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leafs COPE and pretend they'd have the willingness and ability to actually fight off an American annexation




A brief primer for all the non-leafs

1) Leafs have been largely disarmed. All the most common battle rifles are long banned and our current PM has banned virtually every semi-auto rifle and over 70% of the population agrees with this policy

2) The people who do have decent guns (illegally) are overwhelming either rightwing (who want better relations with the states) or injuns (who hate the fed) and neither of who are in or near our urban centres.

3) America could literally surround half Canadians population in a day by taking lower Ontario.

4) Our army is so underfunded we don't even have rifles and ammo enough for training. Soldiers during their bi-annual training just pull the trigger and say bang

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I would make sure there were as many dead Americans as I could make before I go.

/u/Neceon lol you and what rifle?

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Imagine this leaf bravely charging the advancing American troops with a hockey stick before he gets gunned down from 50 yards out


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:#marseysoldieramerica: :!#marseyinvisible: :!#marseymaid4:

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@J wheres the bot? Theres multiple people itt that desperately need to get pinged :soyjaktantrum:

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Omg it's a fricking holiday let crossy rest God darn

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I lived in America for the last two years as a Canadian and I can promise you, the people who want to join America have no idea what they are signing up for. I had a friend OD at a festival and everyone was scared to call the ambulance because no one knew if they had health insurance or not. She could have died over the fear of a 3-5k bill. Moreover, mass shootings at schools - we take schools safety for granted. Being afraid to send your kids to school is a real thing down there.

"My friends a junkie and all us other junkies were afraid of getting a bill!"

/u/moderng*mer6 Your dope fiend friend would never have had to pay back a red cent of that debt

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>burgerland let's junkies OD and die

I'm sold, time to make a run for the border :marseymexican:

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>not because they were scared to get busted with Molly and lsd

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!burgers, if we ever did decide to annex Canada, all we'd need to do is publicly declare that annexing Canada is the last thing we'd ever want. Canadians' collective compulsion to contradict Americans would handle the rest. They'd be insisting on becoming the 51st state by the end of the day. :marseypatriot:

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>letting us be a state

Terrible idea, make us a territory so we can't frick your elections

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I'd rather gather you all into a pile and let children jump on you for entertainment. :marseyrake:

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Canadian territory should just be annexed into the northern border states by longitude.

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5 red states and one big blue mass (+ independent Quebec to frick with you guys)

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Id be printing the geneva checklist the second US boots hit canadian soil.

Im a single 42yo man who is a decent shot. Dont have a wife and kids to worry about leaving if i died.

No sense letting others fight and die while i sat home.

Tarps off boys.


Lmao you and your SKS would be lucky to even hit an American before you got a mortar dropped on your head

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:marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojiroflgenocide:

Canadians acting tough :marseyklennypunished: is the funniest :marseypickle: thing ever. We'd steam :marseyfreeman: roll them so fast


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SKS? :marseyconfused:

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The SEKS is a Soviet-made rifle that is very popular all around the world til this day:

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/54/c5/6e/54c56e68dd58a3bbc88b72b6cea52f02.jpg !firearms

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Ik but why is it popular in Leafland?

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It is pretty cheap, very easy to modify, supports a shitton of modifications, and it does not technically counts as an assault rifle, right !firearms?, it is just the perfect rifle for civilian ownership, the Vodkacel equivalent of the AR-15 (not the AK since the AK is not easily accessible for civilian use)

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Correction: it was cheap, nowadays I wouldn't reccomend anyone get an SKS. Also basically anywhere where it is easy to get an AR-15 it is easy to get an AKM or AK-74

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In Canada you can get surplus for ~.25 USD per round

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A bunch of them got exported out of military surplus stockpiles in the 90's by Russia and China and they were dirt cheap back then. We got a bunch of them in the US around that time too.

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We aren't allowed Aks or AR-15s so instead we're stuck with SKS rifles

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still a solid gun though

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Til the barrel rusts. Have fun getting one of those peepeesuckers off without a press

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I served 10 years. I would not pick up arms. This is not 1812. You may as well be fighting an advanced alien species. The advancement in technology the US has dwarfs anything the CF could put together.

Once they had taken our country I may engage in guerrilla warfare, as this has proven to be a weak point of US occupations. But conventional war no.

Everyone who is saying "I will go down taking out as many as I can", you will die taking none of them out. Having fought alongside US soldiers they are an extremely professional military and the best at what they do. There is no defense to their technological advantage where merely fighting at night makes them invincible to civilian warfighting.

If you actually feel strongly about fighting write your MP to increase our warfighting capacity. We are using fighters from the 1980's, ineffective navy, no effective submarines, small standing army, outdated armoured vehicles, and extensive training limitations. With a potentially hostile US we need to increase all those capacities.

Europe will do sanctions, that's it. We are on our own.

Oh I forgot to mention Canada banned 3rd 4th gen and later night vision. If you want passive NV you're stuck using smuggled American imports or tubes from the 80s

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Canada banned 3rd gen and later night vision.

Why? What the frick?

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Sorry it's 4th gen and later that were banned.

TL:DR The government is deeply afraid of the idea of well armed and outfitted militias. Read up on the Oka crisis. A handful of Indians with SKSs made so much trouble Canada had to empty it's entire stock of barbed wire and deploy the army

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Whatever happened to the Mohawk after that? :marseylaying:

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Literally nothing lol. They're currently one of the biggest smugglers because their lands cross the US-Canada border

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This is the country that recently confiscated .22 guns that looked 'tactical' under the guise of donating them to the Ukrainian war effort, lmao.

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Wtf are Ukrainians gonna do with .22s?

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A question no one has bothered asking the government and one they haven't felt the need to answer

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Shoot the rats overrunning the trenches looking for corpses to eat

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Hopefully shoot Canadians

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Write a letter back to Canada reminding them that they are at war and need actual weapons of war and that Canadian politicians are straggier than a Gay Orgy on NYE.

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Die in droves like they are now

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I almost hope it does happen.

The types of people talking tough about this are the ones responsible for voting in the most r-slurred government in my lifetime. If they want to volunteer as target practice for the Burgers, I sure won't stand in the way.

What does Canada even stand for anymore besides being "not American"?

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What does Canada even stand for anymore besides being "not American"?

:#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion:

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Don't worry, ole' Musky's making sure you're not too far behind on that one.


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I openly hope it happens. People like to pretend that our healthcare and low murder rate justifies being worse in ever other way than Americans, but it simply doesn't

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Why do people bring up murder rates? There are plenty of states that have the same security as the whole country of Canada, it's just that redditors like to pretend it's because they are civic or well mannered or whatever :marseysmirk:

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!burgers !firearms it's real :#marseyxd:

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Did people think i was joking?

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I thought that line was stolen from an obscure book whose name I can't remember

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there's a Romanian joke about guys fighting in a trench yelling "bang bang" because they got wooden rifles, then an enemy tank gets close, points the turret at them and the driver gets out and yells "tanky tanky"

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Lmao liberals and leftoids cant stop talking about how much they hate their country for whatever historical/current injustice but when orange man makes some jokes suddenly they're ultranationalist patriots

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A war with the leafs would be over in about 30 seconds. Their most advanced fighter jet is the FA-18A LMOA.

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Fortunately we know that's one that we can shoot down.

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They are buying 88 f35s for $15 billion lol. Of course then they would be dependent on the US for maintenance.

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Realistically? My focus would be on keeping my family safe.

Everyones would be. At the end of the day what's really the difference between being ruled by a virtual foreigner in Ottawa or a literal one in DC?

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Yes and so would NATO, and the commonwealth. Because if they don't they're next.

Neither nato nor the ever crumbling common wealth (which contains what, 6 countries now? Most of them 3rdie shitholes) would ever be fool enough to raise kane against the states. It would be suicide.

yes I would fight against a fascist takeover of canada. these american douches are bringing out the patriot in me. I'd die but at least I wouldn't be a traitor. maple molotov contingent assemble.

At least this one's honest

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the ever crumbling common wealth (which contains what, 6 countries now? Most of them 3rdie shitholes)

Why what happened? :marseyconfused:

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TL:DR All the former British colony's now hate Britain. independence from the British empire is now one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the world

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I really :marseythinkorino2: hope this becomes more than just a joke because seeing these Canadians :marseyleafpearlclutch: all riled up and becoming ΓΌber tough :marseyklennypunished: keyboard :marseytext: commandos is one of the funniest :marseypickle: things I've seen all year


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But it's only been one day? :marseysad:

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STILL COUNTS :marseyindignant:


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I forgot to ping !leafs

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>Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Indians and H1B workers.

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If we invade Canada I'll sign up for the US army as long as I can be a grunt.

:#marseyflagcanada: :#marseykyle:


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I'm still praying for Alberta to secede and join the US :#pray:

If all the dominoes fall correctly we end up with Quebec as a sovereign tumor that can be excised at a future date.

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Why is it that people accuse Trump of being an agent of chaos seemingly heck-bent on breaking up the Western alliances and making America an awful security partner?


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I want the 1st and 2nd amendment rights. And property rights.

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If war breaks out Ed, let me know where you are, I'll make sure you get safe passage to a free state.

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Its so funny seeing Canadians think they have a chance https://i.rdrama.net/images/173576592187DH-HWnG4oPaQ.webp

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It would be at most a 24 hour war.

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I say we just take it then

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Who cares about guns? A single drone can kill hundreds of gunoids while they're sleeping, even ignoring the possibility of bio weapon attacks.

A common indian can slash the necks of 5 other boomers with a hundred guns

Guns are cope. If the 2nd amendment kept up with the times, we'd have private killer drones roaming our homes

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wipes hands 'frick, I'm still logged onto Reddit... I hope I didn't post anything embarrassing again



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