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r/196 user (re)posts pro-train greentext to r/greentext, proceeds to argue with every chud in the comments


not kidding, replied to all comments


What I love about the chromosomes argument is that really doesn't change anything your telling me that your Gona do a DNA test for every women you go out with purely because you hate trans people that much?

Also does that mean trans men who get a double mastectomy and have his uterus removed and get a phalloplasty does that mean he's a real man?

Oh also biological men can lactate it's a proven fact.

Oh also also biological men can get Breast cancer

Oh also here's a few links that show being trans is natural and that trans men are men and trans women are women

> Gona do a DNA test for every women you go out with purely because you hate trans people that much?



"But currently, most genetic tests take 24-72 hours,"

I doubt anyone would be willing to wait that long just to have a 3 min frick

Pre-marital s*x is a sin.

Redditors trying to detect satire (they can’t)

I'm neurodivergent

Don’t worry, we can tell


Some of us don’t live in a delusion like you.

What's that saying about those living in a delusion tend to call other out for living in one instead of being told their wrong?

"no u"

You are literally playing make believe and dress up like a child. Things just don’t become fact because you think so. It’s a harsh reality but you need to grow up or you’ll be left behind in the world.

Weird that's exactly what I was going to say!

Anyways you got any evidence for are you just Gona keep complaining

got a source for that opinion?

You’re only ever your birth gender/s*x (the terms are Interchangeable in this context) and anything else is mutilation and a farce

So boob jobs are mutilation?

Plastic surgery is mutilation?

People have a very strange understanding of mutilation

So transition surgeries are only cosmetic. Are you reducing s*x/gender to mere fashion?

S*x and gender are two different things and gender is how you dress/act so yeah that's what I'm doing like literally everyone else has

did this person really... just agree with the chud on transitioning being only cosmetic?

So it is all fashion. Okay, so it's all a choice. Got it.

Well it's a good thing that trans people and cis people agree that s*x is a concrete understanding


Science, on the other hand.

Also agrees! 🙏🔫😔🦏🇬🇧💝

Afraid not, then I suppose that depends on how you define a woman, which until recently was widely agreed upon.

Yeah it was agreed that if you identify as a women you are one but then the Christan conservatives came and ruined everything


No...I'm afraid not. Men and women have been separate since birth culturally since at least ancient Greece, women are generally capable of giving birth and have an XX chromosome.

Really? Since Greece? Because there's evidence to suggest trans gender people have existed before Greece and during it

Thats a womans peepee.

And that's a male clit

Your point?

chud owned

holy frick dude this kid has no gd life at all!! He responded so much!

Is it not normal for people to respond?

Also it's my few months off till I go to collage full time so yeah I do have free time off

Its not normal to respond TO EVERY COMMENT! You're straight weird dude.

Kewl 😌🦏😔😘🙏😭🇬🇧

I didn't know it was posted yesterday but I'm keeping it up because I don't want people thinking they won an argument over the internet that's completely pointless

need to reply to everyone so the chuds don't think they've won

Literally posted yesterday

I'm Gona be honest I didn't even steal it from here I took it from r/196

Bro I do get therapy and nothings changed stay mad 🦀🗿😨🇬🇧💝🤡😎🤑🔫😢😿💰😨🤡😲

You're a lost case. but seriously, you should stop.. You're only making trans people look more crazy with how you're acting

Whaiienbwhajen crazy mere?????? Jshwjqiqjhs 🍟😲😌😲😌💝😔🦏🤡🐝🇬🇧🪙💸😳😔🙀💀☺️🐝🗿🍟😲😔🤮🔫🙀💀😨🐝🤡😊

most effective therapist

also because you chuds love to make fun of people's appearances, here's OP:


you should be ashamed of yourselves :marseydisagree:

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very long but i respect replymaxxing

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Pre-marital s*x is a sin.

I love this argument. Very few people actually end up carrying through with it IRL who aren't made to do so due to being ugly godless heathens but by its nature there are so many arguments and put-downs that are instantaneously reversed or btfo'd by making it.

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You can only respond to it with enlightened euphoria as well, it's perfect.

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I'm neurodivergent

Many such cases.

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Jesus, the chudjaks get uglier by the day

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Another 16-year-old regular of /r/196, active on groomercord, screes about trans issues on reddit to herself (admittedly, that anon's bit was good bait), and is Scottish & training to be a beautician in "college."


Was the Internet a mistake?

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I like how you posted a picture of Marsey in your comment. Marsey is cute
:#marseyinabox: :#marseyexcited: :#marseysad:

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Keep coinmaxxing, marsbro.

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So true bestie! :marseyxoxo:

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xhe looks trans racial

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Was the Internet a mistake?

it was perfectly fine until something like mid-2000s, then the insignificant masses found their way here and slowly eroded even the last bits of awesomeness in their never-ending quest to appear important. we really should have anally violated the first frickwit who invented blogs with a red-hot fire poker, that would have saved us all this mess.

though to look on the bright side: first, they only invented mental disorders for themselves, then came the whole gender bullshit, now they're doing voluntary eugenics, cutting their peepees off and themselves out of the gene pool, so at least some good have come out of it.

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I wish redditers would learn the word empiricism so they could stop sounding r-slurred personifying "science"


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Invite OP here, she does what every dramacel spends hours attempting on accident

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Minors aren't allowed here.

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young carrot top?

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Colin kaepernick haircut, i do not want to see your peepee. Back to the skinny white twink girly boys please.


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I would :marseycoomer:

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You know... That is a 16 year old, you p-do

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🚨🚨🚨 lolbert alert 🚨🚨🚨


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Trains be pumping themselves full with hormones but showing peepee is wrong :marseyhmm:

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Mentally ill people can't consent you fricking male feminist

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Even Sideshow Bob is :marseytrain2:ing out now

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Excellent meme! I’m saving it to repost later

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It's a matter of advanced biology which supports transgender people that's a fact

What in the frick is this "advanced biology" :marseytrain2:s bleat on about? I've only ever heard them say, "Oh well, you only know basic biology, this stuff is ADVANCED biology," :marseyakshually: and they refuse to elaborate (which is based and evasivepilled :marseysmug2:)

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It's not real they just get really famous people to say trans women are women without any scientific backing. Basically socially forced appeal to authority.

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If one was able to get 16 hollywood actors, 12 NGO executives, 8 doctors, 2 billionaires, and one famous dermatologist to say "people with cremaster muscles aren't women" at the SAME time -- then this powerful ritual of science would result in giga-advanced biology. The formation of this trans-exclusionary giga-advanced biology (TEGAB) would result in most trans women instantly becoming cis men dressed in women's clothing and hairstyles, while occasionally sporting boobs.

All possible breeding grounds of a TEGAB event must be avoided at all costs.

This is why it's imperative that Donald Trump stay banned from twitter.

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Something about brain scans show people of train to have a brain more like that of the opposite s*x.

Of course if you suggest that this be made into a diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria and medical transition they will reeee about biotruths and gatekeeping.

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Same way commies go "oh LTV makes sense once you do advanced economics".

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196 used to be fun because it was a sub you would accidently go to and leave the shitiest meme on your camera roll before leaving. now it's just trains jerking off (many such cases)

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Another teenager groomed. When will it end

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Doesn't even have the balls to post replies to the 4chan thread if any.

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Zoomers and trains go like butter and jam apparently :marseyshrug:

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Train go zoom


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claims to be 16

fur in username

been on reddit over 2 years

Ya guys I don’t get why people are screaming about grooming online

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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Playa get that thong out of your bussy.

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If they want a laugh then so be it I still get off on the attention

most honest train

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