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r/childfree is also having some gigabrain takes on this

Super witty things, like:

I'm not catholic, but he can still suck my peepee. The only thing it robs humanity of is less church related child sexual abuse.


Rather bold statement from an eternal virgin, who has chosen to never have kids.


I think he's an old confused fool who's wetting his panties because there's fewer and fewer people in "his" church, so he's loosing power and money. In case he should be right he still can go f himself, because I've experienced the massive damage his "humanity" causes (aka have kids, then go ahead and traumatize them via psychological abuse because you shat them out) first hand.


I don't have a peepee, but he can suck an invisible one. My pets (1 adopted beagle, 2 kittens saved from the streets) bring me more joy than a nose picker could, ever. They brought me joy through quarantine. Unconditional love. When I was sick, they snuggled up. So f that. Pets are awesome. Kids make messes, take and take, and you've gotta pay for them for 30 years. I'll buy the special treats for my pets any day of the week.


Tell me you are forever alone and desperate for male attention without telling me you are forever alone and desperate for male attention

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Rather bold statement from an eternal virgin, who has chosen to never have kids.

Where's the lie? It never even began for papists lol

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Is the Pope implying he's an enemy of MARSEY?! :marseypunching:

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4th time.

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That means something with the anti reposting system is broken. It should block you from posting existing links

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No. The forth time we’ve covered this story.

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I'm asleep :marseysleep: during peak rdrama hours due to being Europoor. So I miss a lot of stuff.


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Do you strags want redditors breeding?

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are there to spawn kill in the unlikely event it happens anyway.

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Francis is incredibly based for this. Literal hundreds of millions of bugpeople worldwide are seething over getting called out so ignominously.

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Lol rage harder clergycels :marseyboomer:

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"What a tone deaf thing to say. Padre should understand that not all of us took the vow of poverty by choice."

Or the vow of celibacy :marseydab:

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This is my thanks for feeding you new things to say every day.

:marppy: :#marseyshooting:

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There’s probably a big portion of the United States that would save the life of their dog over the life of a stranger

The horror! People will save an animal they love over someone they've never met!

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