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In my language exam, I'm going to talk about how much I hate rentoids.

Specifically I will talk about my least favourite people, nihilistic rentoids and moralistic rentoids. Nihilistic rentoids are sociopathic dudebros who say that morals are made to hold strong people down, but then wageslave in a shit job their whole life. Moralistic rentoids are the people Carp was talking about who blame tha joos for their failure to amount to anything.

Yes I am going to use the term rentoid.

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I hope your dissertation is forwarded to the Offices of Dr. Penelope Oaken.

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I’m a moralistic rentoid

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Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for "cheating" on Max, who is now more of a "husband" in my heart than my ex ever was.

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