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Regarding the failed Y’all-Seeing Eye: A mini-essay on consumer rights, by @carpathianflorist (+ new marseywave dropping 12 hours early!)

So now that this abomination was nixed and reverted in record time -

I’ve been given permission to stop being the voluntary scapegoat for errors and poor decisions that others make and that I always oppose and be real for a thread. And boy am I ever gonna milk that.

The Y’all-Seeing Eye had an AMAZINGLY CLEVER name. I will lead with that. It’s up there with my Alt-Seeing Eye. I didn’t come up with it, that was either Cox or Snakes. They did great there. I have another way we can use it though, don’t worry. But now onto the criticism and salacious details.

This award (profile upgrade, to be specific) was a cancerous idea from the start. It doesn’t even take much thought to see why. Let me explain, since none of you seem to have picked up on it:

The ability to see who views your profile has been a paypig feature since Day One. It’s goofy. It’s harmless. It’s just a fun little benefit available to those who fund the site, as paypig features are meant to be. By making it purchasable with dramacoin, both paypigs and freeloaders are worse off. I suggested including the bit about “carp fought mightily against this but we killed him because he hates freedom” or whatever to make it more palatable and hopefully blind you to this reasoning for a chance to dunk on carp. It worked, to an extent, but only insofar as no one thought too hard about how fricked everyone was getting and instead just focused on other issues with the award.

Now let’s briefly delve into how everyone would suffer from this award.

Paypigs lose out because one of their original benefits is no longer exclusive. Checkmarks also went this route. What would be next? Sigs? Marseybux, somehow? Who knows! But your support was being devalued. This hurts you, it disincentivizes subscriptions, and it sets a dangerous precedent.

Freeloaders lose out because the site quickly shifts into P2W mode. Sure, you can theoretically accumulate 150k dramacoin and buy it yourself, but that’s wildly unrealistic. “No one has that much dc” was a counterpoint provided when I brought this up. I explained that that is the definition of P2W and I’ve read enough internet drama about gacha games and Assassin’s Creed and shit to know that those companies do the same thing - you don’t have to buy experience or whatever to beat the game, you can theoretically grind for it all and it’ll just take you exponentially longer to get where the people paying (paying to avoid playing the game) are. This rationale was dismissed out of hand.

Never forget that @carpathianflorist is the only thing standing between rDrama and utter destruction. This was far from the first and it will certainly not be the last time.

You may tithe. 10% is customary.

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God look at that gif



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shut UP!!!!!!! :marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging:

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That wouldn't have happened if we fricked the (((🐟)))


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Phonemakers RISE UP

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You're a special boy, carp, and we all love you

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Carp can you post your ancestry results so us fellow aryan based white men can know you are not duping us


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I’m 1/8 Lithuanian

When the day of the rope comes there is a telephone pole with my name on it

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Haha butthurt belter.

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I always knew you were the cool kind of r-slurred 💪😎🇱🇹


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predecessor lived by the sea


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1/8 = 3 generations ago + your age = around 80 years


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There is no room in the homonationalist state for alcoholic femboys (all slavs) , get that knot ready .

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Balts aren't Slavs, honey. Do your research. :marseyreading:

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Balto-Slavs :marseysmug3:

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No, I'm a burger and therefore everyone else is stupid and irrelevant and poor.

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I’m 1/8 Lithuanian


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