Brave ukrainian chunguses get btfo (literally) :marseytwerking:

I still have no idea how the frick do you allow such a thing to happen

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:marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking:

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Come on, user who uploaded ( formerly known as hohols get the rope) this video, before you, at least linked to a direct telegram video, not to a pro russian twitter account, which has Givi as a profile pic.

Again, I must repeat, even a person named 'hohols get the rope', chose not to link to a twitter account which uses ministry of defense as a reliable source...russian MoD this time.

Do better OP

Here' a fat cat pic 4 u


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:marseylongpost: how do you manage to sound so insufferable? You'd fit well on reddit, you should check it out. They even have a place to post cat pics.

A friend of mine showed me this video so I googled it and posted the first source. Who gives a shit what twitter account posted it?

:marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking:

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People who post on this site can't really drop a stone to reddit.

Considering most of them also have reddit account.

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