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I want to put this to rest

Me and @Nymphia (formerly known as Sylveon) are not related whatsoever.

The account that are related to me are @AltAccountLeafeon @AltAccountEspeon @AltAccountFlareon @AltAccountJolteon @AltAccountGlaceon @AltAccountVaporeon

The reason for all the Alts is because I wanted to see how many accounts I could get in Country Club

The reason for my name is because it was just an AltAccount name I liked to use and the one I shitposted under r/drama in.

Please feel free to link this post to any r-slurs who still believe we are the same person.

Edit: Proof


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How come that totally unrelated account draws like you?

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Sylveon can actually draw, I just heavily edit clipart and steal body parts off of the og marsey

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"Can" is a strong word, but yes, our art styles are not similar at all, I don't know how would anyone think we are the same person. Just compare our Marseys.

The observation skills of the average dramatard is truly astounding.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Low effort marsey creator gang

:marseyminimalism: :#marsey40k: :#marseymyspacetom: :#marseyponder: :#marseygangbang:

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