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"oh they were just asking activists not to protest" what a load of sanewashing bullshit. the entire country was on fire and those quote unquote protests were making them look bad. how can you sanewash getting people frightened to either vote or not vote thru fear of violence? is voter suppression only bad when it's a direct thing like not giving out water? so burning down cities is okay?

You very obviously did not fricking read that article, like you are outright fabricating multiple things here.

A) The country wasn't on fire, this happened after the civil unrest had died down.

B) That they had any control over them, the article literally says they had no control over them, you never read it you low IQ r-slur.

The idea people were somehow "frightened to vote" in an election with the highest turnout in modern history is especially funny. Jesus christ you're like a sentient pol catalog.

im glad you got your degree from the university of reddit

I'm glad you think uncontroversial historical consensus doesn't exist because of the Simpsons.

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A) The country wasn't on fire, this happened after the civil unrest had died down.

not it fricking didnt. the country still has mass shit ups

B) That they had any control over them, the article literally says they had no control over them, you never read it you low IQ r-slur.

They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.

oh wait no getting social media companies to suppress disinformation - a meaningless term - isnt going to do anything about the election at all. what is going to do stuff: not giving black people snacks and water

The idea people were somehow "frightened to vote" in an election with the highest turnout in modern history is especially funny. Jesus christ you're like a sentient pol catalog.

guess there's no voter suppression then and you can stop complaining about it

I'm glad you think uncontroversial historical consensus doesn't exist because of the Simpsons.

wait i thought historians were downplaying history for hundreds of years and it only got out that slavery was important when Isa Wells and Ibram Kendl said so?

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not it fricking didnt. the country still has mass shit ups

No it didn't, you're literally fricking lying. You are making this up.

oh wait no getting social media companies to suppress disinformation - a meaningless term - isnt going to do anything about the election at all. what is going to do stuff: not giving black people snacks and water


guess there's no voter suppression then and you can stop complaining about it

Republican voter suppression failing does not mean they are not engaging in voter suppression. It has been proven in court.

wait i thought historians were downplaying history for hundreds of years and it only got out that slavery was important when Isa Wells and Ibram Kendl said so?

It's not historians white-washing slavery. You have that rare quality where you do nothing but spam strawman arguments when you know you're getting dunked.

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No it didn't, you're literally fricking lying. You are making this up.

https://opb.org/article/2022/01/06/portland-and-other-cities-ask-oregon-lawmakers-to-change-restrictions-on-protest-response/ theyre literally bringing back tear gas because of the protests


Yea, like the wuhan lab leak? i forgot, voter supression is when black people cant have snacks

It has been proven in court.

just like russia hacking the election?

It's not historians white-washing slavery. You have that rare quality where you do nothing but spam strawman arguments when you know you're getting dunked.

did your mother bully you for having aspergers? your idea of a dunk is to complain about me being a GOP rightoid in two different threads to a guy that wouldnt vote for them if he did live in ur shithole country

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https://opb.org/article/2022/01/06/portland-and-other-cities-ask-oregon-lawmakers-to-change-restrictions-on-protest-response/ theyre literally bringing back tear gas because of the protests

Is 2022 before or after the 2020 election?

Yea, like the wuhan lab leak? i forgot, voter supression is when black people cant have snacks

Why would you ban the handing out of water and snacks to people waiting in voting lines?

Also, why are you throwing out the lab leak shit as if it had anything to do with the election.

just like russia hacking the election?

It's been proven Russia hacked the DNC, are you saying this didn't happen?

did your mother bully you for having aspergers? your idea of a dunk is to complain about me being a GOP rightoid in two different threads to a guy that wouldnt vote for them if he did live in ur shithole country

No, it's dunking when I repeatedly bend you over on every incoherent point you try to make.

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Is 2022 before or after the 2020 election?

my point was people have kept rioting. what do you think they took a gap year?

Why would you ban the handing out of water and snacks to people waiting in voting lines?

Why would you ban tweeting?

Also, why are you throwing out the lab leak shit as if it had anything to do with the election.

it's an example of how the fear misinformation can be used to suppress actual information. that was considered discredited until it wasnt

It's been proven Russia hacked the DNC, are you saying this didn't happen?

and this influenced people to vote Trump? why do you say that? it's just a DNC talking point

No, it's dunking when I repeatedly bend you over

oh yeah the aspergian star who believes in russian interference - horseshoe election fraud - is bending people over. i know you use that term because of your oedipal complex from being homeschooled by a democrat but keep your kinks in the bedroom

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my point was people have kept rioting. what do you think they took a gap year?

There are basically no rioting leading up to the election.

Why would you ban tweeting?

Nobody banned tweeting, people were banned for making shit up, but that isn't tweeting.

it's an example of how the fear misinformation can be used to suppress actual information. that was considered discredited until it wasnt

It's still discredited, are you under the impression the official consensus on covid/lab leak has changed lmao?

and this influenced people to vote Trump? why do you say that? it's just a DNC talking point

Russia hacked the DNC and slow dripped emails. Are you making the argument that emails didn't cost Hillary Clinton voters?

Because the media sure covered them a lot:



oh yeah the aspergian star who believes in russian interference - horseshoe election fraud - is bending people over. i know you use that term because of your oedipal complex from being homeschooled by a democrat but keep your kinks in the bedroom

When did I say Russia engaged in election fraud, can you copy paste that for me? You keep throwing these strawman arguments out, you must be really aware of how bad you're losing here.

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There are basically no rioting leading up to the election.

i mean i can say this is either do to that campaign you said didnt work or youre just outright lying. like either way thats an r-slured and unquantifiable statement

Nobody banned tweeting, people were banned for making shit up, but that isn't tweeting. It's still discredited, are you under the impression the official consensus on covid/lab leak has changed lmao?

i mean, the FBI leaned towards it

Russia hacked the DNC and slow dripped emails. Are you making the argument that emails didn't cost Hillary Clinton voters?

the kitty tape probably cost trump voters. the idea of constantly bringing it up like libs do is purely as a cope

Because the media sure covered them a lot:

says one random university study, again

When did I say Russia engaged in election fraud, can you copy paste that for me?

the whole fricking reason you bring it up is to assert Trump had a hand in it. like the DNC hires twitter accounts that say trump is an illegitimate president elected by putin https://nypost.com/2021/03/10/brooklyn-dad-influencer-slammed-for-taking-pac-money/

You keep throwing these strawman arguments out, you must be really aware of how bad you're losing here.

you can keep telling yourself that, im not going to bully a kid with aspergers for thinking he looks cool when he makes a star wars reference to his teenage brother's friend group

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i mean i can say this is either do to that campaign you said didnt work or youre just outright lying. like either way thats an r-slured and unquantifiable statement

Considering you've been proven wrong like 30 times here, what makes you think you aren't wrong yet again?

i mean, the FBI leaned towards it

No they didn't.

the kitty tape probably cost trump voters. the idea of constantly bringing it up like libs do is purely as a cope

Which foreign government illegally obtained the kitty tape? The kitty tape likely did cost him voters, so did all of his other r-sluration. I fail to see what that has to do with the argument about Russia and the question "did they hack the DNC."

says one random university study, again

Says literally all research on the topic.

the whole fricking reason you bring it up is to assert Trump had a hand in it. like the DNC hires twitter accounts that say trump is an illegitimate president elected by putin https://nypost.com/2021/03/10/brooklyn-dad-influencer-slammed-for-taking-pac-money/

Why do you keep trying this lie. I said Russia hacked the DNC, I never said Trump was involved, nor did I say Russia engaged in election fraud. You fabricated those bits because you have no idea what you're talking about or doing, because you get alll of your information from pol.

What do I care what some r-slur on twitter says?

Where did I claim any of what you just said.

you can keep telling yourself that, im not going to bully a kid with aspergers for thinking he looks cool when he makes a star wars reference to his teenage brother's friend group

This is a brutal beat down my man, I almost feel bad about it. Maybe you should just walk away and stop trying to argue topics you don't understand.

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