:marseyhorseshoe: rightoids now confused after covid positive antifa hero wants to help boost natural immunity at antimasking rally :!marseymask:



https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684135251351932.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841352523610528.webp

i think the brave antifascist's tweet got removed but here's a related one - https://twitter.com/teamraccoonpdx/status/1480041381582102534

burger antifascists are really wank compared to europoor ones ain't it?


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in related drama, a "nurse" was caught using stock photos to push the vaxx

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841286944480693.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841286948891.webp

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woman moment

why are people so desperate for online attention? are they all mentally stuck in highschool or something?

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to sell t-shirts maybe, i just saw these at her online store :marseymerchant:



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Whenever I read "I love science", I think "then you'll love those papers on how IQ is hereditary, how it tends to predict stuff like incarceration and how somehow blacks score much lower than huwites."

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The amount of just straight ignorance around race and IQ rightoids spew on the internet is truly staggering.

I long asked myself why rightoids constantly misconstrue these things and then a rightoid told me he was immune to covid because he inhaled alcohol and linked me a paper supporting it, and I realized rightoids don't actually read any of the papers they cite.

This isn't to say IQ has no genetic component, but rightoids love exaggerating it and drawing dumb conclusions and it's not hard to see why, especially considering social conservatives have a lower median IQ than blacks do yet you never seen them bring that up.

People in general put way too much into IQ, I guess because it's an easy way to make sweeping conclusions without much thought.

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Lmao, the last time I talked about IQ, you also replied fuming. This time you didn't even try, your reply just boils down to "I don't like it when people talk about things that my ideology has labelled as big no-nos".

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It's because it's literally not worth discussing, rightoids draw conclusions that can't be drawn by reasonable people and make sweeping statements no sane person would ever make.

For rightoids, race and IQ is about validating their pre-existing prejudice, not knowing the truth or understanding how anything works.

Even your absurd citing of criminality and IQ is dubious because obviously only dumb criminals get caught, this is something anyone studying criminality and IQ says up front.

Rightoids also conveniently edit out the environment and try to make IQ the only relevant metric, which is r-slurred because most people aren't criminals, low IQ or not, and the determining factor is more often environment than intelligence

Rightoids just love applying a scientific veneer to their bullshit, no matter how bad their arguments are or how many key details they leave out. Anything to make the rubes feel good about themselves, I suppose.

Even more fatal to their arguments is that equality is a moral and political truth, not some empirical one. And race and IQ being a thing doesn't mean the conditions black Americans find themselves in are entirely of their own making, or that the police always act in good faith, or that their use of force is justified every single time.

So on quite literally every single front you're an idiot. Maybe even more than an idiot, considering the people that adopt these arguments are doing so purely for ideological reasons and to downplay historical racism and justify societal prejudice.

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This is true, but the main reason rightoids think the IQ gap is genetic rather than cultural is because Leftoids refuse to even talk about the IQ gap in the first place because "muh racism."

When you refuse to talk about factual data and address the real reasons for it, of course people are going to come up with their own reasons to explain the data, and of course it's going to reflect their desired political narrative. That's because when you refuse to talk about the reason for uncomfortable facts (and say people are racists just for acknowledging the existence of those facts) you are basically leaving the field wide open for your opponents to frame the narrative around those facts, because normal sane people will say "Hey, why don't Leftists like to acknowledge this obvious reality? What are they hiding?" They're not going to give you the benefit of the doubt when they've already caught you lying to them and be like "Leftists like to avoid this topic, but I'm sure it's for a perfectly valid reason." When Leftoids deny the IQ gap even existing, they lose credibility.

The fact that rightoids believe some of the crazy things they do is entirely your own fault for refusing to give them a better explanation for facts that are blatantly obvious which you refuse to talk about openly.

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There's no reason to talk about it, there's quite literally not 1 thing we can learn or gain from harping on race and IQ. Especially because even reasoned discussion of the topic will be misconstrued and used by dubious actors to push a specific narrative.

It's why talking about race and crime is also pointless, because while a "fact" can't be racist, the person presenting them, why they're presenting them, and the narrative they're trying to support can be,

The reality is race and IQ is not as clear cut as rightoids and the "but the science" crowd keep repeating, it's far more complex and there are massive gaps in our understanding.

You can be sure the guy that constantly runs around the internet invoking race and IQ is doing so for a reason, just like you can be sure the guy running around invoking race and crime is, and the feminist invoking male criminality is, and a reasoned quest for the truth probably isn't on the list.

In a society where the average person is scientifically illiterate and neck-deep in motivated reasoning, I don't have much faith in the idea "talking about it" and explaining the nuance and complexity would do literally anything to make rightoids stop.

Just like the 50 thousand published climate papers didn't stop them from denying climate change.

Just like the thousands of covid papers didn't stop them from denying covid.

Just like the thousands of papers on criminal justice reform didn't convince them America had a problem.

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which is r-slurred because most people aren't criminals, low IQ or not, and the determining factor is more often environment than intelligence

Most low IQ people not being criminals does not mean that the determining factor is environment instead of intelligence.

Though I think you are attacking strawman of IQ to begin with. I think most people, even rightoids, would agree that environment is more important. If you put high IQ people in an environment like Somalia, they will probably have a higher likelyhood of being violent than people in the 80-90 IQ range in USA.

The point that is being made, however, is that, given the same environment, ~85 IQ men will have higher likelyhood of being violent. Even if that increase is small, it only needs some troublemakers to ruin everyone elses day.

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No, he called you wrong and stupid. Lern2reed

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This isn't to say IQ has no genetic component, but rightoids love exaggerating it and drawing dumb conclusions

What conclusions do leftoids draw from IQ data? I love delusional cope. :marseycope:

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Correctly that IQ isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things. IQ is primarily a metric stupid people think is of great importance because it's a simplistic way to explain away any problem in society.

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I don't know what you think this means.

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People in general put way too much into IQ, I guess because it's an easy way to make sweeping conclusions without much thought.

In many places you will get fired from your job if you say on Twitter that racial achievement gaps are possibly partially attributable to hereditary IQ gaps. Full stop. So yes, many people put too much emphasis on IQ but the Overton window on this topic vastly downplays it. You can seethe about rightoids making dumb IQ-based arguments all day but that's just a distraction from the fact that "achievement gaps have nothing to do with hereditary IQ" is also a dumb argument that isn't supported by science.

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The structure of the brain, just like every other organ in the human body, is modeled after traits inherited from an individual's parents. This includes what humans recognize as intelligence.

Mental illness, personality traits, and intelligence are all heritable. Sure, proper education can allow someone to better adapt their brain the perform tasks used to display intelligence, but that individual is still entirely limited by there genetics.

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And my point is people don't know what these limitations are in most cases. You see this with math for example - I recall reading about a guy with a 93 IQ getting a phd in applied mathematics after everyone told him it totally wasn't possible and his genetics wouldn't allow for it.

My point is "IQ" is increasingly being invoked to put artificial limitations on people not supported by any kind of empirical reality. Oh, you don't have a 130 IQ? GL getting that math phd bro it's genetically out of reach, until it isn't of course.

This is why I call IQ something you see idiots invoke because it's a simplistic way to explain away any and all problems in society and conveniently sort them into different groups.

Take race and IQ - the common rightoid claim, the intellectually lazy claim is that the reason black America is doing so poorly is totally just intelligence and it's all their own fault and American society totally plays no role in it.

This is such an absurd and indefensible position it blows my fricking mind, yet countless rightoids will repeat it and incoherently invoke race and IQ to justify that view, while pretending all of the environmental damage and generational poverty just totally can't be solved and anyone saying otherwise is just ignoring science.

Inner-city schools failing? That's just the intelligence bro, so we had better not spend any money fixing the extreme poverty outside of school contributing to these factors.

Race and IQ, and IQ in general has become a tool for morons to justify their dumb views and pretend government intervention is totally off the table and cannot work, across the board. Oh so conveniently exactly in line with conservative austerity politics.

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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People with low iqs can get phds, it's just must less likely that they'll succeed, statistically speaking. Lower IQs are seen in African Americans throughout various economic classes. The disparity lessens when comparing poor rural whites vs wealthy, college educated African Americans, but the disparity still exists. Its r-slurred to say that the cause can only be genetic, but it's equally as r-slurred to say that it obviously can't be due to genetics considering that lack of research on the topic.

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It's not that there's no genetics, it's about the conclusions drawn and statements made by people obsessed with IQ.

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Bring up the Coleman Report any time someone brings up "muh school funding." We've known since the 60s that school funding isn't the issue, but every time someone brings up the achievement gap libs and leftists always claim it's due to uneven funding.

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lol nyc funds it's schools to the tune of 4 times what finland does and they still crank out kangs.

Of course if you believe a NYC teacher most of that funding goes to replacing shit broken or stolen by students. Turns out iPads tend to walk off!

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One funny tidbit about NYC is that some of the middle schools that feed into the testing high schools are also a low-income, the difference being they have changs instead of kangs.

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I respect the grift ngl, it takes a seriously flexible spine to be pushing this shite.

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That's a dropship scam account run by sexy Indian dudes preying on wingcucks to farm engagement, it's not even a real person. All their tweets are either stolen or written in terrible non-native English with a link to a dodgy storefront in their bio and pinned tweet.

There's other accounts exactly like this that also target rightoids with pro-murica bootleg merch.

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darn it i need to get in on the action :!marseymerchant:

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in related drama, a "nurse" was caught using stock photos to push the vaxx

say it aint so

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"sugma variant" and a groyper PFP, yes this must be a psyop

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there is a checkmark in there, and there were others. this is just the first pic I found on google that wasn't a screenshot of someone elses tweet posting this or similar images

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as someone very lowly Iโ€™ll just say I hate RNs et al with a righteous passion

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one day you'll kween over them

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lmao chiobu ily :marseyloveyou: only bc mostly they fat af and gonna die way before me :marseyobesescale:

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Thereโ€™s a few great RNs I feel probably were just underachievers and ought to have become doctors, and the rest just seem to be overly political mayo foids. Theyโ€™re all hyper leftoid or rightoid, 80% of them smoke like chimneys, and theyโ€™re all fat and enraged.

Actually one of my really close friends is fat mayo foid RN who loves gore porn. Sheโ€™s extremely smart.

I donโ€™t really recall where I was going with this.

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Ah, fellow emergency medicine? Or are you just a survivor of RN nonsense

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Wonder if she actually paid to use the picture, her replies were full of more of her grifts too

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