Lucky thrres a family man

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I actually like Family Guy, and I don't care who knows it

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It's a good show!

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I'm obsessed with Family Guy.

Obviously it's easy to criticise, it's formulaic, episode plots are an inconvenience at best and all of the characters are hatable, inconsistently written and would do anything for a punchline (there have been multiple jokes about Peter being a straight up chomo, NO other show would do that).

The writers are self aware enough to poke fun at themselves too, Brian has been a liberal douche punching bag far longer than he was the writers' unironic mouthpiece during the Bush years. That being said making meta jokes about how the show sucks doesn't stop the show from sucking.

The quality from episode to episode varies an insane amount too, especially in later seasons, one episode can be full of very biting, to the minute social satire and the next would whiff spectacularly.

Honestly it's just a hilarious sketch show hampered by the thinnest pretense of having to be a family sitcom. I could write a thesis on this shit but I've already had enough of an epic spergout :marseywords: :marseyfamily:

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Yeah man. I feel like redditors love to suck their own peepee pretending how they're far too mature for such an immature show, but honestly who cares about being mature? Some of the jokes make me laugh out loud which not many TV shows do tbfh

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