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Israelis seething that they have to take a break from their genocide




Particularly goulash threads, quoted lazy style:

>Maybe Israelis should have learned the 15th time it happened. Don't negotiate for hostages, if they die they die

Replies: (translated from israli hebrew)

If you are a citizen and this is your opinion, then you should know that I tend to agree with you, but at the same time I thank God that I am not in a place where I would be asked to make such a terrible decision.

I'm an Israeli and I agree with him. It's a hard choice to make but if you make the wrong choice every time, they'll just keep doing it.

It's not my choice to make you are right but it's obvious to everyone that Israeli society is willing to make the dumbest choices decade after decade.

There is no hostage as valuable on this planet than an Israeli hostage because Israel will throw away every objective to get them back.

Turns out israli lives aren't as valuable as palestinian deaths

Do I see this wrong, or does Israel look like the loser of this deal / war?

Then somewhere braindead ethnonationalist garbage. Yeah. Israel really lost with its 1:100 KD ratio.

They should not be rescued except by military action even if it means they all have to die.

I hope everyone who insisted that Trump was a great friend of Israel who will surely have the Jewish people's backs feels pretty stupid now. A whole lot of American Jews were trying to warn you that Trump was completely untrustworthy, and Israelis just refused to hear it.

๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ NOOO our greatest enemy...brokers a peace deal for us :(( we want blood :marseycry:

Trump (and his sycophants) will just blame Biden on this whole deal

???? He took credit for it

Another translation from modern Hebrew:

>I appeal to all Israelis who oppose the deal (well, all the normal ones. Not those who are planning to starve 2 million Gazans to death or want to establish settlement blocs there because they think it will bring the Messiah or some other bigot)

What do you imagine that continuing the war will achieve? Do you believe that "complete victory" is just around the corner? If we continue to fight there for another year or two or five years, Hamas will disappear and we will have peace forever? And that we can leave Gaza and forget about it? Or do you think we will have to stay there forever. If so, are you serving in the reserves, and are you prepared to continue doing plus or minus six months of reserve duty every year, until you are 45? Are you prepared for your children and grandchildren to live like this?

Enough with the illusion. Hamas is not going anywhere. After a year+ we are no closer to taking down Hamas than we were at the beginning. The most that can be done is to take their heads off, but as soon as they are allowed to, they will recover, and if it is not Hamas, it will be another terrorist organization. The only difference is whether the kidnapped people will return or not.

One commenter mentions their desire for "the chanpiom program" in Hebrew. No such Wikipedia article exists, and English mention is almost impossible to find online, but here's the Wikipedia article: Click here for israeli genocide plans

Here's the english wikipedia article

It is kinder

Generally if you see Hebrew in the thread it's because they don't want the reddit admins to see their comment. Not always.

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When you say shit like this, you are basically saying "I am a brainwashed member of the public that repeats shit that none of the actual intel or defense agencies believe for one second"

our governments make deals with hostage takers and terrorists all freaking day, and have for decades, if they actually believed or were concerned that was an incentive to their activities, wouldn't they just eliminate them

The world is run by realpolitik, people do things for reasons and motivations, taking hostages is just like bombing civilian hospitals - a means to an end. This type of reasoning is like a brain disease that was foisted on the public by the media, and here's a guy willingly showing to everyone that yeah, he's an r-slured brainwashed r-slurred that regurgitates what they have been told on tv.

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Realpolitik is just game theory with chuddy goals, and I don't own a TV or use any streaming services other than YouTube. I've never seen an episode of 24 or whatever you assume I might watch in this space.

I reached the conclusion of "don't give up things for hostages" from the first principles of the game theory and how operative conditioning work. You get what you reward. If you reward hostage-taking, you get more of it.

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This is only true if you model the very first layer of interactions and nothing else. It's not just simplistic, it's shallow and stupid. "if I do what the other person wants they will keep coercing me" is the dumbest form of reasoning.

Did the IRA keep bombing when their demands were met? No? Weird, absolutely weird, how negotiating with terrorists was what it took to resolve that conflict, that is to say, resolving the thing that was leading to the conflict in the first place.

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The primary goal of Hamas is elimination of Israel. You're assuming they're satisfiable in a sustained, stable way. They're not.

The IRA's demands were largely achievable; they didn't seek elimination of the UK/Britain as an entity.

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No, the reasoning goes that if you reward people who bomb, they will simply continue to bomb and make more demands. The simplistic "if you reward someone doing a bad thing, they will do more of the bad thing" simply doesn't work when you actually extract it to "What drives people to the level of care necessary to kill and harm over their grievance." And no, Hamas just wants to stop being cucked, they don't want to destroy Israel, and pretending otherwise doesn't make it true.

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Hamas just wants to stop being cucked, they don't want to destroy Israel

The Hamas covenant:

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

I guess they just say they want to destroy Israel as one of their charter goals?



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Yeah if someone says something, it has to be true, it doesn't go any further than that. There is no posturing, there is no such thing as "does this person have the ability to do what they want" there's no "perhaps this is how they feel ideologically or rhetorically". There's none of that. These impossible savages armed with rocks absolutely want to kill us and we'll have to keep killing them by the hundreds of thousands or more until they finally figure out to stop doing that.

Again, this is the reasoning of a fricking imbecile. Are you really this dumb? I don't think so. This is the reasoning that is required to engage with the propaganda you've been spoonfed, and it's shameful. Why do you go out in public and display your absolute fricking obedience to something you've been told and never actually considered?

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It also comports with their practices. If the people who eventually backed Hamas just wanted dignity in the form of something like a two-state solution, they could have had it. It was on offer at least once in the past generation. It was, of course, on offer from the UN in 1947/1948 as well.

You might argue that Israel is simply incapable of upholding peace with her neighbors, but obviously Jordan is a counterexample, and an Islamic one at that. Jordan gets along fine with Israel and even participating in defending Israel from an Iranian attack.

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It was on offer at least once in the past generation. It was, of course, on offer from the UN in 1947/1948 as well.

there has never been an offer of a state since fatah accepted two states almost 50 years ago. zionists also rejected the 1948 plan on the grounds it left israel not demographically jewish enough so haganah/irgun pursued a policy of expulsion after the declaration of statehood.

You might argue that Israel is simply incapable of upholding peace with her neighbors, but obviously Jordan is a counterexample,

this is because egypt/jordan are have both close relations with the u.s. the coup again morsi was even welcomed in 2013 by the americans.

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in all fairness those offers were bullshit tho and Israel never intended too keep their side of the bargain

Trans lives matter

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