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Conspiracy theory - was the cumskin shooter actually a dramanaut? Did idio bully him into doing it? Find out inside!


So... there's a very real possibility that yesterday's cumskin shooter was at least an occasional dramanaut. I'd actually put it at about 50/50 by this point. Here's my rationale:

First assumption is that /u/Jimbo-boiii was him. That's almost certain, based on his comment history and the fact that reddit banned him immediately and the minor subs he posted in went private. Here's the history in question: https://camas.unddit.com/#{"author":"Jimbo-boiii","searchFor":1,"resultSize":100}

Next we look at a certain fairly lame and straight bait sub that went nowhere in under two weeks. Specifically - /r/FragileWhiteCrakkas, created by @Killthekaiser (sorry bro). The sub made no waves rightoids of /pol/ never mentioned it, and generally speaking it was one of our many shitty bait failures.


/u/Jimbo-boiii participated in that sub, and used terminology such as BIPOCS and referred to mayos as ""people""


In comes @JimboJohnson, a random chud who was around our site about half a year ago. Most of his comment activity is seething about jannies in general and me in particular - he started out here and got immediately chudded by yours truly, and never forgave it since. When you look at his general language in the only post he's ever tried to make on this site, you'll notice some similarities (and also the source of his jannophobia):


Eventually he got bullied out, of course. Because, lol - have you read his "manifesto"? I haven't either, but what I skimmed was cringe af.

TL;DR: There's a very real possibility that the cumskin mass shooter was a pinko rightoid bullied out months ago. :#marseyschizowall:

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ok bb this time but next time make me laugh or mansplain smth…idle hands r the d*vils playground after all

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