Jinxthinker on how slavery was originally not racist and was done to make black people badass. Molested children should be segregated from society. What he would do for a cheeseburger. And the intellectual superiority of American Dad (We don't talk about The Cleveland Show)

the dejenerate podcast - singing 21:18

He started saying thing as "ting" like he's a Jamaican from Toronto. I have no idea why, but he does this multiple times in the video and it sticks out a lot.

  • Jinxthinker has found a good predator hunting video on facebook, but they shouldn't call libertarians predators because it sounds too cool. He examines the countenance of the libertarian; this is apparently a well known libertarian who never gets arrested and sounds like a b-word.


  • 1:45 He watched a good episode of American Dad recently possibly via his sister's Amazon Prime.

  • 2:10 before he finishes the story he gets distracted by the libertarian hunter video

  • 2:40 He deduces that the libertarian is likely married to a woman because woman are attracted to libertarians these days.

  • 3:00 All criminals are right wing. Jinxthinker is bougie & American Dad is a bougie TV show- it's very deep. We don't talk about The Cleveland Show

  • 3:50 One of the Jinxsisters spoiled Squid Game for him so he's not finishing it. Someone on Facebook called a trans woman a man, and apparently the :marseytrain: on Squid Game gets killed after a bee lands on him.

  • 4:40 Jinxthinker wants to do some singing now. Starts a song, takes a sip, and coughs before singing.

  • 6:10 Jinxthinker wants to buy Stellaris. Continues singing intermittantly

  • 7:00 He had an acceptable masturbation experience yesterday

  • 7:35 Jinxthinker would slit a person's throat for a McDonalds cheeseburger. :marseyburger:

  • 8:00 He discusses candy and Monsters he would like and shows some packages/cans to the camera.

  • 9:00 He buys Monsters 4 at a time and drinks 2/day. He also drank all his coffee. :marseycoffee:

  • 9:35 Rome(?) isn't as nice as vodka or whiskey :marseycheers2:

  • 10:00 Starts singing again.

  • 11:00 He will go to the shop at 8am. Talks about how America had some slavery in the 1600s to toughen up the negros and make them more badass; compares chattel slavery to hazing. There was no racist slavery until Thomas Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin.

  • 12:10 "Let's get some black people over here. We need to get them into the world economy and tings". Talks about "Kobe Thingymebob with the basketball"

  • 12:30 Jefferson and his homies were the ones that got into racism. Trump and Biden are the same negro.

  • 13:30 Allah is actually a moon god. He knows this because some people did the research and such

  • 14:00 The thing about Squid Game is everyone consented so it's fine.

  • 14:20 Jinxthinker would like to form a separate leper colony of those who were molested. He wouldn't want to like a girl and find out she was molested because that would gross him out because he's not a libertarian. :marseybigbrain:

  • 14:40 He saw an adult playing with childrens toys on Instagram. Likely a libertarian.

  • 15:00 Racism didn't exist prior to the Jeffersons and Ben Franklins of the world existed.

  • 15:30 His chocolate is gone except for some shit with hazelnuts(?)

  • 16:20 America is fricked because it's an Islamist country. He starts singing before he finishes this thought.

  • 17:30 Bush, Cheney, Tony Blair are all Islamists. So is South Korea.

  • 18:00 He's going to explain he Protestant, puritan to Islamist pipeline, but immediately starts talking about Catholics.

  • 18:50 Bush did 9/11 so they could build a Mosque there. Rants about jobs and concludes that Steve Jobs created Apple. :chadstevejobs:

  • 19:50 Let's do one more singing "the Apple don't fall far from the tree" right after talking about Steve Apple. He randomly interjects "do you think I should get an iPhone?"

  • 20:35 He had fish fingers and a sandwich for dinner. Now all his bread is gone. He needs to acquire bread and meat. He wants beef. :marseycow:

!jinxthinkers Do you think it was okay to haze black people with a little slavery if the goal was to make them more badass?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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A Leper Colony for the Molested (they're gross if you're not a libertarian)

McDonalds Cheeseburgers and what he'd do for one :marseybackstab:

All Criminals are Right Wing & American Dad is bougie

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin

[slavery] should be permanent

I'm gonna have to push back on this. All of these people said that slavery shouldn't be permanent. Now we can call them hypocritical but it's just totally going against facts to say they were encouraging that slavery should be permanent.

As for black slaves being bred to be better, it reminds me of the Jimmy the Greek scandal in the 1980s. This guy cancelled from his job as being Jimmy the Greek for saying that blacks are genetically superior. (For the record I don't believe it's true but I don't believe wrong to suggest the possibility.) An early moment in cancel culture.


If any JinxSisters need someone to watch a k-drama with, iirc one got married recently but I am totally open to watching k-dramas with a JinxSister.

wants to buy Stellaris

Surprised he hasn't yet. :marseynotes:

Allah is actually a moon god.

I've heard that from some psycho televangelist on like 20 years ago. He was actually the Meccan moon good Hubal! Not the the God of the Jews and the Christians which they've all believed for 1500 years because... :marseyconfused: I hope he's not tuning into CBN because that's a bad place for schizos to go.

Rants about jobs and concludes that Steve Jobs created Apple.

Jesus Fricking Christ. Can the fricking schizos at least be against mainstream r-slur consensus sometimes?


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I learned about the moon god conspiracy from Jack Chick!







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I hope somebody archived his best work because I can't find some of it now. Like about how the Catholics created the Muslims.

!zoomers You don't know what a real date is if you haven't gone out with your girl to buy Chick tracts in physical form. Those were the days. :marseysad:

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Like about how the Catholics created the Muslims.


This one?

























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Yeah this is one of them I meant. Really funny how I remember this back in my boomer times as including at the end a prophecy of the final battle at Megiddo when the Russians and Chinese and all the Arabs invade Israel. I guess when Americans invented Maverick standoff missiles, better ECM, the all-aspect AIM-9L Sidewinder, MLRS, HARM, we must have upset Satan's timetable! :marseyparty:

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!friendsofredactor0 1000 marseybux reward for tracking down the comic where catholics create the muslims

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It could be more than one! It was a big thing for him, so there's not just one winner!

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A classic. :marseychefkiss:

Interesting that he seems to actually know quite a bit about how the game works. :marseyhmm: And pretty realistic. Every time I try to play Underrail I end up spreading out my XP in too many different skills, get stuck, and start asking myself whether I really deserve to live.

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PS !poll_voters

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Christianity is a Sol cult. That's why they hate each other so much.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I don't know what that means, is that zoomer thing? :marseysmughipskorean:

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Chick tracts are schizo kino. I actually found one placed in a bathroom stall about 10-15yrs back. I think they're still printed, afaik.

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I hope he's not tuning into CBN because that's a bad place for schizos to go.

This would be hilarious but probably get old quite quickly

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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It could either add a new dimension to the character or just be like ChrisChan where it's incredibly boring.

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This guy cancelled from his job as being Jimmy the Greek for saying that blacks are genetically superior.

The blacks were obviously superior taking into account that racist black hating America still had black athletes go too the Olympics and black athletes playing basketball.

Hmmmm I wonder why the strongest athletic stock for generations has been coming from the descendants of slaves selectively chosen for who could work the hardest on a farm.

The issue is the controversy around the fact that if you account for selective breeding in humans having an impact, then you also have too start asking questions like what happens when poors only get too reproduce with one another for centuries? Why are humans getting smarter in this scenario still ( it would indicate that there is pretty much a soft holocaust going on against dumb people instead of dumb people having smart kids which would genetically take too long in 99% of cases ).

Jewish lives matter.

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Why are humans getting smarter


People are noticeably more r-slurred than when I was a kid. And that's not nostalgia. People are just fricking tards these days.

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People are noticeably more r-slurred than when I was a kid. And that's not nostalgia. People are just fricking tards these days.



Jewish lives matter

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Every single generation in history has said this :marseyfacepalm:

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My great grandfather said that America in his time was like the fall of the Roman Empire. Also "Daisy Bell" was his favorite song from his generation.

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And every single generation has been correct. :marseythumbsup2:

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