i'm 25F and my roommate is 20M. it's important to mention that i am a lesbian in a relationship and he is gay. he has different guys coming in (usually at night), he plays music super loud at night when they come over, then after they leave he washes his sheets right before the next guy comes over. one night, me and my gf wanted to watch a movie in the living room and literally couldn't because we could hear him having very loud s*x. he brings in a min. 2 people a night. max: he has had 4 guys come through in one day. how do i bring this up without being disrespectful but still direct. i can understand being young and wild but god, having this many random guys in my apartment is so weird. i also know this because i installed a ring camera. its also gross because he uses my washer and dryer each time. honorable mention because maybe this is the root of my annoyance: he doesn't pay me for the light bill on time and he doesn't wash my dishes that he uses even though he has his own dishes
Its kinda that a 20 year old, already living on their own and is basically getting every night by multiple men.
And then they wonder why scrotes look at them as plague spreaders.
In-calls put you and him at risk of being robbed, assaulted, and worse. Get some extra cameras for the shared areas and your personal spaces, find an older gay mentor he'll listen to
I think a "gay older mentor" is what set him down this path, redditor.
Every other comment is apologia that starts with "s*x work is valid but..."
Some of them do get a little chuddy
ok I'm done copy/pasting quote comments, go your own.
Funny how anytime I read about lesbians/gays cohabiting spaces there is always issues not just being absolute degenerates, but always late on bills or never can be arsed to wash their own dishes.
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It's funny how the general public has become completely deluded by popular media and have totally forgotten what gay men are actually like.
Most people I know still think gay men just want to get married. Even the ones I know in committed relationships have zero interest in getting married. Being gay is about fricking guys nonstop all the time, that's it.
If this person found an "older gay mentor" to talk to this dude, he'd just pat him on the back, and then suck his peepee.
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PREP has enabled the absolute worst of gay men to become even worse
Like those pup play nutjobs
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Now the circuit gays just give each other a rotating cycle of every other STD from fricking hookups bareback because they're not worried about dying of AIDS
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Yeah, that's basically it. That's the "lifestyle" part of it that everyone is rightfully repulsed by.
Y'know how shitty people try to hide the worst of their cultures?
I wish I could do the opposite and expose the worst parts of mine to the point where gay men felt shame again.
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Gay men with a sense of shame are straight presenting anyways. Visible gays are almost always turbosluts, mental health disasters, or both.
I just wish some of them wouldn't casually bring up deepthroating peepee or currently having c*m in their butt in front of the poor waitress at brunch
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Darn i need a nutjob from one of these neighbors
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Prep didn't do shit. Prep was literally because they'd be that bad anyway, and it was cheaper to pay for prep than to pay for aids treatment, and the straggot advice of "just wear a condom" (even though strags don't do that either but that's w/e) was never going to happen
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I've been pilled on gay men just from reading what they talk about online when they think no one else is looking. Also their child abuse rates. Unbridled male sexuality is nasty
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Outwardly, I'm very non-judgmental, so people open up to me a lot and I have many friends from many walks of life. People notice that I don't gossip or share personal things about other people, so I hear a lot of crazy stuff from people at work, from friends, and from acquaintances.
From what I've gathered, it seems rare that a gay man in his late 20's/early 30's has less than triple digit sexual partners. Even the ones that have calmed down had a "hoe phase," which is an extremely amplified version of what women talk about when they use that term, because like you said, unbridled male sexuality is nasty.
And yeah they've either all been molested, exposed to porn at an extremely young age, or exposed to traumatic situations out of their control.
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The kind of homos that are going to talk a strag about fricking around with dudes tend to be the more promiscuous types. There's still a decent number of gays that aren't fricking a different random hookup every night and never did. It's definitely a matter of personal restraint on the part of the individual because men are VERY easy (the majority of strag men would if they could ), and fricking around is very much the norm even among long term gay couples. Lots of temporary thirds or open relationships
It's good fun if you don't self-browbeat based on the opinions of women
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And once you've been exposed to or hurt by cursed shit like that it messes your sense of sexuality up.
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I've been gaypilled since I lived with two in halls. The things they'd casually say were insane, like one was getting bussy blasted in some 30 year old guy's van when he was 15.
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I have never met a gay guy that has even entertained the thought of getting married. Gay marriage really was a psyop to make them seem normal but that's just not how they do relationships.
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Gay porn is not reality!
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