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Things_Make_Me_Seethe has published the next volume of his landphobic magnum opus | thread noticed by AHS ๐Ÿฅฐ


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And remember to smash that Follow button on my profile after you do; @The_Homocracy and I are having a friendly competition (and I am winning because I am the most friendly) (do NOT follow him). We are very friendly here! Please donโ€™t join if youโ€™re not friendly.

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p.s. this isnโ€™t Reddit; if you post cp here, we will forward all of your information to law enforcement and aggressively pursue legal action

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And remember to smash that Follow button on my profile after you do; @The_Homocracy and I are having a friendly competition (and I am winning because I am the most friendly) (do NOT follow him). We are very friendly here! Please donโ€™t join if youโ€™re not friendly.



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I followed you because of this. I'm a rebel.

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