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(spoiler: it's gambling) Selling unlimited dramacoin glitch [NOT SCAM]

I found a way to harvest unlimited dramacoin. Was able to harvest 8000 coins in one night using this. Message me soon before codecels patch it.


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Cope and seethe hater. Ur just jealous u have to work for ur coin while I'm just farming. Look at my truescore and compare to the number of dramacoins I have. Post is not troll I submitted a fix but codecels have yet to approve my pull request.


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I don't have to work for it, it comes natrually from being funny and not a spastic try hard lmao.


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3613 posts - 52156 dramacoin

14.436 coins per post


294 posts - 10583 dramacoin

35.996 coins per post

Nice cope lol


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:marseypirate: : Captain's Log, Stardate 98765.3

We're being attacked by a Klingon warship and they're firing on us with everything they've got! We're returning fire, but we're badly outnumbered and outgunned. I've ordered all hands :marseyshrug: to battle :marseypunching: stations and we're fighting :marseypunching: for our lives!


What in the seven levels of heck :marseydevil: are you talking about, you scurvy dog?! We're in the middle :marseylong2: of a battle :marseypunching: here, in case you haven't noticed! Get your sorry :marseyteehee: butt to your station :marseygreytide: and start firing, or I'll have you keelhauled!

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:marseypirate: : What :marseypregunta: be yer problem, matey? Avast, ye scurvy knave! This :marseysharksoup: be me ship :marseyufo: and me crew what :marseygasp: I be commandin'! Now get to work :marseyclapping: or I'll have ye walk :marseywalking: the plank!

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Who is favorite captain? Kirk or Picard?

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beebs wazzup

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How about you compare the same metric you moron

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I did. Both are calculated based on total posts+comments.



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Your truescore is 250

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Yes, exactly why I made this post. I farmed them


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No you didn't

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Furthermore, carp himself refers to "child molesting" rightoids in a way where the context kinda has to include me, among others. Guy's a shit stirrer. That we know for sure. Now the question is if he is some kind of glowie or anti-racism activist looking to disrupt 'racist' space. I dunno the exact specifics. I've framed this in a way that I don't where I'm basically investigating. But it is no secret he openly advocated censoring 'racists' and 'Nazis' at Ruqqus. If he isn't antifa or something similar - he'll do until the real thing comes along.

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