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what about all the ethnic german downies he killed?

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And homos.

Literally only did that cause Ernst Roehm (a known Nazi bussy blaster) got too powerful.

Copy/paste from my college notes to educate you ignorant people

1934 last few days of June to early July Summer “Night of the Long Knives Purge”
  • Stormdivision (Brown Shirts) “SA” – Ernst Roehm is the leader of the SA and he builds a para-military force to be the German army when Hitler gets into power.
  • He’s more radical than Hitler and thinks the common people should be calling the shots; known as a “Populist”
  • He wants to get rid of all the aristocratic officers in the military so they start going to Hitler and want him to tell Roehm to stfu or else they’re overthrow Hitler.
  • Hitler decides Roehm has become a liability so all the SA men are at a conference and Hitler tells his men to make a list of all the SA members to be killed. He purges the members of his own party that cause him problems. Over 200 people die on this spree.

The German people supported all these killings and said that he had to kill Roehm because he was a homosexual (which he was).

Also he did kill his own people. Quite often.

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He’s more radical than Hitler and thinks the common people should be calling the shots; known as a “Populist”

YouTube told me Hitler was a populist tho

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Lol this was because nazism was not a "revolution" in any sense of the word.

All it did was move nazis into the same elite positions as the people they removed.

The SA was far more radical, but only in the sense they pushed a second revolution, or to continue the so called nazi revolution which never actually materialized.

This rhetoric was very useful to Hitler out of power, not so much in power.

Nazism was violently anti-gay even before this though and simply ignored it in the ranks of useful people.

The brownshirts were also a bit upset that hitler looked to the regular germany army and not them when building the german army after he came into power, he essentially shit on them after they acted as his personal paramilitary group during his rise.

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Pizza let's stay on topic.

And sorry but I can never upvote your posts.

Espeically since it's a mixed bag of BS and truth.

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Literally nothing there was false.

Phone posting rn or I'd copy paste the 3rd reich trilogy at you

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I have a degree in it sweaty (hence the notes).

Let's not make excuses cause of your Nokia now.

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I mean if you didn't know about the second revolution stuff I'm skeptical.

If you're trying to claim they weren't anti-gay I'm even more skeptical.

Also it isn't really an excuse, I'm just on my phone and my books are on my desktop.

I'll grant you they were a little more extreme in it after 1934, but they were not friendly to the gays before that.

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No offense pizza but I already paid for my education and don't debate with lay people.

books are on my desktop

Here's some ones you can torrent since you apparently can't afford bound books:

  • N. Tolstoy, Night of the Long Knives
  • P. Adam, The Arts of the Third Reich
  • W.S. Allen, The Nazi Seizure of Power
  • R.G.L. Waite, Psychopathic God

My bookshelf has more, but those are relevant to the subject at hand.

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I also have a degree in it but citing a history degree as some source of authoritative knowledge is fricking hilarious. Unless you speak German, have a PhD, and your thesis was in this area, it means nothing. Anyone could read the same secondary sources as you, skim the wiki article on historiography, and have an equivalently informed opinion. If pizza cites his sources he might have you.

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Unless you speak German, have a PhD, and your thesis was in this area, it means nothing.

Ja. Genau das habe ich du Spacko.

Danke für dein Verständinis!

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nobody wants to talk about the positive things hitler did


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I don't trust politicians that don't frick kids :marseyno:

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And his political detractors

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He killed everyone politically opposed to him. Even other Nazis.

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also this is my favorite quote from (((Rick and Morty))), all the way back in s1e01

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Rick and Morty



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He cared so much about Germany that he wanted to throw every single one, old and young, into the meatgrinder when he couldn't succeed

:marseyreich: :marseywoodchipper:

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I always thought that was a quote from futurama

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I'm still puzzled how you can love animals but want to kill downies aka subhumans aka animals.

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Yours for Wild Nature

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Aren’t all Germans downies?

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