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The 2022 rDrama Transmisia Report And INvestigation (TRAIN)

Pride Month will be upon us in less than a day. In preparation for this most important month of the year, it is time to address a problem I have unfortunately observed: the rampant transphobia and transmisia on rDrama. We even recently learned that our very own @chiobu has been Scientifically Proven to be the 18th-most transphobic user on the KiwiFarms!

In that same spirit, I embarked upon a rigorous statistical analysis of our own site using a state-of-the-art Transmisia-Detecting Algorithm: what percentage of a user's comments contain such slurs as ':marseytrain:', ':marseytrain2:', 'troid', 'train', deadnames of valid women, and many other similarly vile terms. This confirmed my prior suspicions: our worst offenders deny the very existence of trans people as frequently as once every ten comments! Some have even written hundreds of these hateful comments.

We must immediately remedy this unacceptable bigotry, and we shall do so with our specialty: public humiliation. The top ninety most transmisic users—who have commented enough to reveal, with certainty, the hate in their hearts—have already been given a badge of shame:


Before they are soon loaded onto the cattle cars for the re-education camps, you are all encouraged to be on the lookout for these users in comment sections and teach them the error of their wrathful ways. Your local janitorial staff will largely turn a blind eye to abuse and mockery of these users, so clearly identified by their mandated badge. Do us proud, rDrama, and help us clean up the site for a beautiful Pride Month.

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The Venn Diagram of Coomer/Furry/:marseytrain: is nearly a flat circle. It's their own fault they made themselves enemies of Eeveekind. They are lucky I'm still holding back my true power.


I also used to shit on the unmentionable :marseytrain:-janny a lot earlier on, and I don't shy away from using stragphobic/:marseytrain2:fobic slurs.

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What’s the best pokemans game?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Pokémon Stadium 2 for the Nintendo 64. My mother really liked the minigames on that one.

For real though, it's hard for me to choose a mainline game, nostalgia plays a big factor and this might come as a surprise, but I don't play that much pokemon. Silver was my first one, Emerald was probably the one I played the most so I'll go with that one. But I had "fun" with all of them, even Sword and Shield which is pretty much hated for all the right reasons.

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Emerald's art style is still probably my favourite.

Platinum I played the most probably.

I really enjoyed Sun and Moon surprisingly, I never bothered with the new Switch ones after they ditched all those Pokemon - I should try the Emerald remake though.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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