Ice. Cold.
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Why are rightoids so obsessed with gas prices yet have no idea why gas prices are high nor can they even begin to explain why.

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pizzashill, I'm a newly-minted Democrat and I don't really understand why gas prices are so high. Can you explain it to me please?

pizzashill, I'm a newly-minted Democrat and I don't really understand why gas prices are so high. Can you explain it to me please? pizzashill, I'm a newly-minted Democrat and I don't really understand why gas prices are so high. Can you explain it to me please?

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Collapse in demand during covid tanked.

Production shuts down as demand tanks.

Economy opens up and we see a demand shock and the price of oil sky rockets, thus the price of gas does.

Production fails to ramp fast enough to meet demand, opec refuses to increase production.

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The left pushed to have every thing shut down as much as possible and stiffled domestic oil production. So, it's the current admins fault.

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The tanking of oil prices was not a domestic thing, but global.

The US could have shut down 0 things (impossible) and oil still would have tanked and global supply chains still shut down.

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The US is one of the prolific oil consumers, shutting us down alone did have a significant impact on production. It is not completely the current administrations fault but they did multiple things to exacerbate it to the point of ridiculousness. You not being able to acknowledge this is a bit frustrating, but no one relies on you for intelligence on this website.

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What you are not comprehending is global supply chains would have shut down no matter what, the price of oil would have collapsed no matter what.

Like you're repeating things that sound really good on fox news but do not live in tangible reality.

did multiple things to exacerbate it to the point of ridiculousness.

Like what?

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shut down everything, cut domestic production of oil, antagonize Russia by blaming them for EVERYTHING, push green energy but do nothing worthwhile to implement it effectively to reduce the impact on the common man, etc. It's the difference between shooting back up to 2.50 a gallon as opposed to 4.00 a gallon (for now).

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shut down everything,

What did Biden shut down, can you link me to the orders?

cut domestic production of oil,

Where and how? Because the federal land stuff never went through and the polling of the oil industry does not cite this.

antagonize Russia by blaming them for EVERYTHING,

What was Russia blamed for they were not guilty of, and gas priced were high before anything happened with Ukraine, correct?

push green energy but do nothing worthwhile to implement it effectively to reduce the impact on the common man,

In specific which green energy did Biden push that increased gas prices?

It's the difference between shooting back up to 2.50 a gallon as opposed to 4.00 a gallon (for now).

I mean it kind of just seems like you have a bunch of vague talking points you've never thought about.

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That is very fascinating, thank you for explaining what happened up until now but I have another couple questions. Why did production fail to ramp up? Did someone decide that domestic oil wasn't worth looking into as an option? :grugthink:

That is very fascinating, thank you for explaining what happened up until now but I have another couple questions. Why did production fail to ramp up? Did someone decide that domestic oil wasn't worth looking into as an option? :grugthink:

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That is very fascinating, thank you for explaining what happened up until now but I have another couple questions. Why did production fail to ramp up? Did someone decide that domestic oil wasn't worth looking into as an option? :grugthink:

No, oil companies have not stopped drilling and are sitting on some 9k permits.

You can find oil execs discussing why production has been slow to ramp up, not mentioned? Drilling:

Maybe environmental issues can be considered such, but it's still a minority.

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Domestic oil policy has remained exactly the same since the Trump administration? No one came into office and cancelled the Keystone pipeline or anything like that? :derpthinking:

Domestic oil policy has remained exactly the same since the Trump administration? No one came into office and cancelled the Keystone pipeline or anything like that? :derpthinking:

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Why would keystone XL, an extension to a pipeline pushed to increase canadian oil prices on the open market, expected to be complete in 2030 cause current gas prices?

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I'm just asking if there's anyone around who is pushing for less domestic oil and less cheap oil. Maybe someone who signed an sweeping executive order to do so? I'm not really sure myself. :brainletcaved:

I'm just asking if there's anyone around who is pushing for less domestic oil and less cheap oil. Maybe someone who signed an sweeping executive order to do so? I'm not really sure myself. :brainletcaved:

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Ok, you're dismissed until you respond to and refute the facts presented so far.

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Hurrr if they just continued production on this pipeline that wasnt actually meant for domestic sales, gas would be .00001$/gallon!


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Pizza wins yet again

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I don't even think Biden is solely or even mostly to blame for oil prices but I followed up that link and went to the original survey site and most of them say that investors are not feeling keen on oil because of current regulations and current administration's focus. At the very least, the Dems have clearly spooked oil investors.

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I was replying to your post with a link to the axios article which referenced the Dallas Fed Energy Survey and there they do mention increased regulations and scrutiny from the administration. I'm even agreeing with you that Biden is not in large part responsible for the gas prices but is your assertion that the Dems' focus on climate change has not had any effect at all on companies' reticence to expand production?

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The focus seems to be a minority according to the survey, the most cited reason, capital discipline has been a term invoked by them for years which is why I also linked:

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More comments it appears that regulations are not a large factor

your assertion that the Dems' focus on climate change has not had any effect at all on companies' reticence to expand production?

the 'dems' focus on climate change' may not have much impact as it is rhetoric. specific policy decisions may have impact but do not appear to have that much!

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Don't exactly blame OPEC. Putin screwed them pretty bad 2 years ago and things are uncertain right now so might as well cash out while you wait things out.

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I mean I think you can blame them, obviously the geopolitical situation is not stable though.

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It's easier to blame it on the current administration because the average american is too r-slurred to understand the geopolitical and economic factors that lead to such things.

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Actually it is the current administrations fault but the average american is too r-slurred to understand the geopolitical and economic factors that lead to such things.

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That too

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I don't see how it could be.

Like covid is clearly to blame for most of it.

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Who the frick do you think caused covid?

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Pizza repeats cnn talking points without thinking about it for like 5 seconds part 525

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More like pizza asks a question he knows the answer to in order to attack rightoids

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That question is just like you

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Oh, which part of my answer was not correct?

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This one:

More like pizza asks a question he knows the answer to in order to attack rightoids

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So no coherent response, got it.

Go seethe to someone that cares, loser.

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POV: You have just been pizza'd


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No, i dont hink i will

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Definitely not banning oil platforms from being placed, banning all future pipelines, banning fracking, banning russian oil and banning certain oil subsidies.

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Definitely not banning oil platforms from being placed,


And yet, the White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office. The boom, first reported by the Associated Press, undercuts the president’s climate agenda and infuriates environmentalists demanding more aggressive action. It also exposes what activists say are fundamental legal and bureaucratic problems in the federal fossil fuel program that predate Biden by decades.


banning all future pipelines,

Can you show me what you're talking about?

banning fracking,

When was fracking banned?

It wasn't really, and they're sitting on 9k permits.

So you'll have to link me to the actual ban on fracking.

banning russian oil and banning certain oil subsidies.

Russia was a tint fraction of oil imports and you'll have to link me the subsidies thing.

Also gas prices were high before any Russian oil ban.

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Ice T... known rightoid.

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I didn't call him one?

I mean you and your constant gas agenda posts.

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famous rightoid Ice T

edit: someone also made this comment. i'm coming from the post pizza made advertising his own arguments. if anyone sees me, hi!

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