or a Mozart or any such thing, obviously, but the pretense that your own living space should be ugly and dull is a cope to mask feminine insecurity.

!fellas !commenters

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I know people dog on you for your tastes in art and media but I actually think your tastes and appreciation of beauty are one of your few redeeming qualities

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The topic is lightbulbs, not larping over Roman statues.

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Either that, or neighbors just don't care.

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Blue red purple pulsing lights to lofi jams


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I was pretty sure i was going to be called a cute twink for liking my smart bulbs. Thanks for this carp.

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Nah man replacing all my shit with a couple dozen color changing dimmable smartbulbs was absolutely the highest yield lowest effort interior choice I ever made, I love that shit. Alexa turn my bedroom gold, Alexa turn right bedside lamp off, Alexa Christmas Mode, Alexa dinnertime, Alexa turn all lights off, Alexa turn laundry room lights off, Alexa chill the frick out, Alexa turn office volume to 100

Don't even get me started on schedules

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This is the :marseysmokealarmbeep: moment for rightoids.

If the cost of lightbulb makes that much of a difference to you, then you have a much bigger problem than lightbulbs.

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This is the :marseysmokealarmbeep: moment for rightoids.

As much as I disliked Elon's snobbish dismissal of the populist right, this is exactly what he was talking about (he also just wants cheap HB1 workers too, don't get me wrong), but being so reactionary that you hate better things because we had older, worse things is annoying and dumb.

If the cost of lightbulb makes that much of a difference to you, then you have a much bigger problem than lightbulbs.

I don't think that's anywhere near the reality of the situation, so I find it absurd; even the economic argument of the good vs the cheap boots economic trap is a hard sell when we're talking about cents per bulb and the slightly more expensive ones last 20-50x longer.

I think this is someone who doesn't understand the economic anxiety of the middle-worried about turning lower income class in America. He's seen the general wish for wishing things were better back when they were, ignoring all the obvious material improvements that we also like, and instead of deciding to address core reasons where people feel their standards of living are slipping back he then has simplified this into a being a luddite for symbols of outdated tech that's mostly out of the window for good reasons. Lightbulbs aren't food, there's been huge advancements in technology that outpaced the costs and inflation. LEDs are literally a modern miracle of technology improving the lives of people with better value and convivence. This is the free market working it's best as everyone from Adam Smith to tech bro libertarians claims it can do (and does sometimes)! People seem so jaded about the free market and marketplace of ideas that they don't even seem to believe it when it works sometimes. :marseyshrug: @TracingWoodgrains use your words words words powers to make this more eloquent, this seems like a you point. I don't have the wordcel gift.

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being so reactionary that you hate better things because we had older, worse things is annoying and dumb.

It's more than that. Populists hate better things because they're jealous that other people made them. Instead of making good things themselves, they would rather destroy other people's creations. It's slave morality at its worst, incomprehensibly pathetic.

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use your words words words powers to make this more eloquent

Poors are penny-wise but pound-foolish


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Except using incandescent bulbs is penny foolish as well - you have to spend an extra, like, 6 bucks to have bulbs that last basically forever?

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LED light is harsher on the eyes than incandescent

Trans lives matter

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Cold white lights are literally the devil's creation though, but they make warm white LEDs now so incandescent isn't necessary

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bring back incandescent bulbs and leaded gasoline

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Just add your own lead :marseyeyeroll:. Kids these days are so lazy.

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I just drop some fishing weights and live 22 LR cartridges in there and let them slosh around. 10 extra horsepower easy.

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I took the LED pill and bought a bunch for my house, they are expensive and they fricking break constantly. Like I understand they last longer in theory than incandescent but they're all cheap Chinese shit anyway so they just crap out after a few months.

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Yeah that's right- your r-sluration is China's fault.

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Where tf did you buy such shit bulbs lmao.

I replaced all the ones in my home with LED bulbs from Amazon and I literally haven't had to replace a single one yet, after nearly a decade.

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I got them off Amazon, different brands too including American brands like GE. All seem to have the problem

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I unironically think your electric system is fricked or something bc that has not been my experience at all, with cheap LED bulbs from Amazon.

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I thought maybe but I never had issues with incandescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lights

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Put CFCs back into spray cans and R-22 back into air conditioners.

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Chloro = good for pools

Fluro = fluoride = good for teeth

Carbon = the scaffold of organic molecules and life

I see no problems there!

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Carbon is fricking Black.

Racists hate the fricking stuff.

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Carbon is fricking Black

Sounds like you went to r-slur school. So let me lay this down for you, slick.

1. Pure Carbon (diamonds) is transparent!

2. It's only our sins and impurities that make us opaque.

3. It is you, sir, who is undeserving of having 4 covalent bonds! By your moral failings, it is obvious! You have no transparency. You have no internal reflections. I bet you don't even make a spectrum when angled correctly.

Yet you try to blame this on good ol' carbon and try to taint its name with those who incompletely combust it.... Sad.

Please consider the good word of Propane as a starter guide, :marseyhankhill#:

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Graphite also is pure carbon and it's black :#marseybuffbipoc:

Therefore we must admit that there's possibility for both good and evil within carbon :m#arseymonk: :#carpcapyyinyang:

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Incandescent light is less coherent than LED light (this is an actual physics term with precise meaning, not just something I'm making up), no different to how direct sunlight is more coherent than sunlight after it has bounced around in the atmosphere on a cloudy day. I can believe that high coherence light does something to our moods but even if so it's an easy fix to decohere LED light: just put a hazy filter on top of the light.

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The only intelligent comment ITT besides @PeepeeButtKiss's own


Trans lives matter

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WTF! NO! Light coherence??! That's nonsense what are you talking about. That has nothing to do with anything. And I don't think LED's are even "more coherent". He's using it incorrectly as a sciencey sounding word for concentrated. Whether he means in terms of spectrum or brightness or both? Who knows! DRIVEL!

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I don't think that usual LEDs produce any kind of coherent light (synchronized phase). They are monochromatic, but fixing that is more complicated than bouncing it around, they are already doing that with phosphorus but it's far from perfect. That said, I've never found LEDs unnatural, I think that people are still thinking about old mercury fluorescent lights which were horrible.

Also the sun is a black body producing maximally incoherent light already, idk what you're talking about tbh.

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I meant spatially coherent light rather than temporally coherent, which yes, the sun is not 100% because at our distance from it we don't see it as a single point source (like we do with the stars, whose light is spatially coherent at our distance from them, even though they are temoporally maximally incoherent) but its sunlight is more spatially coherent than sunlight which has been diffracted randomly by the atmosphere. See nice picture I found showing different types of light and their coherence properties here, taken from this paper: . Starlight (and to a less extent sunlight) is like thermal light with a pinhole: very low temporal coherence with relatively high spatial coherence.

I checked online and it looks like I was mistaken that LEDs are spatially coherent, it looks like they are spatially incoherent too, but less so than thermal light. The photon degeneracy portion on the right hand side of the photo is a sort of combined measure of both spatial and temporal incohernece and it's about an order of magnitude bigger for LEDs than thermal light (though still very small). So yeah, my main explanation is very likely wrong. I do still find LED light harsh though (like the lighting in an operating theatre) and tape over all my LED bulbs with masking tape which I find softens their glow and makes it more pleasant to me.

N.B. coherence is a lot more complicated than just synchronized phases and very hard to understand (I don't fully understand it either), see the top answer on this physics stackexchange question about how merely putting an r-sluring filter of randomly varying thickness in front of a coherent beam (which will scramble the phases completely) is not enough to make the result incoherent: . To get pseudo-incoherence (related to true incoherence like how pseudo random number generation is related to true random number generation) you need to do something further like spin the filter fast enough that your phases rescramble faster than your detector can take the subsequent reading.

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not reading your substack

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Interesting. So it looks like spatial coherence (LEDs being close to point sources) plus relatively narrow frequency bandwidth might create sub-perceptible laser speckles. That can play tricks with eyes!

Though I still think that the weird spectrum shape is the main culprit in any perceived weirdness. You can use a combination of three types of monochromatic RGB sources, as in a computer display, to emulate almost all natural colors in a way that's indistinguishable from the real thing to our eyes. But if you use it for lighting, suddenly all reflected spectra will be totally off. So modern day white LEDs are actually blue leds plus some phosphorus that fluoresces at longer wavelengths, but it's still pretty different from the Sun's spectrum.

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Back when LEDs were expensive flickering dogshit with <= 70 CRI along with CFLs it made some sense to defend incandescent, but now you can get >= 90 CRI flicker-free LEDs for like $5 so idk why these people are being so r-slurred

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I still have yet to find ones that actually work in a 3 way lamp.

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That's because 3-way lamps are stupid, useless gimmicks they came up with in the 70s to grift housewives.

t. someone who has multiple 3-way lamps in their house from when gram gram kicked the bucket

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1 watt = 1 wat

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Incandescent bulbs are inefficient because they lose lots of energy as heat. 1000 IQ says then they must be 100% efficient if you actually wanted that room warmer... because we have no other means to warm rooms.

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And yet LED bulbs have heat sinks built into them...

LED chips produce a ton of heat

Trans lives matter

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So much this lol. My simple 100 watt LED grow lights had built in fans

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so you are saying we need heat pump lamps to be more efficient?

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bitcoin space heater theory

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He's implying that they're efficient because they heat your house in the Winter.

However, they heat your house considerably less efficiently than my heat pump does. (And less efficiently than whatever method you use).

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>And less efficiently than whatever method you use

Unless you're using a space heater, in which case lightbulbs are exactly as efficient.

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Unless you're using a space heater, in which case lightbulbs are exactly as efficient.

No, light bulbs waste more energy in producing light than a space heater does. It's probably 0.01% less efficient.

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Don't make me break out the fricking forty minute Technology Connections space heater video essay, young man.


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Don't make me break out the fricking forty minute Technology Connections space heater video essay, young man.

You'd still have to write the part where the lights are more efficient than space heaters, stalker child!

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...and what do you think happens to that waste energy?

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Most will bounce around and turn into heat, but some will flee through the window and hear your lazy neighbor

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Depends on where it goes. If the light goes out a window, then it's not converted to heat in my home.

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If it becomes light that is inherently not waste energy. it's a lightbulb, and its purpose is to turn energy into light. the correct answer is that the energy that doesn't turn into light becomes heat.

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You must be missing the weird context for this part of the thread.

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heat pumps are for cucks who can't make their own heat

dude bussy lmao

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I think he's arguing that since the "waste" electricity is mostly heat, it's not really wasted because you also want heat.

Of course electric resistive heating is inefficient af but he's also r-slurred.

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LED chips generate a lot of heat, hence why LED bulbs incorporate heat sinks

Trans lives matter

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I swear some people are absolute r-slurs, there are LED bulbs which have the same glow as incandescent lamps and they last longer.

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LED = coherent light. Even with the same color it's harsher on the eyes

Trans lives matter

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I do love this place for reminding me just how r-slurred rightoids are

So thanks bb

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It's a fact. A laser beam is a coherent light source. A 5 watt incandescent doesn't give off even enough light too read by but a 5 watt laser will blind you.

LEDs are not lasers obv but has more coherence than incandescent as they are point source light

Tl;dr you're an r-slur

Trans lives matter

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Yes, LEDs can be very bright and you shouldn't look at very bright LEDs directly because they're very bright.

Literally not an issue with residential bulbs tho bb.

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are you a child?

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You could just say "I don't get it" and type less

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no i get that they are r-slurs.

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