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Sam Sloan's Home Page


:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke:

:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke:

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You need to remove :marseyklennyreveal: the S in https I tried changing it but rdrama :marseymeangirls: automatically adds it back

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Who's Sam Sloan?

He's r-slurred, right?

How did you even find this?


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He posts stories about him raping women :marseyuterus: that are fortunately probably delusions, he also posts stories and pictures :marseypamsame: about him going :marseysalmaid: to 3rd world :marseyslugcat: countries to see underage :marseynominers: girls, claims that one of the 9/11 planners kidnapped his wife, his own brother :marseyilluminati2: kidnapped his mother :marseykiwimom: and daughter and was somehow working :marseylifting: with the 9/11 guy, is still trying to run for president :marseykamalarentfree: (and he switches party :marseyballoons: almost every election). That's probably like 1% of the crazy.

I love this transcript of a call he posted to his own website, thinking :marseywrongthonk: that it made the fbi look bad


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You're not a woman. You're a tomboy at best.



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