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This why Atlanta HIV rates high as frick .. neighbors get they butt played in or go play with another neighbor butt den go back and take that nasty butt shit back to they "woman". Atlanta black people discuss homos.




idk why but people using blaccent on Reddit makes me lol. I guess some black guy in Atlanta got caught being gay and black people in Atlanta are upset about this.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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  • ChristmasforIsrael : You say that but yesterday a gangbanger literally posted on Reddit before shooting people

>Atlanta :marseyairquotes: black :marseyairquotes: people

:#marseyxdoubt: Gangstalogy subreddits are VVhiter than Iceland, this decade on the internet is so wingcucked, Neo-Nazis and "White" Nationalists are either Brownoid Latinx mutts, Pakis, or Chinx, meanwhile, Gangsta and Hood subcultures are all made up of upper-class LARPy White kids.



>This why Atlanta HIV rates high as frick .. neighbors get they butt played in or go play with another neighbor butt den go back and take that nasty butt shit back to they "woman".


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17233397660673566.webp !truthnuke !BIPOCs !whites !commenters

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The gaystapo are actually good people. There is nothing wrong with being gay. :marseypearlclutch2:

Spreads 2-5 new fatal diseases too mankind over 2,000 year history.

There is nothing wrong with Chinese meat markets. They just provide a diversity of protein. :marseychingchongpearlclutch:

Spread covid twice. Most likely source of the next 5 animal too human transferred diseases.

Jewish lives matter.

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Now do the Ganges

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What is the source for that blonde image? @Fresh_Start couldn't find it.

Jewish lives matter.

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Already said numerous times that I do not know, nor I could find the source for that image/gif, I am 80% sure however that it is from a music video from some band, and not a film or series.

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gonna ask again next time till @Fresh_Start get a source

Jewish lives matter

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Pimp c said it best "stop poisoning the kitty population and come on out that closet mane"


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are you a straight male? i'm only asking because i know only gays who use PReP but it does work for straight couples too. They tried doing the advertisement years ago to straight people but they didn't like the idea of taking it. Curious if maybe it started gaining some steam...

Lol oh yeah I'm sure tons of men get aids from straight s*x.

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PrEP doesn't even work for women - it can help them not transfer it (even tho F to M it's basically zero anyway) but it doesn't stop em catching it

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Lmfao really?

Foids are ao over :marseyxd:


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Maybe, I'm going off half remembered medical knowledge I read about at some point because frick going back and checking

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It's not zero, but compared from M to F is may as well be.

Think about it, whose butt and gussy getting torn up and a load dropped in it. It ain't a straight dudes. Unless your peepee is old and weathered and cracking open leaving raw skin for some reason you have a much lower chance.

Still wrap it up and don't rawdog strangers. It ain't fricking hard.

Alright m8 it was just banter no need to write a short novel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) https://media.tenor.com/UJMVGyibznAAAAAx/halloween-dog.webp

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Are trans women welcome to take PrEP here?

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Of course, bb. If anyone threatens that right, I will literally go to their house and literally kill them.

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Less purposefully and more I don't care to double check because I'm too busy #Girlbossing

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Not that it matters for my bussy lifestyle, but PrEP works fine for vagcels as long as the proper dosing is respected. Approaches like 2-1-1 dosing don't create high enough antiviral concentrations to protect vaginal s*x activities.

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I've met a few girls who say they won't mess with dudes from Atlanta because they're all closet homos.

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I don't know about all (In my frickin' dreams, amirite, !gaystapo? :marseyhomosupremacist:), but yeah, we've got a lot of brothers on the DL. And there's always gonna be dumbasses that don't use condoms or take PrEP. I don't frick with those neighbors either. I didn't catch HIV in the '80s, I'm sure as Heck not catchin' it now. :marseyindignant:

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It's true. Prolly the biggest black gay community. Yet only the ytoids seem to be out-and-out about it.

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I clocked my first :marseytrain: in Atlanta.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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West coast you can't throw a rock without hitting one. Shout out to Cypher, the very manly dood-bro working the register at my local Walgreens.

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lol I would imagine! The :marseytrain: I clocked at least tried to pass but the shoulders, no hips and man jaw gave it away.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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that entire sub acts like


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neighbors get they butt played in


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I've always been fascinated by how evocative black slang is considering they don't seem to be able to picture things in their minds

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So true, kween.

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But also, HIV is far from the death sentence it was in the 80s… you can take one pill a day to ward off the virus's growth, and you can become "undetectable", which pretty much prevents the virus's transmission to another person. Heck, even AIDS is manageable, but requires more pills.

Is this true or just cute twink cope?

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It's true which is why cute twinks are so adamant on repealing anti-pozzing legislation

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It's mostly true. Some of the claims are actually a little weaker than what's true.

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If you can't measure the HIV that you know is living in your blood, it's essentially not there. It's like God in that way.

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HIV is a myth perpetuated by people who make money off selling lifelong drug subscriptions to IV drug users

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Even if it is, "sure lmao just take drugs every day" is kind of a stupid sentence to equate to "nothing". Typical burger to think of it as normal to severely interfere with your body's chemistry on a regular basis :marseyburger:

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lol yeah but it's also neighbors going around fricking every hoe they come across raw it ain't just gay/dl neighbors you can get hiv being a completely straight neighbor

wonder what the percentage of actual straight guys that have HIV is. probably mostly druggies

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What's a cardi opp? Also you can't get HIV from a dildo in the butt.

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