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:#marseybased: :#marseyking: :#marseytroll:

That username


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That username

Slightly better than /u/OrangeAndWhiteCommieCat

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The next day at work my coworker approached me to chat about a project we’re working on together and we never spoke about the event, the conning me into bartending, my aching feet or the fact that she duped her young broke coworker the night before.

Why didn't you bring it up, r-slur?

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These people either need to stop being a waste of space or become fertilizer

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Not only did you work unpaid you might have also broken the law serving alcohol without the proper accreditation.

:marseyeyeroll: :marseyakshually:

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You don't need a license to hand out booze at a private event.


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That is the top comment and all of those r-slurs actually thought that was some kind of gotcha.

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It's not surprising that they've never been part of a large private party before but you'd think they'd be able to extrapolate from knowing that they can give friends alcohol at their own homes without a license.


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they can give friends alcohol at their own homes without a license

I'm betting few have friends or their own homes


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Imagine being this cucked :marseylaugh: just fricking leave

but a redditor and /r/antiwork user at that. So that girl who tricked her was based :marseyexcited:

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OP is more reasonable than most of the commenters.

Dude don’t ever compare someone being naΓ―ve and accepting to do free labor they could choose to walk away from at any time to actual fricking slavery, get a grip…[-7]

I can’t go on a rampage and make a bad name for myself by trying to, what, sue them for wages or something? It’s unrealistic and just the same way that holding a grudge hurts the person holding it the most, all that a lawsuit or tattle-tale to my bosses would do is snowball into a huge stressful thing that I’m never reasonably gonna β€œwin”

Against what though… Like if you tried to report this to HR, what rules exactly would you say she was breaking? She asked me to volunteer when I got to an event and I agreed?

Meh I disagree, everyone else I met that was my age at the event was unemployed and bought a ticket to be there and try to find work, they were all jealous of my job and high salary plus the fact that I’m not freelance so I don’t have to hustle to get work. Yes I had to work the event but I got in for free, and I wasn’t there hustling to make my rent. Thereβ€˜a two sides to the coin

But no offense I’m not gonna sue or report someone to HR over this, that turns what is essentially a bruised ego and a lesson I can shake off and grow from into a gigantic messy problem that will cause significantly worse effects on my life than if I just take this as a lesson and not accept shit like this next time around.

Saved the best for last:

Oh I got hammered and was openly drinking while serving so that was a bonus


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Unironically the least r-slurred user of /r/antiwork. If they were smarter they wouldn't be a member of that sub at all though.

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This is so fake and straight, your typical antiwork redditor wouldn't last more than 1 hour doing all that hard social work.

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Not only did you work unpaid you might have also broken the law serving alcohol without the proper accreditation.

OMG this guy poured beers into a cup without a loisence!!!


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I work in corporate America with some people who have been bullying me for a while

Lol. Is there anything more pathetic than getting bullied as an adult?

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look even if you don't do anything now, document it. Document how you felt about it and every single detail. Time stamp it.

"Make a diary it will help!"

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