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My main account got suspended this morning and all I did was place a few black pixels yesterday. :marseyitsover:

Yesterday I put a few tail pixels down at like noon, that was it. Got bored and remembered I had a job.

4 years old, kind of funny because I've never even done anything wrong on it. I have a very niche professional background so I post 2-3 in depth answers per day for people on a couple niche engineering/finance subs and have also used it to purchase used equipment for work. Kind of gay because you get "trust" rep on those subs that's now gone I guess.

It had zero ties to /r/drama or anything.


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t'was truly a gay as heck move from the admins

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Yeah lots of dramatards woke up to their accounts being perma-ed or shadowbanned just for participating in the Marsey or URL yesterday. Chtorr and redtaboo deliberately overwrote them both, there are videos and screengrabs. floating around.

Also saw a claim that someone got perma-ed for defacing the trans flag: https://old.reddit.com/r/DeclineIntoCensorship/comments/tumf8l/literally_getting_banned_for_painting_over_the. Screenshot is suspiciously blurry so it could be faked, but considering the Admins actions towards everyone here, it wouldn't surprise me.

You could likely appeal and get your main back - especially if you manually placed the pixels instead of using a script, you can go the plausible deniability route and claim innocence.

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Bruh I can't even login. My main wasn't participating at all, just my alts.

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Ah you're probably boned then, sorry friend :marseysob:

Admins final actions towards some was to change their password also.

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Delete cookies and use a different email

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You could likely appeal and get your main back

We can't. My main account doesn't even exist anymore, and they changed the passwords of my two alts. There is no way to appeal.

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Chtorr is on a roll right now, shadowbanning and locking everyone out of their accounts. Dunno if appealmaxxing works on a non-email-verified account, if you care enough you can try going through Reddit Help/Contact pages.

IMO you should just abandon that shit and move on to a new one. I refuse to beg pedos, groomers, or their apologists for favors.

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Yeah I already have another throwaway that will serve as my new main. In the end I don't really care, I use the site less and less and only check a few subs now.

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Palestine did this

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using your main and posting to rdrama.net

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Lol its a different username. There's literally zero link between rdrama and that account.

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what are cookies

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