Seattlecels sneed as their county announces that it will drop its vax pass

My sources are telling me that King County will lift the vaccine verification order for restaurants, bars, gyms, etc on March 16

That likely means Inslee's announcement will be something similar or they wouldn't have done it

This is based on political science not actual science

King County just decided that the pandemic is over so that’s cool.

I see King County thinks that the hospitals are way too empty these days

Here’s the problem: people want to “return to normal” despite the fact that “the normal” is a thing of the past.

We aren’t getting out of this for awhile longer. Ask your friend/family member in healthcare. Feels like parents giving up on disciplining.

17 people in King County died from COVID-19 on Valentine's Day.

This is irresponsible.

King County (Seattle area) is dropping their vax pass mandate on March 1st.

I'm not celebrating.

I'm afraid of what's to come while we have our guards down.


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Does anyone know people like this in real life? Even my most pro-restriction friends stopped caring about a year ago

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I still have one friend who thinks getting covid is a death sentence. Even though multiple people within our group have had it and are completely fine.

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Yeah. They're real people. I was "friends" with such a dude. He initially described going to work as "putting his life at risk." Mind you he's 25. Dude got married last fall and didn't invite half of our group because of covid. I stopped pretending we were friends after that. Haven't seen him in 2 years anyway because he refuses to leave his house besides bare essentials.

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That’s wild. I bet people like him will never fully get back to normal. I remember I called a patient back in the fall who told me that him and his wife got takeout for the first time since the pandemic started. Dude literally had not left his house in over a year. He was in his 30s too…

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These people probably have severe vitamin D deficiency, so they're only going to get more r-slurred

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Getting sick with COVID would unironically be the best thing for them. Nothing has convinced me more of how bullshit this whole situation is than actually getting COVID and finding out it's your routine respiratory virus. Like, yeah, it sucks, but you literally just sleep it off and probably won't catch it often; but you will definitely catch it sooner or later if you ever leave the house.

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His girlfriend was even worse. I lied when I said I hadn't seen him in two years. Actually met at a friend's once for a grilling event last summer. But it was drizzling so we mostly stayed indoors. It was like she was shell shocked the entire time being around people indoors. I don't know how these people function.

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Had a buddy tag along to the bars with us last year, dude had a panic attack from being atound ppl lmao

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I bet he posts shit like: "Lost so many of my friends to COVID..."

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I think he had two grandparents die. They were both in their 90s and so far gone they didn't even know who they were before covid. It's always sad to lose a loved one, but come on. You had to have been expecting that for years.

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Pull up downtown Seattle on Google street view and your question will be answered


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lmao wearing a mask outside is peak virtue signaling

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Notice they are exactly six feet apart

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One time fairly early on in the pandemic I was walking past some guy on a suburban sidewalk when it's totally deserted at night. There's a storm with probably the highest winds of the year and he's upwind of me. He waits until he's really close to me so he can make a snide remark about how I'm not covering up my nose. You gotta admire the bravery of someone literally put his life on the line in order to own a chud irl.

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You should have spit on him

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I had the presence of mind to unmask and yell "frick you!" but he really had me at a disadvantage. The winds were like 40mph, I couldn't have spit on him if I tried. You think going out on a patrol in the Vietnam War is hard, Portland mayos are better at ambushing you than the NVA.

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So... You were wearing a mask... On a deserted sidewalk... At midnight... In a storm

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Okay f/r-slur, thanks for the inquisition. :taygrimacing: Yeah, that was definitely because I was making a political statement with my mask and you've caught that I'm a libtard/white supremacist. It's not that I wasn't wearing cargo pants with a mask pocket yet.

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:marseyrave: :marseyrave: :marseyrave:

Found the seattleite

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Tbh if I'm walking in the street and have to be as close as these guys (mostly the back row) are, I'd put it on. But it goes off the moment I've distanced myself of coughing range. I'm not so worried about myself, mostly a token act of respect towards others so I can keep my misanthropism in check

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I'm getting my masters, had dinner with my professor + some current/former grads. One of them is literally a "believe all science" guys. he's super nice but it was funny talking to him about some high profile failures of the scientific process and see him just get uncomfortable.

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some high profile failures of the scientific process

Which ones?

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this is the one that was fresh on my mind. The main problem with niche fields is that many people can't really check each others work. Actually tons of science just never gets verified, just not usually in the "physical sciences".

Great youtube channel I just found, his bog.txt series and the bill nye videos are pretty good.

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It's usually pretty immediately obvious when a physical science advancement is bullshit, when that happens you get a building collapse or an explosion or birth defects or something as soon as you try to monetize it.

Current hyperfixation:

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This is why I don't believe in science

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Physical science is the only real science anyway, so who cares about the rest being shit

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Thanks guys good stuff

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Everyone around me stopped caring about Covid after the pandemic was suspended for a few weeks during the Saint Floyd protests. We realized then it was 99% BS.

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The man who almost faked his way to a Nobel Prize

Now we're talking. Thanks.

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After the vaccines rolled out to every eligible person I stopped caring although everyone still wore their masks all day in offices but took them off the moment they sat down at a restaurant table.

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Yes. It's Soyattle. Some brave souls walk around outside with their mask on.

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My mom isn't "double masked and plastic shield"-tier, but guilt trips me every time I see her to get vaccinated.

Most male members of my family died of heart conditions in their 50s, including my dad. My chance of death from the vaccine is almost as high as my chance of death from Covid: practically zero.

It'll get tense soon because

  1. my 97 year old grandma is having a party in June, if ANY of the old people there die within a few months mom will blame me

  2. my sister just had a baby last week. Even though she's an RN in a covid ward, it'll somehow be my fault if the baby tests positive

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Yeah, live in a blue city and almost everyone is like this. I genuinely thought these people only existed on Twitter also until March 2020.

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