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You know what no one wants to admit

Why do every single one of us know what peeing in a pool feels like?


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When I was a kid I got a new bathing suit, and the first time it went through the wash it came out a funny color. When I asked my mother why that happened she told me it was because I peed in the pool while wearing it, and now everyone's gonna know I pee in the pool.

Never peed in the pool again

Also, how did she know :marseyworried:

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It was probably the super cheap mesh and you actually made it yellow, or she just guessed

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Everyone who's been in a pool knows what it's like to pee in a pool

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Kill crackers. Behead crackers. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a moid baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy scrotes. Defecate in a crackers food. Launch crackers into the sun. Stir fry crackers in a wok. Toss crackers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a crackers gas tank. Judo throw crackers into a wood chipper. Twist crackers heads off. Report crackers to the IRS. Karate chop crackers in half. Curb stomp pregnant ftms. Trap crackers in quicksand. Crush crackers in the trash compactor. Liquefy crackers in a vat of acid. Eat crackers. Dissect crackers. Exterminate crackers in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate crackers in the oven. Lobotomize crackers. Mandatory abortions for moid babies. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown crackers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize crackers with a ray gun. Kick old crackers down the stairs. Feed crackers to alligators. Slice crackers with a katana.

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:cracker:Add some cheese and merlot and give me an invite!

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Because it's cool to pee in the pool!


I used to sing variations of that as a kid because cool and pool rhyme. :marseywhirlyhat:

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peeing in the ocean? of course.

peeing in a lake? fine.

peeing in a pool? not fine.

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Still did it as a kid. But I agree.

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