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What's yalls new year resolution?

Mine is to learn :marseybowing: clown :marseyjoan: makeup. I love clown :marseyblahblah: girls.




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I've got a thirteen week guitar training book that I'm going to work through, then for fitness I'd like to dunk a basketball.

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There was a brief period of time in high school where I could dunk on a regulation hoop but those days are long gone I fear.

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I still picture you as that male fashion advice guy who you used to post. Imagining him dunking is cool.

At my best I could dunk a tennis ball, I never got to a proper basketball.

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You can only dunk if you're black. Cultural appropriation is bad for the soul

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I'll tell myself that when I inevitably pull my calf and end the year with less vert than I started with.

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