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I have gotten 3 foids fired in 1 month.

They gossip to me about the corpos and I rat them out.

Somehow they have not figured out it's me, and gossip to tons of people.

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What kind of gossip were they spilling that Corpos actually cared? If I went to management about people gossiping about them I'm very sure they would tell me to mind my own business.

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All kinds of shit mainly about their personal lives.

I get the sense the foids were not well liked and they wanted an excuse to fire them.

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So you literally went to corporate and said, "Did you know that Sally said that Mr Bill's wife is an alcoholic and that Fran said that the manager's son is a furry?"

You are such a little b-word.

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Lmao i am ruthless. I will climb to the top in a month and stomp on as many foids as needed in the process.

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Wagies deserve it tbh.

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