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I have no intention of stopping. I'm 6'3" and over 200 lbs. Come at me bruh. These people have such cognitive dissonance. "Funny how COVID happened, and nobody gets the cold or flus anymore!". No shit you single celled redneck. That's because of masks and social distancing.

Jesus lmao. @pizzashill your people are killing me :taylaugh: :wolflaugh:

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over 200 lbs.


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If you're a 6' 3" man under 200lbs you're a dyel embarrassment. Concentration camp survivor men with no muscle are almost as bad as fat fricks. Think of the wasted potential. At that height with modern anabolics and gym equipment, you can look like a barbarian warlord.

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Seriously lol. My ex was 6'4 and like 205 and looked fine since he did manual labour, but could've easily looked better with an extra 20lbs and dedicated work outs

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Youre that one foid arent you

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Foid? :marseystonetoss:

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At 6-3 anything less is blatantly lanklet.

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Masks and social distancing:

-stopped the flu

-didn't stop covid

interesting how masks can choose to stop one particulate but not another

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Shit south east asian countries with an established mask culture consistently have higher flu rates than the US anyways.

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Masks did stop the flu in Japan, the sick people walk with masks before covid was a thing.

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"over 200 lbs"

Yes I'm sure he's multiple times over 200 lbs

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I know you are Kat even with ghost on. The only other person I can do that with is Pizza. How embarrassing.

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Frick off chud

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Masks stopped every disease but covid, but the vaccines stop you from getting covid, but you still need to wear a mask because the vaccines don't actually stop you from getting covid, they stop you from being hospitalized, but actually they don't do that, they keep you from dying so if you want to keep people alive you should wear a mask to protect people that are already protected from the vaccine because they could still catch covid and still be hospitalized and still die. Just follow the science sweaty, it's not that hard πŸ™

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This except Unironically

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"we don't even want this sub to exist"

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I live in Wisconsin. I wear a mask alone in the car if i am driving into town because i know it spins some people up.

I'm the guy in the other car that wears his mask and is thinking, "My man!"

"So I don't get mistaken for a Republican."

This is genuinely a not-insignificant part of why I've been wearing one all this time. Like after protecting myself and others it's basically so that people won't think I'm some kind of anti-masker butthole.

I tried going to the store without one a couple days ago. I felt so paranoid about being mistaken for a Republican the whole time. I got in the checkout line, trying to convince myself I was being dramatic, and then when I walked up to the cashier, she started telling me apropos of nothing about her exciting weekend plansβ€”going with a friend to a β€œfriends of the NRA” banquet and then to (her friend’s specifically Messianic) church in the morning.

I… think I’m gonna go back to masking.

Chud status: owned!

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Man, Americans sure are mentally ill

For all their bitching about "politicizing covid" the dems sure were happy to turn masks into some kind of weird shibboleth that allegedly proves youre not a chud or whatever. Imagine wearing a mask by yourself in a car so nobody who drives by could possibly even entertain the idea that you might be on Red Team instead of Blue Team

Wingcucks smh my head :marseyhorseshoe:

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I doubt very much that more than a few of these individuals will have the independent will to continue wearing the mask once going unmasked is the 90%+ norm.

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Idk in the neo liberal areas here the Covid people are still pretty dedicated. It’s blue anons maga hat imo

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I guess we'll see. There are still a lot of people here who wear their masks even when it's not required. I even see people doing it at the gym, which baffles me.

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I would think more and more wearing masks is less the current thing. That's why I make a point of using it even more.

You see, I am always against the current thing, and thusly morally superior to you, NPCs.


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I've really enjoyed these years without having to catch colds and flus from everyone else out there

If you touched grass and spent some time outdoors your immune system wouldn't suck so much. I had more days of fevers from the vaccines alone than in 10 years of normal unmasked life.

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Seriously the only reason I didn't want to catch covid is because I haven't been sick in years. Frick being sick

Somehow I managed to avoid getting covid and boy am I happy about not having a chinese engineered virus in my body

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lol okay, snaps.

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:s: :o: :c: :i: :a: :l: :space: :a: :n: :x: :i: :e: :t: :y:

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This is why I still wear the mask

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First one to talk gets to keep his mask

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I've really enjoyed these years without having to catch colds and flus from everyone else out there and in old enough not to give a rat's a$$ about the opinions of stupid people.

How often do these twinks get sick?

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AIDS makes it hard to stay healthy

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Legit sad that the pandemic is over

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Hermancainaward truly takes the fun out of making fun of r-slurs dying, if that sub wasn't filled with so many neck beards it could actually be funny

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I'm just ugly frick off

Ok, this one is pretty funny.

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Why is this drama? You fricking plague rats still need to wear a mask, regardless of whether "the law" forces you to or not.


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Why do they think anyone would have a problem with this? I'm only an anti-masker for myself, I'm all for NPCs continuing to wear them for eternity.

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i cant take it anymore make it stop

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I've really enjoyed these years without having to catch colds and flus from everyone else out there and in old enough not to give a rat's a$$ about the opinions of stupid people.

Do people really get sick every year? I legit dont remember the last time i was sick from anything other than food.

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