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The OP is clearly talking about the Arcade feats, but the users are too r-slurred to tell apparently

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I think it's likely that they'll rework the mission down the road with a different look for the target and make the ET Arcade available to everyone again.

This poor thing :marseyclueless:

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I began to have fantasies of becoming very powerful and stopping everyone from having s*x. I wanted to take their s*x away from them, just like they took it away from me. I saw s*x as an evil and barbaric act, all because I was unable to have it. This was the major turning point. My anger made me stronger inside. This was when I formed my ideas that s*x should be outlawed. It is the only way to make the world a fair and just place. If I can't have it, I will destroy it.



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