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we can't be on rdrama forever

why do people take suicide notes so seriously and deep, I am going to write nonsense because I will be dead, and there is no way to explain how my brain has rotted and sludged over everything I've loved

if rdrama is your favourite community, keep yourself safe

i liked it here, it's humour I enjoy

no one knows why I've killed myself, I don't know, it just is a lovely idea i think

everything is so reparative, seeing it all stay still, i don't know anything, I forget so many moments because they have never happened to me, they're never alive

i miss you but i hated how you made me feel

when will something happen and someone stop talking and do an action, i have chosen the boring way, there is nothing after this way

i hate people who leave notes for family, you're going to die, why would a note be good for them, i don't even talk to mine

i know i have a warped brain full of worms and nonsense so this is how I should clean it

i wish i did Ted Kaczynski life route, but I have nothing to believe in, its not that things are boring, I just don't enjoy them

i am real, but where is my shadow

(lol where my alcoholics at :marseydrunk: )


--closing thlughts--


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I’ve never understood suicide. Like if you’re going to off yourself, why not take out a bunch of credit cards and go on a massive crazy expensive trip with lots of drugs and dangerous shit? Party in like Vietnam for a few weeks, go to Bali and start fights, climb something, go touch lions. Ultimately there are no consequences since you’re gonna end it when the trip is over anyway, and surely there’s things you’d like to do that responsibility gets in the way of. Maybe the local whose wife you nailed will knife you. Maybe you’ll overdose. Maybe the lion will eat you. It’s all the same in the end, but living a little before you die just seems more sensible than not.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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If he did something like what you're suggesting, he might just find out life is worth living. Confronting and overcoming your problems is both the hardest and most rewarding thing anyone will do in their lives. Suicide is easy and cowardly.

Gratefully though, society is bettered by either choice.

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Idk lol if I was suddenly like 50k in debt and coming off a months-long bender suicide would seem pretty nice I think

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debt isn’t real in the third world lol just stick around in thailand or wherever the frick after your bender what’s the collecting agency gonna do

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This advice is about 2 years too late. They are cracking down hard on visas because the whole area is in complete lockdown from what I have heard. My friend said that he had to get smuggled out because all of the stores were closed in the area and officials would only deliver a bag of bananas and potatoes every week and you cant hop over the border to renew your visa. If the officials catch you without a visa your butt goes straight to jail unless you can bribe them, and theyll be back for more.

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The new world order mandating Bitcoin will fix this.


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nah the Thai authorities will find your white butt ASAP, competent SE asian governments don't frick around. Sadly, you would need to be a in true shithole for debt not to find you


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So it's just a long winded way to then commit suicide later?

And if you actually find your passion and want to live forever? but now you are stuck with lots of debt so you need to go back to work.

Anyhow, I'll be getting a loan in the next two weeks so that maybe I can avoid work for 2 or 3 more moths

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Quick google search says the average American is around 90k in debt so he'd be right on track to being perfectly normal.

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Most of that debt are mortgages on homes that generate a tidy profit in the long term. Anyone who uses net worth for political debate will burn in jahanam for sophistry

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Being suicidal goes deeper than "lol just have fun durr". Normie comment tbh

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Normie can be good. You should try it sometime.

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for this soy response i will simply cut your name onto myself so they search for you

in actual response, I've done a similar thing to this before, left with a loan and ran until it was gone; the rush of euphoria of spending money because you'll be dead (alongside all the drugs and having nothing holding you back talking to new people) starts to make you feel ok

but when you have to go back (caught trying to kill myself) and everyone is trying to support you, you realise that slowly even though you can be better you ultimately won't be

im not doing this because i feel sad or alone or bored or the right thing to do ("world would be better off without me" kitties can get fricked, I am brilliant to the people who know me) , im doing this because I feel like it



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will you carve "carp" into your balls with a knife?

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I'll carve carp into my pubes tbqh

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Well I’m not sure what those meds are but I’m not aware of anything that can even really hurt you when it’s just a handful of pills like that. Any pill overdose is hard, your body really wants to stay alive so you’ll almost always puke it up and be fine. Some things will cause permanent damage though. You’ll still throw them up, but the liver/kidney/whatever damage is irreversible and miserable and you’ll likely not be released into your own care again. This isn’t meant to encourage you to take more or to do it or anything, obviously; I’m simply making an observation as to why I don’t think this will work and why you should probably stop and/or get to the ER.

Take out more loans or run up your credit cards and travel. Virtually anything is better than dying alone on a Sunday night in the woods(?) based on the photo. There are so many cool ways to die and you’ve chosen the most inglorious of them all.

Turn back.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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i ate 32 sugar coated ibuprofen like little candies

a nice big line of Ketamine yum

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I added u to the sidebar

Hang around a few more weeks to revel in the glory


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you're really gonna give this cute twink attention? you should grass award @stan for posting obnoxious sappy bullshit instead of killing himself like a man by jumping off a building or drowning himself or stabbing himself or something. also @stan is such a kitty he should get his vampire status revoked and moved to house femboy

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@schizocel just exposed it as a larp lol

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darn it pisses me off to see these posts. the only thing pills will do is turn you into a vegetable. That's just not a dramatard way to die.

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yeah thats how we live, at least mix it up a little for a last hurrah

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Frick man this is gonna be the darkest bit if it doesn't have a PG ending


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lol is this even lethal? :marseyeyeroll: fricking bongoids

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Oh it's lethal. If he gets no help in the next few days. He gets found in a few hours and he'll live. It'll kill his liver though.

Edit: I was thinking of Tylenol, not Advil. OP isn't going to die from this, but he will be in great pain.

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Know someone who did exactly the same thing with ibuprofen and they just ruined their liver and felt like shit. You'll be stuck in a hospital and have zero choice to keep yourself safe later. If you truly planned to commit suicide this is the exactly opposite of that, you're not even killings yourself, setting yourself up for an adult guardianship and being a vegetable who is too r-slurred to even know what suicide is. Get your shit pumped right now, you'll be stuck in psych for a week max and they'll probably give you xans and you'll get barred the frick out and can frick some suicidal low self esteem foids.


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No man please tell me your lying, that’s literally one of the most painful ways to keep yourself safe. Seriously start purging NOW.

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Ibuprofen is painful af to overdose on. You can either go to the hospital now and get your stomach pumped or sit around until ur too painful and call them, or feel like shit and probably not even die just frick your body up


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What a way to go. Hope you finally find peace. Godspeed.

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Dude that's just going to give you acute liver failure. It'll take you like a WHOLE YEAR to die.

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im not doing this because i feel sad or alone or bored or the right thing to do

You're right. You're doing this because you're a fricking coward. When you live (you plan on ending your life with the most unreliable method. Even your subconscious is telling you you are a coward), and you wake up in a hospital bed, I want you to repeat one phrase in your thick skull again and again: suicide is cowardice. And after that, get up and fix your life or don't and keep yourself safe in style.

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shut up dad :marseyyawn:

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Being crippled on an iron lung with no ability to tie a rope and your family being in debt over your bills sounds bad though


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He's a britbong, he can't just go to tijuana and do the classic hookers and blow. Everywhere he could drive to is a shithole filled with eurotrash.

Yours for Wild Nature

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It’s bc you don’t have the motivation or drive, and simply want to not exist without having to over think it or draw it out. But I definitely agree, I’d honestly probably get tons of good gear and trek into the Amazon if I was gonna kms

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If you want to truly die you don't care about any of that shit, it would be pointless

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Party in like Vietnam


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can u not get us put on a suicide promotion fed list thanks

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tried to carve r/drama into my arm but the blade was too blunt and barely left a mark

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if we make it into a medical journal that would be pretty cool. I just saw an article earlier today where they published photos of this guy’s body and suicide kit in a journal and didn’t even have to ask the family for consent

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Did you have a license for that blade?

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Suicide is the cowards way out. Go to the hospital you cute twink. There's so much more to do. So much work to be done.

You really want to keep yourself safe that badly? Then don't fricking overdose in your own goddarn home. The entire world's your oyster just ready to be taken. Keep yourself safe in a way to solidify yourself in history. Burn yourself alive on the steps on the White House on live tv, skydive without a parachute, assassinate an oil exec. Do something. Anything. Be creative. Use pizazz. Like a actor on a stage, you're gonna die no matter what, so go out in style. God's waiting for you and he hates cowards.

Death by overdose. Death by hanging. Death by gunshot. They're all the same. You die in the end. So do so in a way worth cutting the trip short.

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God I’d kill myself in a heartbeat in the most grandiose fashion if I could enjoy the media coverage and reactions to it. But I’d be dead so I can’t enjoy the attention from it so dying is fricking stupid.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Do you believe in the afterlife?

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Yeah I’m Catholic

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You don't think you'd be able to see the reactions from heck?

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Holy shit based

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(I'm referring to some part of The Fall where Camus says this, not just posting a random sad marsey.)

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

Reset the counter. Current counter was: 0 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes

Record is 0 days, 18 hours

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18 hours?

Was it the site that was down, or was it the bot?

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The bot

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what pills are those? looks fun

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uhm... i'm just asking so i can relay the info to the EMTs i'm definitely calling :!marseyglancing:

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The possession, consumption, manufacturing, import, export, or trafficking of these and other controlled drugs in any amount are illegal. Persons caught with less than the Mandatory Death Penalty amounts of these controlled substances face penalties ranging from caning[9] (up to 24 strokes) to life in prison. Pursuant to a law change in 2009, cannabis (marijuana) and marijuana mixtures (diluted with other substances) are treated the same under Singapore lawβ€”the presumed intent is trafficking.


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How anyone has sympathy for people breaking the laws of a place famous for the death penalty astounds me.

Its like people who b-word and moan when some university student gets caught slipping leaflets to people on a visit to north korea. Just shut the frick up lol

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This picture makes me wants to continue saying yes to drugs

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Probably 800mg Tylenol. It’s nothing serious given the white color. If they take whatever it is, they’ll probably vomit or have a shorty day tomorrow :marseyshrug:

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if he has small palms then it might turn out to be ambiens and then he'll have so much fun doing things he won't remember :marseywholesome:


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I can’t quite tell the lettering because it’s a pretty shit photo but I can tell it isn’t zolpidem. I can also rule out alprazolam or barbiturates. I’m sticking with my initial theory but I hope the best for them.

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What carp said, if you want to off yourself at least off yourself by overdosing in some s*x tourism gook country while some rando whore rides on your peepee, this is just weak.

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Opium orgy with cheap Bangkok hookers is the way to go :marseyagree:

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Coincidentally it's also the best way to realise life is still worth living

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Express shuttle to Pearly Gates via Pattaya

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Well give me your coin at least, i dont care how little it is. Also only cute twinks post suicide note online, cause thats just attention seeking. If you really want clout livestream yourself blowing your head off with a gun.

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Thanks man ill name my kid after you or somthing.


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Max seethe strategy: make a post bragging about how you own blood money and then redistribute it to the people who get upset at you for having it

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overdosing is for foids you dum dum, do something cool at least like everyone else said

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im British, i wanted to buy a gun or pipebomb to strap to my head but idk how yh dark web works :marseyboomer:

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lmao try living somewhere outside of that dreary dystopian shithole before roping.

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bongs killing themselves is a global act of heroism

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Yours for Wild Nature

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Spend all your remaining money to travel somewhere cool to off yourself or something. The UK is seriously a miserable place

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like Alaska :marseypizzashill:

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