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Asmongold took notice of Marsey drama


This might lead somewhere in two weeks :marseypopcorn:

Edit: YouTube link

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it's another reddit mod on a power trip. He's cheating. omg. A country can get bombed and it gets less upvotes than that.

omfg YASSSSSSS I have been trying to get his attention and I did not see this.


:#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking:

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Needs to make it into his youtube clip today which always gets a ton of views. Keep the seethe alive

edit: it did, and headlines his video: https://rdrama.net/post/57321/asmongold-has-a-youtube-video-out

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He lost 55k viewers when he stopped fricking with /r/place lol

Hopefully it gets added to the youtube channel.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Post the layout in his sub. @boo would but no ripe accounts left

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Someone with groomercord try sending Marsey to his mods. They're feeding him ideas



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I never thought of getting normies to create a retaliation marsey, that would be hilarious if they banned all the accounts trying to do it.

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Imagine :marseytroublemaker:

Asmon seems kinda up himself with the underdog circlejerk kinda story so this would be perfect to bait him with, just hard

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This is what I was hoping would happen!! :soyjakfront:

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mobile link

keep yourself safe

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Its the best I can do


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As much as this guy’s stuff is bland this rocks. This seems like itll be the big break rdrama will get and it makes reddit mods look like conspiratorial fools again

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Asmongold is a legit neetchad. Literally a millionaire but refuses to leave his moms attic, fix his teeth, buy a new car, or do anything but eat Wendy’s and play video games all day. I don’t watch streamers but I’ll watch his highlights sometimes on YouTube even for games I don’t play.

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This guy is so fricking spergy I can’t figure out if his outrage is ironic, sarcastic, or genuine. Good find though because he has a lot of followers.

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His brain is actually where we keep the secret backup of rdrama's schitzo energy that is vital to our function.



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I'm not a g*mer and don't even know how to watch twitch (website? App? I'm an adult I don't know) but sometimes I watch him do shit on YouTube and he legitimately makes me laugh.

I assume it's sarcastic

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He certainly overplays reactions for "entertainment" but the dude is legit spergy, motherlover has had a truckload of half eaten maggot infested food littering his bedroom.

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i dont know who this guy is but i can tell ya, i really don't like his gumline


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He’s a 30 year old world of Warcraft player :marseyneckbeard: with some of the highest consistent concurrent stream counts to the point just him playing something immediately pushes that game category to the top of twitch :marsoy: . He drinks a frick load of soda and nothing else really :marseypepsi: , so most of this teeth are implants screwed into his jaw. If I had to describe him, I would call him the most charismatic basement dwelling neckbeard you’ve ever seen. But ever since his mother died a few months back he’s been getting TOO COCKY :marseysmug: and slowly becoming more bland. I discovered him and watched his streams off and on for about a few weeks last summer in the background while working on stuff. He’s very good at filling the dead space which most twitch streamers have.

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Since almost all of you seemed to have missed the obvious satire :marseyautism: he’s making a joke about how admins abusing power is not surprising and that people clutching pearls about this are r-slurred

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I love diarrhea

Yes that is right, I love to have diarrhea. One of my favorite things to do is take a laxative on weekends when I have absolute nothing to do and I know I’ll be at the house all day. Sometimes when I can’t wait the 8 hours a laxative will take I’ll do a salt water flush and I’ll be peeing out my butthole in 30 minutes. I’ve even found for me that 100% grapefruit juice will do the trick if I drink half a gallon in a day. There are so many aspects of it that make it one of the best experiences.

The first aspect I love is the rush. Just going about my business and then all of a sudden I know I might poop my pants. That it is time to get on a potty right now and nothing else matters. It’s an adrenaline rush when the stomach starts to gurgle and you know you can’t stop what’s about to happen. That I am totally at the mercy of my bowels.

The second is simply the feeling. I love the feeling of relief I get in my stomach, the feeling of it rushing out of my butt hole, and it is one of those good burn feelings in the butt hole too. I love that fiery butt hole burn. Then when you go to wipe it’s kind of like you are scratching that ultimate itch. To put it simply from start to finish the feeling of diarrhea has multiple aspects that all feel good and all of them have their special place in my heart.

The third aspect I love is the smell. It’s like when you have a good fart and it stinks really bad and you kind of sniff it in and you are like dang, I just did that. The smell of diarrhea is like I just opened a sewer line right in my potty and I love it. It’s just a great scent to sit there and enjoy for a minute. A nasty type of good that makes you feel a little dirty.

The fourth aspect would have to be looking at what came out. Just standing to wipe and looking at what once used to be a perfectly clean potty is now black. Just black water with black spatter all around the bowl of the potty. I love to stand there for a second and look at it and say “dang look at all that bad stuff I just expelled from my body.” That’s a great feeling looking at it and knowing how you’ve just purged your body.

To put it simply, I highly recommend diarrhea.

Edit: For those who have commented and are concerned about my health. I should of clarified this isn’t an every day thing. This is a once every month or two type of deal. I work a lot and have a busy home life and am by all means what you would consider a normal person lol. This is like something I will do when I actually have a day to rest and relax from my busy life because it feels good to me and is an enjoyable experience. A de-stresser if you will.


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The frick is wrong with that dudes teeth, he looks like a cracked out British Nicholas Cage, burn it with fire

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if we get advertised can we have the FP filled with funny shit or dramatic shit instead of this stuff thx

his over the top fake outrage is just r-slurred. did his face turn red?

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Literally who

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