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Holy frick: Reddit jannies :soysnooseethe: delete well articulated and updooted :marseyupvote2: post about why keeping porn away from children is a good thing. :taythumbsup:

Why do reddit janitors have such a hard on for showing porn to children?

pointing out there is porn on reddit is bannable too?

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See !chuds !burgers this is why I support Musk trying to give all H1Bs to leet I mean jeet coders. You can't take the r*pe out of muslims and the drugs out of latinx. Europoors are just too lazy and chinks will just steal all ip and give it to xinping.

But the jeet? He'll probably just work at 25% efficiency for 10% of the price and squabble with his own kind over casteshit (they all smell curry).

It's simple. Importing jeets is the only immigration green light the CIA will ever issue. !saar

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>jeets don't r*pe


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In their own country? Heck yeah. Who doesn't love raping?

But I have yet to find out about hindu r*pe gangs roaming around in the UK or US

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dude bussy lmao

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neighbor, people on the canada subreddit were like 'grown butt men keep asking for my 15 year old daughter's phone # while i am standing there'

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!chuds am I crazy? What happened? Why do I still hold on to the belief that we all can be good inside, or at the very minimum, ensure those who commit crimes against children are prosecuted? Too heavy on the christian upbringing? Am I forever forced to see people use protect kids as a card to play instead of an action they want to take?

I don't know anymore :marseydoomer:

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!chuds underage drinking is a worse crime than child r*pe.

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Musk chudposting about the Paki r*pe gangs? This is a good day.

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Think hes trying to recover from the backlash he got for supporting h1b visas cause hes going hard.

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Don't worry about the gang male feminist I want to import and worry about the gang male feminists i don't want to import.

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the only post on reddit right now about rotherham was immediately smacked down by people saying OP has an agenda against foreigners.

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If men didn't think with their peepees, they wouldn't have enough brain power to change my oil

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thanks for all the context bb

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