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1.3% of rDrama Usersโ€”

We recently ran some statistics on user comment data: how much more do powerusers comment compared to the unwashed masses of dramatards? At time of analysis, we had 1.297 million comments and 10โ€‰142 user accounts registered. So the question became: how many users, starting with the most prolific commenters, write half of all the comments? The answer is 132, to be exact.

1.3% of rDrama users write 50% of all the comments.

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Okay so where did the other 80% go?

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Cut them off the graph to make it easier to read. The top 20% make 99% of all the commentsโ€”almost exactly, like 98.9998% by my numbers. And the graph gets too hard to read with them included. Just imagine making the image five times its current width with a flat line at the top.

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