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El Salvador closes 2024 with a record low number of homicides, from 6,500 homicides to 114 - :soysnootypefast: :soysnooseethe: Funko Pop-loving ledditors comfortably living in North America and Western Europe come to terms that tough-on-crime policies maybe do work, and that the cringy problematic cryptobro chud dictator Nayee Bukkake actually.... did a good job? :marseymexican: :soyreddit:




People living in first world countries typing from cozy air conditioned rooms while drinking a cup of overpriced starbucks coffe as usual won't understand that maybe, just maybe, giving up your civil liberties to gain the perk of being able to go to work every day without the very real fear of you or your family falling victim to crime violence, might actually be a decent tradeoff.

When a country's institutions have been corrupted to the point of allowing crime related violence rise to those levels, it's a clear sign that its democracy has already been long subverted.


It's very rich for us in countries privileged with at least somewhat functional law and order and no essentially paramilitary criminal cabals in control of a shocking amount of the country to judge a country resorting to extreme measures due to a literally insane homocide rate.

The biggest tell will be if powers are relinquished when the cartels have been crippled to a degree where they cannot easily return.


Privileged little redditors will always find a way to preach about how they could easily find a way to fix all those issues, while preserving their virtuousness on top of their moral high horses.


!chuds !neolibs !latinx

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I can only imagine he's a CIA asset and there's some weird plan for El Salvador


Typical Latam logic. If you can't imagine how something works, it must be the CIA. You're like juggalos who don't understand magnets except you assume that it must be the CIA.

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!remindme 10 years

That will be enough time to vindicate me

Refrain from interacting with me in the future if you continue to sidevote


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I told you Daniel Ortega was a traitorous sellout to imperialism longer than 10 years ago. I've already been vindicated.

If you don't want a sidevote, here you go. Here's a present for you pinko.


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!metashit when will redactor's drunk arc end? Literally impossible to have a conversation with him with any coherence for more than one reply

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!g*mers Redactor came into a thread where I was complaining about Civ 5 and tagged me as "Civ 5 and COD"

I just can't with this guy :marseysigh:

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how tf do you tag people? Do I need to paypiggy for this?

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Recently added feature, like the last few weeks. Something I've been begging for because I forget who to shit on for being Canadian.

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yea but I don't see a button for it

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That tag symbol to the right of your name. I have it at least.

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Last week, he hallucinated a conversation with me and then said I was arguing with him in revenge for the prior, non-existent conversation. :marseyschizotwitch:

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That one is actually plausible. I've been having some weird experiences at night.

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I'm not following. Do you not know who Daniel Ortega is? Do you not know where Nicaragua is? Or you don't get it was the same war?

Do you think ARENA was created by the CIA? Or Ortega is a legit nationalist? You're gonna have to fill me in here because it seems like you're just rolling the dice hoping I'm drunk right to dodge the fact that you just got frickin' OWNED.


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Stop replying to me with incoherent ramblings about Nicaragua

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Oh that's right, you wouldn't know anything about North America like I do. :marseysmug2:

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This isn't funny, it's just odd

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  • You said that Bukele is working on a secret plot by the CIA's "plan for El Salvador" hidden from the American people that apparently both Biden and Trump are in on.

  • And everyone in the CIA. Because as we all know, they all have to do what "the agency" says or they'll be killed, like on TV.

  • I suggested that this is implausible and has been a common cope of people in Less Developed Countries for a long time for their own political difficulties.

  • You made a catty remark and I reminded you that I was totally right about Nicaragua when I said that the Ortega regime would make him a dictator serving foreign powers (China, Venezuela, in addition to Cuba).

  • You realized that you have no idea what I'm talking about and thought you should be triumphalist.

  • I realize you don't know that Nicaragua is next to El Salvador, that there was a big war there in the 1980s, that this explains what's going on in Nicaragua in obvious ways (the Ortega dictatorship came back) and El Salvador (I dunno it's more complicated).

  • You piss your pants and pray that I'm too drunk to call you out.

!followers !historychads !boozers Don't try to frick with me about history hoping I'll be drunk. I could be fricking huffing gas and I'll know more about what happened in your country in the 1980s than you know yourself.


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honestly it seems pretty over for our local cripple :marseydead:

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I will be messaging you on 03.01.2035, 20:07 UTC to remind you of this comment

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