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Too lazy to make actual content so here's a schizo rant I wrote in my journal lmao

This is a top-tier look into the mind of an extremely mentally ill man who managed to mantain some degree of awareness despite the insanity. Tbh a good read if you have time

May 10, 2021

I feel numb, unmotivated. The hopes and aspirations still are joyful fantasies for me, as much as all my questions and thoughts and philosophical musings about my significance and the purpose of life, or the possibility of their not being any point or purpose to life at all, as well as identity, isolation, god and everything else, are all still anxieties and hopes and terrors.

But it all feels dampened now, lessened. And my motivation for school, even though I know I want to do well, has shrunk almost completely, just like my motivation to reach out, talk to people, have friends. I'm probably at a place in my life and in relationships where if I did start talking to certain people more I could have real good friends. But, meh.

Meh. It's how I feel about a lot of things right now. It's bad. But maybe the alt is worse. Maybe it's because it's how I have to feel. Cause if I didn't, what then? If I couldn't just say "who cares" or "meh" to things then suddenly all the questions and thoughts about life and it's purpose and god (If he exists) and the universe and my family, and people and politics, and everything else can't wait or be ignored,

and all the questions need to be answered in some way, all the trains of thought in my head have to lead somewhere, to be resolved, the choices have to be made, the debates between ideas in my head I've learned or formed have to be won or settled. The conflicts between beliefs I have, have to be won.

And if I can't decide or answer, or I don't like the answers I've come to, then what, do I just curl up into a ball and lay there, stuck for all eternity? As long as I care I have to choose.

Not that "meh" is a much better option.

I think I might be horribly depressed. But it's not like it's the kind where you just want to die.

I feel like I am dead, and I just want to live.


That last line might have been slightly overdramatic, but maybe it's just that I feel good and I didn't two minutes ago when I wrote that. I'm slightly cheered up right now because I came up with that line and it sounds pretty good. Huh.


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That's just it buddy: this shits happening unironically so much now that the only reason why people are going to read it is because I'm in here telling you it sucks. They'd usually just ignore it but the comment count tells em to come in and see what's going on.

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it sucks

You didn't read it. You just thought the first two sentences were to boring for this clickbait manufactured drama shithole

And I haven't seen many schizo posts on here lately tbh, despite your insistence that they're everywhere

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you didn't read it

Yeah and not many people will because it's boring and being ran into the ground.

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boring and being ran into the ground.

Lmao it's not really exciting and dramatic or filled with jokes from the first sentence if that's what you want.

lmao when's the last time you read a novel?

Look you spend so much time looking at batshit insane neurotic and neurodivergent ppl on the internet.

Have you frickers never wanted to see how one of these people actually thinks irl?

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I could stop reading right now and never pick a book up again and you could read 3 books a week for the next 30 years and not catch up to how many novels I've read.

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Well then one more can't hurt. Have you never wondered about the psyches of the self-aware maladjusted enough for this to intrigue you?

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Lol. Blunt, but fair.

So I'll bite, why not?

Edit @Wizdumb2022 Or rather why do you spend time on a site that obsesses over these people when if you don't care about them?

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I've told you I care about the interesting ones. You don't seem to understand you're not one of those. You never will be. Sorry.

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Have you frickers never wanted to see how one of these people actually thinks irl?

Only the interesting ones. You're not one of those.

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Being ran into the ground

This isn't a bit dude

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