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:marseybrainlet:s can't find a job due to subhuman IQ


No, these tests probably don't have anything to do with the job, but OP getting 0% is a pretty good indicator that they're too r-slurred to even bag groceries.

It's easy to do when you stare at a still image for one problem. Is a different thing when you know you got a timer going. And, more questions to go. You're not just being asked to just recognize patterns, you're being asked to do so in record time. Plus multiple levels of pressure that would normally not be there during the actual job.

(OP)I can’t see no pattern. It all looks gibberish. I’d prefer to write a function what would give such a gibberish output. Or make it a pattern.

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The trick is to realize that these tests are testing logic and pattern recognition and not knowledge base.

If you need to have it explained to you that IQ tests are about pattern recognition skills then you don't need to takre an IQ test, because it's probably below 80

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There's literally no coherent reason to ever give this test, for any job I can think of, at pretty much any skill level.

Anyone defending it, or trying to justify it, or whatever else is likely the actual r-slur. It's just arbitrary hoop-jumping for no tangible or coherent reason.

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How does your reply relate to my comment?

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I don't even know what you're trying to say. You're just being aggressive towards people for no reason other than being aggressive towards them when, you know, they're right.

The bigger r-slurs here is the company giving an online IQ test that can't possibly be used to extract anything of value.

I don't know, I don't think I can be around dramatards anymore.

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You aren’t around us, Pizzashill. We are literally collections of words glowing on your monitor. Merely close your eyes and we will all vanish, like vampires before a sunrise.

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I don't even know what you're trying to say.

You've repeatedly made that very clear, you don't have to say it again.

You're just being aggressive towards people for no reason other than being aggressive towards them

Or I'm making fun of Reddit r-slurs on a site for making fun of Reddit r-slurs.

when, you know, they're right.

That's not how you use a comma.

The bigger r-slurs here is the company

You have a very tenuous grasp on the English language, don't you?

giving an online IQ test that can't possibly be used to extract anything of value.

If I were to guess they have a very low minimum score and are only using it to filter out the lowest of the low, and are probably willing to ignore it entirely if the applicant is otherwise very impressive.

I don't know, I don't think I can be around dramatards anymore.

And yet here you are.

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I might come back when I'm off the weed to make fun of you but honestly I thought I had blocked you due to being incredibly r-slurred months ago.

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Darn, dude, you do le weed? If I knew you were so cool I wouldn't be making fun of you! I'm actually on gonna do le weed later tonight. Guys I’m so hyped for my smoke sesh tonight let’s get the hype train going Love my roommate seriously best friend in the world but looking forward to a solo sesh tonight while he’s visiting family for the weekend. Also got my bonus at work so going to splurge and grab some dabs. Gonna order delivery and watch the new peacemaker episode. Kinda had a stressful week, things haven’t exactly been great but tonight is gonna be sick 🤘.

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I know for a fact I dunked you at some point in history but I can't point my finger on it.

I remember you started seething really bad and I blocked you for being r-slurred.

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I’ve been stressed a lot lately and so I have too manu things going on in my head and nobody to talk to about em. So I smoke weed to help with quieting down my thoughts. I live with my parents too rn and it’s toxic at my house so weed helps me deal with that too even tho I’m planning on saving money snd moving out in a couple of months but it’s just that bc of everything going on I’m super stressed and down so weed kinda helps me with that. You relate to what I’m going through? What advice do u have? Peace out 🤘

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Lol he tried to pull that bullshit with me earlier today too:


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I disagree

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The reason is because the advent of one click internet job applications has led to having to sift through miles of resumes, most of which unqualified, in order to extract anything of use.

HR reps will take any arbitrary reason to filter people out because they dont have to care if they reject someone qualified because theyve got another 100 lined up who would probably do just as good at the job.

Its not about the tests being useful its about them having one more layer of screening, however arbitrary, before they have to start the manual labor

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For you r-slurs playing at home the answer is Christ. Repent sinners

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I hate these on indeed job screenings, because they are obnoxious. But I looked at this and got it pretty quickly.


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They're absolutely stupid and useless for selecting who should get a job.

But they're very good at filtering out people who shouldn't

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:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: Lmao this guy wants to be a sofware developer

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Hours after this exam he still can't figure it out lol. He's commented multiple times how it's "Just Gibberish" even though he's been staring at it long enough to write rants

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Front end developer. Tier 1 helpdesk gets more respect than those guys.

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How can you be a developer if you don’t know how to wgfi, yfgm, aehq, cdiu?

holy frick the cope lmao

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Former journ*list detected. Job application rejected.

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I wish him well on his job hunt. Good thing being a developer doesn't require problem-solving skills.

It’s a pretty bad question though because it can be a poor item for people whose first language isn’t English for example.

What if they want to hire people who know the alphabet?

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If "What item is next in this list" is an instruction too complicated to understand I think most jobs I've had are poorly suited for ESLs

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rdrama iq tests when? anyone who fails gets an r-slur badge :marseyderp: @carpathianflorist

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Bad idea. Everyone would fail on purpose for the free badge. Badge inflation is a serious problem.

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If this took more than about 10 seconds for you to figure out, consider a lobotomy.

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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.


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