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9 innings? I only have one belly button! :marseysting:

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Dodgers are Asian maxxing so hard :marseynut:

Marsey prediction: Dodgers win the World Series two of the next three years.

Mark @FormerLurKONG's trussy

@FormerLurKONG say this as a feminist ally.

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Please let this be the end of the white race in this country.


The only song I want my roommates to play extremely loud on their karaoke machine and wake me up in the morning is this:

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Japs being really into baseball is funny but those chinks can swing a bat so I'm all for it. I welcome our new Jackie Chan Robertson overlords.


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It is a bit unfair that the MLB can essentially drain overseas baseball :marseytf2scout: scenes of there :marseycheerup: best talent.

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They don't though. There's tons of players in Japan that would be all stars in MLB but stay in Japan because they get paid more.

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:marseysmirk2: Is that still true? Some of these recent contracts are insane. There's no way the Jap or Korean league can compete with mlb.

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There is a large monetary value to living in Japan instead of sidestepping human shit on the sidewalk to consider. Not having to cover your translator's r-slurred betting habits also saves on expenses.

And tbh I'd believe it in a raw monetary sense anyway. Japan has a third of the population of America but baseball is relatively way more popular, it's totally unavoidable. MLB has way more competition for cultural relevance + sponsorship dollars.

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Japan wasn't gonna give Scrotehei half of what he got in Burgerstan :marseysmirk2:

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Maybe not allstars but lots of MLB caliber players stay in Japan. The Japs beat the US at the WBC and they had a bunch of non MLB players.

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